The Week in Radical Leftism, 06/09/2023
Welcome back to Day 871 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! On to the crazy, but first we jump into the Wayback Machine all the way back to …
Welcome back to Day 871 of America held hostage by the Biden* regime! On to the crazy, but first we jump into the Wayback Machine all the way back to …
There’s a scene in the Oscar winning 1984 movie Amadeus where Mozart is pleading with Austrian Emperor Joseph II to allow him to produce a work many in the court …
America has a love affair with Top 10 lists. Probably the most well known is David Letterman’s “Top Ten List” that began as a throwaway skit on NBC 30 years …
First, it was cows. Now it’s humans. Will Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama and The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) not stop until EVERYTHING is regulated in the name of global …
We have to first assume that global warming, or climate change, or whatever it’s called this week, is caused by us. That is a big assumption, one that Dear Leader …
The two great founding documents in American history are the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Today, more than two centuries after each was written, people often conflate the …
One of the world’s great companies has just provided us evidence of the extent to which political maneuvering can influence an American company. The last time Apple was occupying the …
One of my favorite shows is a program called “Person of Interest’ on CBS. The story revolves around a government computer that knows when someone somewhere is in danger and …
I’ve always been a fan of Van Gogh’s paintings. I similarly like Renoir, and Seurat. Although I like some of Picasso’s early work, most of it I find a bit odd. …
Barack Obama promised his administration set a new standard in transparency: I will also hold myself as president to a new standard of openness …. Let me say it as …