The Week in Radical Leftism, 06/28/2024
Welcome back to Day 1257 of America held hostage by the Biden* Occupation! Another busy week, so another light post. One quick hit on last night’s elder abuse; This morning …
Welcome back to Day 1257 of America held hostage by the Biden* Occupation! Another busy week, so another light post. One quick hit on last night’s elder abuse; This morning …
Alvin Bragg is the District Attorney for Manhattan. The role of the DA is defined this way: The principal duties of the district attorney are usually mandated by law …
Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn? Short answer? Never. Well, that didn’t take long. It’s said that a second marriage is the triumph of …
This is a story that has gone largely unreported. Soon after the Chinese Wuhan COVID 19 virus reached the West coast it became apparent that the elderly were particularly …
I’ve said it before. New York has a hapless Governor and a clueless Mayor. They’re running around wailing about the ventilators they need and don’t have while the not …
FEMA guidelines stipulate that states are to be the first line of defense in emergencies and are expected to respond accordingly: Local governments are the first line of defense …
Bill DeBlasio is doing America a real favor. He is showing us all that under socialism what a wonderful world it would be. DeBlasio reached puberty under the watchful …
For the last two years the phrase “Black Lives Matter” has been a rallying cry for those who suggest black lives don’t in fact matter to whites or to the …
New York Mayor Bill De Blasio needs to resign. He has failed the city. And yes, he does bear some responsibility for the murders of two police officers in his …