Failing Upward [Reader Post]

A few weeks ago Cafe Hayek published a letter that cofounder Don Boudreaux had sent to NPR in response to an interview with outgoing Congressman Pete Stark: Here’s a letter …

Eugene Robinson is not a fully formed person [Reader Post]

Eugene Robinson is an scribe for the Washington Post who specializes in embarrassing himself with ad hominem attacks on right wing personalities. Lately he’s made some scathing and offensive remarks about Rick Santorum.

Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson set off alarm bells last month when he denigrated Rick Santorum as “very weird” for the manner in which Santorum and his wife mourned the loss of their newborn son Gabriel, who died within hours of his birth in 1996.

Comrade Obama’s Health Care Secret Police [Reader Post]

Back in 1998, Andrew Cuomo sent this country careening down an economic embankment when he sued Accubanc for not making enough bad loans. He punished a bank for not losing enough money and demanded that they engage in practices which were doomed to failure. Barack Obama has plans to force doctors into a similar situation.