Romney/Obama Debate Open Thread


The third and final debate is tonight at 9pm EST. A few topics to consider in this open thread is what is missing from tonight's topics:

So two-thirds of the debate will be about the Greater Middle East. Two-thirds. Schieffer has generously allowed that China and Tomorrowland the entire Pacific Rim should get fifteen minutes. Here are the following areas and topics that apparently won't be discussed:

1) The eurozone crisis
2) Latin America
3) Russia
4) Africa
5) Foreign economic policy
6) India
7) North Korea

Now I get that some of these topics won't come up in a foreign policy debate that lasts only 90 minutes. But I'm also thinking that maybe, just maybe, it would be a better foreign policy debate if they actually talked about, you know, SOMETHING OTHER THAN THE MIDDLE EAST!!!!!!

I'm not saying the Middle East isn't important — we have lost blood and treasure there, some of it very recently. But I simply do not believe that the region is so important that it should occupy 66.7% of a foreign policy debate.

And you gotta love Reason's drinking game for tonight:

Start with a robust pregame chug for all the foreign policy issues that won’t be discussed: Democracy and development in Africa, the future of Russia, the Eurozone crisis, Greece and austerity budgets, debt and monetary policy in Japan.

And then t

ake a drink if:

Obama claims he ended the war in Iraq.
Romney fails to note that he didn’t.
Obama mumbles something vaguely incoherent about Afghanistan.
Romney mumbles something vaguely incoherent about Afghanistan.
Obama talks up sanctions on Iran.
Romney says those sanctions are not strong enough, but won’t say what action(s) would be.
Either candidate attempts to provide a detailed assessment of Iran’s nuclear program.
Romney once again botches his criticism of the Obama administration’s Benghazi blunders.
Obama defends his administration’s days-long insistence that the attacks were provoked by a YouTube video critical of Islam.
Romney promises to brand China a currency manipulator.
Obama declares that America must outcompete the rest of the world.
Romney, like just about every presidential candidate for the last few decades, pledges to achieve North American energy independence by 2020, but does not promise to discover unicorns, which is equally likely.
Obama says he wants to end subsidies to big oil without mentioning that he wants to plow those subsidies right back into dubious green energy projects.
Romney accuses Obama of having gone on an apology tour.
Anyone uses the words “mission accomplished.”
Anyone uses the words “brought to justice.”
Anyone mispronounces the name of a foreign country or city. Double shot if they pause to slowly correct themselves.
Anyone, including the moderator, gets mixed up about which war he’s talking about.

Special rules:

Take one drink the first time President Obama mentions Osama bin Laden. Take two drinks the second time. And three drinks the third. Keep increasing the number of drinks accordingly each time he mentions him. And so on and so forth, so on the sixth time President Obama mentions bin Laden, you should take six drinks.

Buy a truck full of tequila, drive straight to Mexico, and open a bar under an assumed name if Romney responds to any of Obama’s bin Laden mentions by saying “you didn’t build that.”

Anyone got another one to add to this list?

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I don’t think I can play. I have to work tomorrow.

I’m not going to play. I want to remain conscious for more than the first ten minutes of the debate. Although I might just knock myself out by beating my head against the table. I’ll have to remove all hard/sharp/throwable objects from the room before the debate begins.

So, does anyone want to speculate on what Donald Trump’s “very, very big news” is going to be about?

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA

What you want to focus on during the debate and when you wake up tomorrow morning is simply this:

-High gas prices; TWICE the price since Obama took office.
-Bad economic environment. No real help for small or medium businesses.
-A drop in wages for many workers in America.
-Attacks on religion under the guise of equality of contraception to poor; frustrating the Catholics.
-Expounding Gay Rights and same-sex-marriages. Millions of black voters and black priests are upset and will not vote for Obama on moral grounds.
-Obama is regulating coal companies to stall them, close them. Turning more oil business toward Arab Muslims.
-Obama is blocking off-shore drilling; exposing America to the price gouging of OPEC; sending billions of dollars to the Arabs instead of encouraging oil independence.
-Favoring “Green” when “Green” is failing like heck.
-Obama turned down Canadian pipeline — a policy that favors Arabs and not Americans.
-No cogent Middle East policy. Obama has the most crass foreign policy ever.
-Showed Netanyahu serious disrespect during the Prime Minister’s state visit to Washington.
-Fed defining Obama’s bad economy policy with QE3 (that’s 3, as in three strikes you’re out!)
-Low housing starts.
-Unemployment essentially still high with jobs at part-time, people underemployed. Many no longer looking.
-Health costs rising and to rise even more with taxes from Obamacare.
-Illegal attempt to affect gun control as with “Fast and Furious” scandal.
-Low car sales.
-Foreclosures still happening; only now staggered by banks to avoid retaliation.
-High food prices and product shrinkage.
-National deficit higher than any time.
-Obama doling out monies to supporters of his campaign; as repugnant as you can get.
-Wild unsubstantiated spending; encumbering our posterity.
-Uncontrolled border with Mexico and pandering to ILLEGALS; that’s illegal Obama.
-Obama’s withholding legal records requested by Congress in the “Fast and Furious” investigation.
-No transparency with the American public, which Obama promised.

