Obama’s ego is writing checks cashed with the souls of men [Reader Post]

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This vainglorious administration is so self-absorbed that it refuses to keep secrets if it can in any way benefit politically from them regardless of the cost. Obama is so bent on preening he seems not to have any concern at all for those who actually make the sacrifices. First Joe Biden outs SEAL Team 6 as those who participated in the Bin Laden raid and then Leon Panetta outed the doctor who helped provide intelligence for the raid. That was catastrophic for the doctor.

First he and his wife were fired for engaging in a “fake” vaccination program.

In a notification issued in this regard, the health department said that Afridi’s services were terminated under the Efficiency and Disciplinary (E and D) Rules for being involved in anti-state activities, the Express Tribune reports.

Earlier, 15 lady health workers who were part of the alleged fake vaccination campaign, were were also sacked from their jobs.

It was reported earlier this month that Dr Afridi was dismissed from his post, along with four LHVs.

Earlier, Dr. Shakeel’s wife, Imrana Ghafoor was also removed from her post. She was the principal of the Government Girls Degree College in Darra Adam Khel.

Now he has been jailed for 33 years for treason:

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A Pakistani surgeon recruited by the CIA to help find Osama bin Laden was on Wednesday sentenced to 33 years in prison for treason, officials said.

Shakil Afridi, who was sacked as a government doctor two months ago, was found guilty under the tribal justice system of Khyber district, part of Pakistan’s semi-autonomous tribal belt.

In addition to his jail sentence, he was fined 320,000 rupees ($3,500). The doctor had worked for years as a surgeon in lawless Khyber, part of the Taliban and al-Qaeda infested tribal belt.

Afridi was not present in the court and not given a chance to defend himself, officials said. Under the tribal system, he would not have had access to a lawyer.

“He has been sentenced for 33 years on treason charges and has been moved to Peshawar central jail after the verdict was announced by the local court,” said Mohammad Siddiq, spokesman for the administrative head of Khyber.

In January, U.S. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta confirmed Afridi had worked for U.S. intelligence by collecting DNA to verify bin Laden’s presence and expressed concern about Pakistan’s treatment of him.

He was arrested shortly after U.S. troops killed the al-Qaeda leader on May 2, 2011 and in October a Pakistani commission recommended that he be tried for treason.

Golly, given this event who wouldn’t want to want to come to the aid of America? The left has not had word of complaint- not about this nor about the unprecedented access to classified material offered to filmmakers in the process of Obama idolatry.

Contrast that to the phony kerfuffle over Valerie Plame and the scorn wrongly heaped upon George Bush.

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Hey — when obie gets reelected with the hildabeast as VP — wow — the possibilities will be endless

The doctor is probably being beaten to death.
The cover story is that he is not well enough to be in the prison population where others could see him.
But usually this simply means that he is being beaten to death.
Yes, DrJohn you are right in writing, “Golly, given this event who wouldn’t want to want to come to the aid of America?”

The Pakistani ”gov’t” is playing a double-game with Obama.
On the one hand they want our money so they falsely claim they will release Dr. Afridi to the US.
But then they don’t.
They claim it is the ”lawless” region that tried him, not the official gov’t.
I call BS.
He was tried for ”treason,” not apostasy.
Treason is an act against a gov’t.
The ”lawless region” is governed under Sharia and tries for religious crimes, not political ones.
It would be like Delaware imposing sentence against a local man for some major federal crime, like sedition.

I think we should do a movie and erect a memorial to the doctor who helped confirm the location of Bin Laden and was subsequently betrayed by ignorant, self-serving, vain glorious piss ants.

Neither Panetta nor anyone else in the Obama administration “outed” Shakil Afridi.

Panetta’s comments on 60 Minutes were made long after Afridi was arrested by Pakistani intelligence agents. That arrest took place on May 22, 2011, 20 days after the raid. The first official U.S. acknowledgement of Shakil Afridi’s involvement, which took the form of criticism of his arrest, was in late January, 2012.

The assertion that Pakistan would have simply let him go if U.S. officials had kept quiet about his arrest and trial is ridiculous. The Pakistani government most likely would have hanged him to appease their own extremist elements.

The rest of Panetta’s criticism is most likely correct as well. High placed people in the Pakistani government had to have known Osama bin Laden was hiding there for years. It’s to Panetta’s credit that he publicly stated the obvious.

Poor Dr. Afridi actually thought the Pakistani government would be HAPPY about getting rid of bin Ladin!
According to the BBC the good doctor was offered an immediate exit from Pakistan after his part in the operation ended, but he refused.
And we are amazed when we (our experts) misread Muslims!

@Skook: Skook & Nan G, What’s your take on the story about O’Bamas pot toking days? Sounds like he didn’t exhale!