Say What? July 23, 2012 Edition. Excellent week with new voices [Reader Post]
Mark Steyn: “The definition of a ‘nano-second, is the time between a mass shooting and some guy from the left blaming it on talk radio, or Sarah Palin, or Fox News.’ “
Mark Steyn: “The definition of a ‘nano-second, is the time between a mass shooting and some guy from the left blaming it on talk radio, or Sarah Palin, or Fox News.’ “
Obama Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter: “The goal of Romney economics has always been about wealth creation, but job creation. It’s wealth creation for a handful of investors like Mitt Romney, not about the creation of jobs for everybody else.”
Chris Wallace: “Mr. Goolsby, can you name a single CEO who does not see their job as creating wealth for their investors rather than creating jobs?” [quoted from memory]
Austin Goolsbey, an Obama adviser: “Uh, I don’t know the answer to that.”
President Barack Obama: “So do not tell me that we’re not drilling. We’re drilling all over this country. There are a few spots we’re not drilling. We’re not drilling in the national mall. We’re not drilling at your house.”
Rush Limbaugh: “I’m a guy on the radio. What can I do? I can’t raise anybody’s taxes. I can’t send anybody off to war. I can’t force anybody to go out and buy a $50 light bulb. I can’t make anybody give up their car and buy an electric car. I can’t make anybody do anything, and yet I have to be destroyed.”
President Barack Obama: “We’ve gone through three of the toughest years this country has gone through in my lifetime.”
Rush Limbaugh: “The Democrats don’t have one thing they can run on. There’s not one aspect of Obama’s first term that they can say, ‘If you want four more years of this, vote for us.’ They have to create fear, hatred, loathing, impugn the character, all that, of Republicans — and that’s what they do.”
Jay Carney: “The President…spends a relatively small amount of time campaigning.”
Senate majority leader Harry Reid: “In spite of the conservative obstructionism, we’ve been able to get a lot of good things done. [According to congressional scholar Norman] Ornstein said it was the most productive Congress in the last 75 years.”
Occupy Portland attendee: “F__ the police…The police are a government-run gang; they’re there to protect the hidden political interests of the politicians, period.”
Nancy Pelosi: “but the truth is what I said. I’m a devout Catholic and I honor my faith and love it …but they have this conscience thing”
Chris Matthews, after Mitt Romney said he believed in global warming: “”He [Romney] believes in science. Republicans on the right hate science, remember? Certainly Rush does. That’s ahead. The battle between the college guys and the rubes. ”
Chris Matthews, who is becoming almost a parody of himself: “If [Weiner] stays, [Democrats] never get the leadership [in the House] back. They never get the speakership back. Because the people in the rural areas of this country who are Christian, conservative, culturally – you can say `backward’ if you want – they don’t like this stuff.”
President Barack Obama concerning border safety: “Even though we’ve answered these concerns [that Republicans have raised about border security], I’ve got to say i suspect there’s still some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time. You know, they said ‘we needed to triple the border patrol.’ Well, now they’re going to say we need to quadruple the border patrol, or they’ll want a higher fence. Maybe they’ll need a moat. Maybe they’ll want alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied.”
Christian Dorsey: “There is nothing that puts more money into the economy than unemployment benefits.”