I ask, would anyone vote for another four years of this Obama disaster? The question is NOT rhetorical. The answer is NO.

Didn’t Obama burn Trump. Then Trump hired a private eye to do some background on Obama’s past (back in 2011)?

Does Obama double down on bad ass and bomb Libya tomorrow? He keeps telegraphing that justice will be served.

Romney just zinged Obama. I would like Schieffer to ask what Obama means by flexibility.

so far, Romney is trying to run out the clock. Obama is trying to get a knock out. Romney needs to fight back.

People are going to lose interest in this quickly.

Obama said Assad must go, yet 30,000 are dead. Hey Romney, see any opening there?

Anyone want to bet Obama easily dominates the time again?


because so far Romney is not trying to hit the president. I am happy with the polls, but he needs a knockout. 1 win and 2 ties does not usually topple a leader.

Where were you, President Obama, when Iran wanted freedom?

@Doc Holliday: I don’t agree. The presumption was that Romney would get wiped out in all three.

Smart to keep focus on economy

Thank you Mitt – Pulling the Missle Defense from Poland.

Our alliances have never been stronger – ummm.

WTF – class sizes and foreign policy. Can Romney bring up the fact that Obama couldn’t pass a budget w/ a Dem majority in Congress.

Romney just irritated Obama with Iran

Where are these schools?

Romney, quit being a wimp. Ask Obama what business experience he has. It is not that difficult. Don’t be McCain, have the balls to take this guy on!

barry soetelo hussein obama is a laughing stock around the world and America.

Romney/Ryan 2012.

Barry will hire more teachers as President with taxing the RICH more! Ha! Ha!

Obama has burning eyes.

@A.Men: Notice that that $70 billion a year from the rich is going to close the trillion dollar deficit?

Romney isn’t taking Obama’s bait, looks like it is pissing Obie off. Still would like Romney to be a tad more aggressive.

What did you mean by flexible, Mr. President?

How much money does our government spend each month, Mr. President?

If we took ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of money from all folks making over $200,000, how long would that fund the government, Mr. President?

Great. Now Obama’s repeating his lies from the last debate. Hey, Mr. President, this is the third debate, not the second!

@Doc Holliday: There ya go

Romney has great command of the facts

Obama says “our military” is not asking for the money. He is talking about political operatives he has put in power. The top chiefs are politically appointed. Why will Mitt not call this man out? I know he is trying, but stop pulling your punches, take this man on!


How much money does our government spend each month

How about how much do we borrow every month?

Ships are like horses and whips!

“We have these things called aircraft carriers, that planes land on…”
Obama is pissed, and getting insulting and abusive.
Keep zinging him, Mitt!


understood sir. But when there are three matches, you don’t win the first and then coast.

@mossomo: Amen!

Ships don’t underwater by choice


Yup. That plays his base but won’t win the Undecided and the Independents. Insulting and abusive isnt very Presidential.

“A nuclear Iran is unacceptable”
Romney has started to fight. Finally.

Romney was strongest yet with his Iranian sanctions policy.

Time to bring up Obama’s Iran sanctions waivers.

if Romney just allows Obama’s statement that he has “restored American credibility abroad” then he has lost this debate. He can still win the election, but not the debate.

Obama keeps looking down (at his notes?)
Romney never does.
Preparation matters.

btw, lose the politico speak about “daylight” with Israel, spell it out for dummies.

Keep looking arrogant Obama. Turn it up Romney. Green Revolution. Silence. !!!! Day light btwn USA and Israel. 10K centifuges. Keep at it! Hell yeah. Good segment.

Obama such a great liar.

AmericanThinker was fast with this. Obama and Iron Dome.

He did not do this; Congress did. Mark Kirk was instrumental in ensuring the Iron Dome system was funded, developed and deployed. This was during the Bush years, not the Obama years. A matter of fact, he trimmed funding in his latest budget proposal for Israel’s missile defense.

Read more:

@Doc Holliday: True, but I never thought Obama was stupid. A sociopath yes, but not stupid.

Romney got him.

@Doc Holliday:

“if Romney just allows Obama’s statement that he has “restored American credibility abroad” then he has lost this debate. He can still win the election, but not the debate.”

And Mitt swings…
It’s outta here!

And now Obama calls Romney a liar… and uses lies to prove it. *sigh*

international law? Romney, ask him what that means, period.

“You skipped Israel”


“I went to Israel when I was a candidate but once I was President Israel wasn’t important any longer.”

Obama: “And I saw where missiles had landed”

Ah, yes, the ol’ personal, tug-at-the-heartstrings anecdote.

I think that Romney has decided that he’s played with his food long enough. He’s starting to eat Obama, and Obama’s not enjoying it at all.

“attacking me is not an agenda”

@Petercat: More heartstrings

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