Potato Salad Politics
It’s been a minute or two since I posted anything like this. In fact, it’s been decades. A long time ago, I wrote a lot of political posts, articles and …
It’s been a minute or two since I posted anything like this. In fact, it’s been decades. A long time ago, I wrote a lot of political posts, articles and …
The onslaught of evidence pouring out of this White House of individual rights knowingly being ignored and invasions of all things personal being justified for ideological purposes, seems to have …
Mark Steyn: “The definition of a ‘nano-second, is the time between a mass shooting and some guy from the left blaming it on talk radio, or Sarah Palin, or Fox News.’ “
Democrat Jan Schakowsky: “Republicans now have gone from this rooting against the economy to outright sabotage of the economy.”
MSNBC‘s Chris Hayes: “What are the things we should be doing if we waved a magic wand, made Paul Krugman dictator for a period of time?” The liberal crowd cheered.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who recently banned larger than 16 oz. sodas in New York City: “if government’s purpose isn’t to improve the health and longevity of its citizens, I don’t know what its purpose is.” Classify this under, “I earned my nickname, Nanny Bloomberg.”
FoxNews’s Greta Van Susteren on Barbara Boxer saying that GSA corruption goes back decades: “I’ll tell what disturbed me…[is] Senator Boxer said that the GSA has a history of misconduct dating back decades, under Republican and Democratic administrations. When I heard her say that, I said, If there’s a, quote, “history,” if it goes back decades, what in the world were you all thinking as this was going on? History and decades? I mean, all these senators have been up there a long time…[and] they’ve known about this, apparently.”
President Obama to the UAW in Detroit: “And five years from now when I’m not president anymore, I’ll buy [a Chevy Volt] and drive it myself.” GM has suspended the building of Volts this week.
A New York Times correction: “A previous version of this article misstated how many of the president’s proposals to reduce the country’s reliance on imported oil were new in his speech on Wednesday. None of them were, not one of them.”
President Barack Obama: “We’ve gone through three of the toughest years this country has gone through in my lifetime.”
Rush Limbaugh: “The Democrats don’t have one thing they can run on. There’s not one aspect of Obama’s first term that they can say, ‘If you want four more years of this, vote for us.’ They have to create fear, hatred, loathing, impugn the character, all that, of Republicans — and that’s what they do.”
Democratic chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: “[Contraception costs] about $700 a year. That’s real money.”
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: “[Free contraception] is a no-cost benefit, that…actually is a cost reducer.”
Rush Limbaugh: “We need a morning-after pill for presidential elections.”