Say What? August 10th 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

WH press secretary Jay Carney: “The White House doesn’t create jobs.”

Obama: “My singular focus is the American people. Getting the unemployed back on the job.”

California Gov. Jerry Brown: “I would say that the Republicans are gearing up to destroy the president, that the president will have to respond in a very powerful way, and the result for the country could be calamitous.”

Say What? July 27, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

President Obama on a Balanced Budget Amendment: “We don’t need a constitutional amendment to do that. What we need to do is do our jobs.”

Senate Leader Harry Reid: “I think this piece of legislation [Cap, Cut and Balance] is about as weak and senseless as anything that has ever come on this Senate floor, and I’m not going to waste the Senate’s time day after day on this piece of legislation which I think is anathema to what our country is all about. I feel confident that this legislation will be disposed of one way or the other. The American people should understand that this is a bad piece of legislation, perhaps some of the worst legislation in the history of this country.” In case you don’t get this, he is telling all of the Democrat Senators to shelve Cut, Cap and Balance without giving it a hearing.

Say What? July 17, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Obama: “The truth is, you can’t solve our deficit without cutting spending. But you also can’t solve it without asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share”

President Obama to Republican Eric Cantor, after 5 days of a budget impasse: “Eric, don’t call my bluff. I’m going to the American people on this.”

Say What? July 13th, 2011 Edition [Reader Post]

Every single week, liberals and conservatives say a lot of things. When a liberal says a particularly dumb thing, it is all but ignored by the Obama Media Complex; when conservative says an intelligent thing, it is all but ignored by the OMC. For this reason, I recommend that you send these columns to your moderate friends (and to liberals who seem to simply be unlearned). Week after week, I believe that what people actually say will eventually sink in.

Say What? May 9th, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Mike Huckabee: “It is a good thing that the last thing to go through Osama bin Laden’s mind was an American bullet.”


NY Times editorial: “The killing of Osama bin Laden provoked a host of reactions from Americans: celebration, triumph, relief, closure and renewed grief. One reaction, however, was both cynical and disturbing: crowing by the apologists and practitioners of torture that Bin Laden’s death vindicated their immoral and illegal behavior after the Sept. 11 attacks. ”

Singer Sheryl Crow: “It’s just fascinating that we have a black man, who has Muslim ties with his father, even though he’s a Christian, it’s amazing how far our country has come, that that’s the man who took down Osama bin Laden. It makes you feel very patriotic. I do think that if it were any other president, I might feel different about it. But, he’s one of the most conscious [conscientious?] people I’ve ever met, and I’ve met four presidents now. He walks the walk.”

Say What? 4/28/2011 edition [Reader Post]

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on what would happen if we did not raise the debt limit: “We’d have to stop making payments to our seniors — Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. We’d have to stop paying veterans’ benefits. We’d have to stop paying all the other payments on all the other things the government does. And then we would risk default on our interest payments. If we did that, we’d tip the U.S. economy and the world economy back into recession, depression.” None of which is true, of course.

Say What? February 16, 2011 edition [Reader Post]

Chris Matthews: “You know, gentlemen, I’m a little bit jubilant right now, a little bit frisky so I’ll say something that will bother people…In a way it’s like it took Obama to have this [the revolution in Egypt] happen, or it’s just so serendipitous.”

Bill Maher: “I think he’s [Obama] a centrist the way he’s a Christian…he’s pretending to be a centrist.”