Republican Leaders Draw A Line In The Sand
Both Boehner and McConnell have declined invitations to a state dinner by President Obama to honor the Chinese leader Hu. Obama is like a giddy schoolgirl getting ready for a date with the high school quarterback as he bends over to make the Hu feel special. Now Obama must feel smitten, since the White House had advised Congressional leaders that they were expected to attend the state dinner for Hu.
Nancy Pelosi, D. CA, has been a critic of China’s human rights record, but is anxious to be in the spotlight with a world leader and our gift from G-d. She will surely take the opportunity to quiz the Chinese dictator on China’s human rights’ violations with her inane sense of intellect and wit or perhaps Obama has wisely told her to keep her pie hole shut.
Shakespeare understood the addiction of the Progressive Socialists, and described the problem over 400 years ago.
Henry IV, Shakespeare:
I can get no remedy from this consumption of the purse; borrowing only lingers and lingers it out, but the disease is incurable.
This is only the third state dinner of Obama’s Administration and with his attention to extravagance and to show the dictator how we Americans can waste public funds, the dinner will probably be epic for a country that is mired in a recession and near bankruptcy. Every attempt will be made to show the man who wants, (has already decided) to dump the dollar as the international currency standard, that he is absolutely correct in his assessment of America’s financial leadership and wisdom, especially with the current administration.
For Boehner and McConnell to decline their invitation may seem like a lack of manners and etiquette to many; however, Harry Reid, who referred to the dictator as a dictator, is predisposed in Nevada and will meet with the Chinese dictator with Boehner and McConnell on Thursday as well.
Boehner, when quizzed about missing the state dinner, replied with diplomatic aplomb:
“Without accepting most of that question, the president of China is coming to the Hill on Thursday. We’re going to meet with him in a bipartisan fashion and I look forward to seeing him in the future.”
A rare show of diplomacy is appreciated in Washington these days; however, the question is remains in the shadows, like an assassin with a knife, how much of a friend is this country we call China. Can we trust them? or is their intention to destroy us economically and militarily. With a leader like President Obama, they know they can seize the advantage and manipulate his obeisance and hero worship of Communist leaders and dictators as if he were a gullible child.
(View all pictures of Chinese execution: Warning Graphic)
A professional horseman for over 50 years, Skook continues to work with horses. Skook has finished an historical novel, Fifty Thousand Years, that traces a mitochondrial line of DNA from 50,000 years ago to the present. The story follows a line of courageous women, from the Ice Ages to the present, as they meet the challenges of survival with grit and creativity. These are not women who whimper of being victims, they meet the challenges of survival as women who use their abilities without excuses or remorse, these women are winners, they are our ancestors.
Fifty Thousand Years is available in paperback and e-book, it is getting great reviews. You can purchase a copy here; Visit me on Facebook.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dylantheauthor
Now Larry is following B-Rob’s lead and avoiding my questions.
Drole, but predictable.
@rocks: I just checked my email from my NJ hotel room. I’ve got to be in Trenton for 3 days, where I’m an expert witness in a hepatitis outbreak case. For the last two days, I’ve been going through — word by word — 1,300 pages of verbatim court transcripts. I’m very sorry that I had to move good old F/A down one notch in my to do list priorities.
I was very offended, by the way, by Mata’s trashing whomever it was as leaving “excrement” and then just moving on.
Get a life, people. Not everyone lives and dies for winning every battle on F/A. Particularly the centrists and liberals, who are outnumbered 20-1. I try to stick around and throw stuff back and forth. I can do it, as long as I’m only debating one person. When I start to debate 3 or 4 or 5 at once, it’s just too time consuming. I say what I want to say and then move on. It’s “your” blog. I figure I’m being a gracious guest by giving you the last word. Why don’t you just be gracious, in return, and have the last word and make you point, without the need to do a war dance in the end zone?
– Larry Weisenthal/Trenton, NJ
Larry, personally I don’t care if you were “offended” by my “trashing” of drive by johnnie ryan… which is the subject in question. His behavior and presence here on FA predates yours, and has a predictable history. And it’s no surprise your “sensibilities” are so… well… sensitive and ill informed. ‘
I suggest that if you are so easily offended, you either get to know the characters and their own offenses as opposed to blaming it on me…a personal target for your personal snipes of late… or simply move on. You should know me well enough by now that any comment like that by me has some background.
If not… c’est la vie. I’ll just pocket it with the rest of your personal assaults of late, and respond appropriately.
My apologies Larry. You usually don’t do the avoidance maneuver, so that was what precipitated my comments.
If you do find the time, I had a couple questions about a point YOU raised re: outcome based payments for medicine.
@antics: I apologize also. I’m just very grumpy, facing, as I do, another 300 pages before I can finally call it a night. You can Google the case I’m on, by the way. Not by my name, but with key words. I can’t give any clues beyond this. It’s sort of a cause celeb. The doc in question is totally getting jobbed. It’s a combination of the Sopranos and House and CSI and 9/11, only more unbelievable than any work of fiction. I took the case on the stipulation that I not be paid a cent, because I wanted to have complete freedom to call it as a I saw it. I’ve seen it, and it’s pure lynch mob mentality.
– Larry W
openid.aol.com/runnswim, GOOD LUCK, and get back with us, you know by now that we are the keeper of the truth, best to you. let us know if we can help
Larry, write a book about it and then you can maybe make the NYT Best Sellers list.