Duck Dynasty: victim of facial profiling
Oprah Winfrey, worth about $3 billion, whined about suffering racial discrimination in being denied the privilege to see a $38,000 crocodile skin handbag as opposed to something around $20,000. Just …
Oprah Winfrey, worth about $3 billion, whined about suffering racial discrimination in being denied the privilege to see a $38,000 crocodile skin handbag as opposed to something around $20,000. Just …
In a cartoonish caricature of himself, columnist Paul Krugman, of the NYT, has written a rambling and unfocused apology for the incoherence of the Occupy Wall Street comedy, in a lame attempt to steal the energy of the mindless mob. Borrowing the first two lines from a popular 1967 song, by Stills of Buffalo Springfield, Krugman begins his clownish attempt of a unifying message for the mob by clumsily injecting his personal prejudices in a vague but obvious method, thereby parroting a nonexistent voice of leadership to the rebellion without direction, by offering some helpful if flaccid finger prointing.
We have all wondered why the Department of Homeland Security prefers to fondle underage girls and attractive women instead of profiling single young Muslim men. So far, there have been no attempted terrorist attacks on airplanes by adolescent girls, grandmothers, women with children, women, or non-Muslim men; Napolitano carefully and concisely explains why profiling is politically incorrect and an affront to Muslims who might be terrorists, around the world. Napolitano’s illogic, a system of thought that is similar to our president’s own reasoning ability when he speaks without his teleprompter, could be an excellent comedic dialogue for Groucho Marx.
One of my favorite Groucho stories is about an incident that involved his daughter swimming at a private beach. He was told his daughter couldn’t swim at the beach because she was Jewish. He then asked if she could wade in up to her waist, since she was only half Jewish.