Whoopi: How dare you interfere my ability to kill babies!

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Whoopi Goldberg has implied men have no right to comment on abortions as she slammed Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Thursday for a remark he made while debating Roe v Wade.

‘The fetus has an interest in having a life,’ Alito said Wednesday during oral arguments in the case of Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health – where Mississippi is attempting to strike down a lower court’s blocking of its 15-week abortion ban.

‘And that doesn’t change, does it, from the point before viability to the point after viability? There are those who say that the rights of personhood should be considered to have taken hold at a point when the fetus acquires certain independent characteristics. But viability is dependent on medical technology and medical practice. It has changed. It may continue to change.’

Goldberg, speaking on The View, reamed Alito, arguing that as a male he has no idea what a fetus wants.

‘Do any of you men have any eggs or the possibility of carrying a fetus? How dare you talk about what a fetus wants? You have no idea,’ she said.

The talk-show host argued that Alito shouldn’t have a say in when an unborn child can or cannot live outside of the uterus.

‘I’m fine if you disagree with abortion, I have no problem with that. My problem comes when you tell me what I need to do with my doctor and my family. How dare you. How dare you!’ Goldberg raged.

more of this here

Ask anyone if they would prefer to have been killed in an abortion.



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Liberals in Hollywood with their Save the Redwoods signs then go and sent in a big check to Planed Parenthood the Hollywood crowd is always support stupid campaigns like Animal Rights and Save the Rain Forests

Um, the mother has no idea what the fetus “wants” just because they are carrying another life.

That said, I think the surest way to let the Democrat one-party police state take over is to push on abortion.

Women support women, as an evolutionary trait that helps survival.

The abortion cat is way, way out the bag. It’s only served to make our society gyno-supremacist, and there never….EVER be any logic in what someone like the Goldberg says.

It’s about power. Women’s power to not have a kid with a male they don’t deem as worthy.

Abortion is a safeguard against bad reproductive choices for women.

Trying to limit or outlaw it will just keep women voting democrat forever.

But… but, but she was channeling her inner Greta Thumberg!
The Sotomayor calls the preborn babies brain dead, and she checks 2 very important boxes, female and “of color”.
She commented on the case WTF trying to assist only one side. The question isnt if the baby has a degree in basket weaving its if Abortion itself is anywhere in the constitution, no then its a States issue.

Abortion itself and it’s use taps into something very, very deep and very, very biological. It’s not rational at all, but is in fact tied to survival and reproduction.

“Whoopi Goldberg has implied men have no right to comment on abortions as she slammed Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Thursday for a remark he made while debating Roe v Wade.” Well, since the left believes men can give birth, I think we now have a vested interest in the topic. So shut your stupid, ugly, pig mouth, Whoopi. You don’t know what a fetus thinks, either.

It is amazing that Democrats chose barbarism as their “hill to die on”. They haven’t been satisfied with restricting abortion to a period when it isn’t overtly murder; they want full power of life and death based on the whim of convenience.

The problem is the left’s overreach to push abortion right up to the moment of birth. When I argue this point I am called a liar by those ignorant (or refusing to acknowledge) what the abortion cult actually wants: abortion for any reason at any time and legal protection for doctors that perform late term abortions.

The left wants to refer to the babies as “clumps of cells” throughout the term as this makes it easier to accept their barbaric ritual. There is going to have to be a legal definition of life and when it begins and restrictions for specific circumstances for abortion beyond that point. As Tiller, Gosnell and Karpen have proven, stringent regulation is required; profit can override some doctor’s ethics.

My dubious ability to give birth (I’m 68) aside, I am not strictly anti-abortion. I don’t approve of it as a method of birth control, but it’s not my call. However, abortion past the point of viability is murder and should be outlawed. The stickler is to pinpoint that moment. That’s why leftists will not address it.

But, boy, Democrats loves them some abortion. It’s the one thing they don’t qualify by political need; they ALWAYS defend it, no matter what. Though there is no “The right to an abortion shall not be infringed” anywhere in the Constitution, they regard it as a 1st Amendment right. While other specifically delineated REAL rights are debatable, retractable and disposable as far as they are concerned, the “right” that is hidden somewhere in the 14th Amendment is sacred and untouchable. Sure, there are other ways to not need an abortion (such as not being a slut) but there is an inherent right to be totally and repeatedly irresponsible and the kill someone as a result to avoid inconvenience. For those who so flippantly disregard the God-given and essential right to self defense that defend abortion, I have no sympathy.

in a late term abortion, if the child is born alive, the nurse drowns the child or the physician brakes the neck and throws it into a bag, listed as “Fetal parts for Sale”. an intern from harvard is always in attendance to procure the “bag” .

The more angry Whoopi gets the better I like it.

racistburg has been a left wing, race baiting, piss poor actress her entire career. she never graduated from college and worked as a waitress, and began her racist career in BS acting with the blake street hawkeyes in berkley.
If one will recall the work of Dr. Carl Brandt in 1937, where he began a program of reviewing children of the Third Reich that has congenital birth deformities. stupidburg/racistburg has not read Roe vs Wade nor does she understand it like 90% of Americans. loud mouth and totally stupid she is a dunberhead. There was a petition signed by over 250,000 individuals requesting the she be removed from the show for her race baiting, marxist remarks and rants.
it is hard to win and argument with a smart person and impossible to win an argument with an idiot. racistburg is an idiot. Maybe she should read the work of Dr. Brandt before she opens her dumb mouth. she is far from being a talk show host. the race baiter makes over $8 million for spuming racisms.