Combat Waste

Howdy, everyone. Sorry I haven’t kept in touch as often as I wanted to. With the holidays here, we’ve been VERY busy getting troops home for leave.

Recently, my team lost eight vehicles. The contract was ending and my unit decided not to renew it to save money. I’m all in favor of saving taxpayer money, but not at the expense of the mission. Frankly, I lost 2 more vehicles than I need to efficiently do my job. However, this vehicle situation is one I want to touch on.

The ICE Hammer Falls [Reader Post]

Looks like lame ducks can learn to hunt after all, and their preferred prey are illegals and their American employers. On May 12, 2008, ICE raided Agriprocessors, Inc. in Waterloo, …

The Democrats Poster Senior

The Democrats sure know how to pick them huh? A few months back it was the “poor” family who couldn’t afford health insurance as the poster family for SCHIP. They …