It’s a circus.
Charlie Rangel kills his parents and then throws himself at the mercy of the Court because he is an orphan.
OK, not exactly but metaphorically.
Charlie Rangel walked out of his ethics trial yesterday morning.
Complaining bitterly that he was denied the right to have an attorney present, an emotional Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) walked out of his highly publicized public ethics trial Monday morning, an unexpected twist in the ethics inquiry that has tarnished Rangel’s four-decade congressional career.
But Rangel DID have legal representation. He fired them.
Popularity aside, the Harlem Democrat’s coffers seem to have dried up. He has said publicly that he had to fire the prestigious law firm hired to defend him because he ran out of money.
Ran out of money. And there’s the rub. Out of whose money did he run out? His campaign account’s money.
Rangel has paid the law firm more than $1.4 million from his campaign account, according to Federal Election Commission records.
And apparently the campaign account is dry. Now Rangel faces a future he has never known. A future utterly foreign to him. A brutally cold, hostile world.
The world in which you have to pay for things on your own.
The real world.
He got all the advice he needed from the Ethics Committee.
Lofgren noted that Rangel “asked for formal advice from the committee [on covering his legal bills] in September 2008, in March of 2009, in October of 2010 and again in November of 2010 and received informal advice on that in August.”
And then the other shoe drops. The one that really got to Rangel and chilled him to his core. Words that frighten the crap out of those far too long removed from reality.
She also noted that Rangel could have paid legal bills out of his own pocket.
Ouch! Out of his own pocket! Oh the horror! The humanity!
This is the guy whose net worth doubled last year to perhaps as much as $2 million after he “amended” his 2007 financial disclosure statement.
Rangel, who writes tax law and is the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee also “forgot” to report $75000 in rental income from his property in the Dominican Republic because he doesn’t speak Spanish. Maybe Rangel never got to see The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

Rangel is getting a life lesson on how it is to be someone not in the Congressional aristocracy, i.e. like you and me. The poor bastard actually has to pay for something out of his own pocket. It’s a bitch not being able to stick US taxpayers with the bill like usual and it has Rangel’s panties in a twist. It’s made him all “emotional.”
Cry me a river.
This sad episode makes abundantly clear the need for affordable universal legal care.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
Ok, now you did it . . . you called a spade a spade!
Knowing how this ethics committee operates, he probably didn’t need the lawyers anyway. A slap on the wrist and a warning of don’t do this again for at least two weeks don’t require legal counsel. An ethics committee in a body of politicians without ethics is a joke.
@ savage24, As I recall, Al Capone got Prison time for Tax Evasion. So should Rangel and that Idiot Geithner. If I didn’t pay my taxes or under stated Income, I would be in huge trouble.
Just don’t show up, what the Hell it works for Black Panthers.
Now, he can play one of two cards for a defense, either one can be successful in court. He has the race card and the stupid card, let’s see which one? Decisions, decisions…
He and the Black Caucus have already played the race card right before the fall break, so his only option now is use the Stupid card.
I’m sure Greg will figure out a way to Blame Bush.
One wonders why he blew $2 million on a law firm when there was zero change of him being expelled.
I’m sure you’re right. Eric Holder would never let Rangel be expelled from Congress.
Try him “in Absentia”…. convict, then EXPELL!!! The only TRUE justice for this case!!! The man is the POSTER BOY for the vile Cancer that the left is!!!
Rangel, is just like those in the District that elect him….. used to OTHERS paying their way, covering their expenses, providing their livelihood etc…. he’s LOST now that the “public teat” has been forcibly pulled from his lips! Hey Charlie!! Welcome to the REAL WORLD!!! Hope it bites ya in the AZZ!! Couldn’t happen to a NICER guy!!!
Common Sense.. love YOUR comment!! BWAHAHAHA!!
maxine is next.
There was never any chance of expulsion, yet he emptied out two accounts to pay for lawyers.
Maybe the $2 million he spent on the lawyers was just another scam. Maybe there’s a kickback salted away somewhere.
Even though there’s probably no chance that it will happen, it’s still fun to dream isn’t it?
There are endless ways to hide cash offshore. Trillions of dollars sit in offshore trusts and accounts held by lawyers and fund managers from Nassau to the island of Singapore.
This scum has only been caught with evading a few tax dollars on a small amount that has been visible. After a whole lifetime in Washington, such bankrupt mindset didn’t suddenly become deficient of morals and principles, . . . it started out that way long ago. Only an idiot would ignore the fact.
Serious investigating would smoke this clown’s real theft out, and bring many others to the fore. You know that he also knows who else is corrupt around him.
There is simply no WILL to clean up Washington in any meaningful way.
WHY was there no chance of expulsion??? THIS is core to the mistrust of US vs. Congress!!!
We did it, JAIL!
THEY do it, slap on the hand, and keep a cushy job!?!?!?!?!
If they do NOT kick him out, then I will have no faith in Congress anymore……. there is an Equal split on this panel… even partisanship will show as a deadlock. No deadlock, the “r’s on it sold out.
The IRS will go after him just like they came down hard on Geithner. NAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
There is a “special branch” of the IRS who deals with Political Criminals like Rangel….. and as soon as “Hell Freezes over” they say they’ll get right on it!! So sayeth the almighty cheat Geithner…. 😆
‘Rangel is getting a life lesson on how it is to be someone not in the Congressional aristocracy’
Unfortunately, not really. Sounds more like he got so far out of line that they felt like they had to do something, just for show. He won’t do time.
The event of his re-election in itself is troubling.