by Thomas Stevenson
In the unsealed trove of files on Jeffery Epstein it has been confimed that Donald Trump did not visit Epstein’s home or island and did not have contact with underage girls.
On page 112 of document 1320-12 of the files, during the examination of witness Virginia Giuffre by Laura Menninger, Giuffre was asked by Menninger if Trump had ever engaged “in sexual contact” with her.
“No,” Giuffre replied.
In futher questioning by Menninger, she asked Giuffre about her previous interactions with journalist Sharon Churcher.
Churcher had previously covered the Epstein case and was previously subpoenaed for defamation surrounding some of her reports. Menninger asked Giuffre if any stories published by Churcher had included innacuracies about Trump.
When given the text of Churcher’s reports about Trump, Giuffre placed a mark indicating something was wrong with a passage that read, ‘He didn’t partake in any sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, ‘you’ve got the life.'”
Giuffre told Menninger, “He didn’t partake in any sex with us, and but it’s not true that he flirted with me. Donald Trump never flirted with me.”
“Then the next sentence is, ‘He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, ‘you’ve got the life.’ I never said 6 that to [Churcher],” Giuffre continued.
In another page on the documenets, also posted to X by Jack Posobiec, Menninger brought up Trump to another witness.
“Have you ever been in Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein’s presence with one another?” Menninger asked.
“No,” the witness replied.
The witness said that she could not remember seeing Trump at Epstein’s island or home, in New Mexico, or New York.
Oddly, no photos of the Clinton’s double dating Jeff and his procuress…
Just multiple white house visits, a wedding invitation

You mean to say, there are no photos of Bill with Epstein when he brought Hillary along? My… that IS odd. I wonder what it could possibly mean?
No surprise. None. For, if Trump was implicated in any Epstein documents, it would have been leaked years ago. The images of two businessmen meeting have been exploited and used as the source of numerous lies, but had there ever been a shred of truth to it, it would have been leaked long ago.
Maybe it’s a pitch to Trump for presidential clemency…
FOX News: 01/03/24 – Jeffrey Epstein list: Court unseals names in Ghislaine Maxwell lawsuit
Hey Greggy Just Go Out int he Garden and Eat Worms as my Mom used to tell us
President Trump completely exonerated, never went to the island, never got a “massage.”
The only thing you have against President Trump is nothing but lies. The left has failed again and you parroting the lies only serves to underscore you as a serial liar. Truth is not a virtue you have.
Cernovich Subscribe
The Epstein Files. Today a tranche of documents were released in a case involving Jeffrey Epstein. There’s no revelations. Jeffrey Epstein’s case was covered up. I can explain why.
In 2017, my lawyer Marc Randazza found a wonky freedom of the press case. There was a defamation case, and although Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t named as a defendant, the case was central to some “conspiracy theories.” Marc asked me if I wanted to file a motion to intervene. We expected it to be a simple matter.
Media interest was almost zero. No one in the “free press” cared. Then Trump nominated Alexander Acosta to the Secretary of Labor. Acosta had handled the original Epstein criminal case, and said Epstein was given kid gloves treatments due to protection from the intelligence community.
Epstein was an asset of the FBI. What his exact relation was remains sealed.
By 2019 the case I sought to intervene in had an ORANGE MAN BAD angle because Acota was Trump’s Labor Secretary. Even if the motives were impure, at least we were on to the races.
Hundreds-of-thousands of dollars later, a trip to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and a lot of fighting, we had a batch of documents ready to be unsealed.
The weekend before the documents were made public, SDNY arrested Epstein quietly when he landed his private jet on an airport from a trip he took in France. No perp walk for Epstein.
In 2019 I wrote the following after a press conference was held re: Epstein’s arrest:
” Why didn’t the SNDY charge Jeffrey Epstein under the Mann Act? Under the Mann Act, it’s unlawful to transport an underage girl through interstate travel, including on an airplane.”
“In a widely-publicized press conference the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York announced sex trafficking charges against Jeff Epstein.”
“Epstein was charged for paying minors for massages from 2002 to 2005. Yet what was more newsworthy was the what the indictment left out.”
“The indictment against Epstein does not charge anyone except Epstein, and there’s nothing to indicate that anyone who flew to Epstein’s private island has faced scrutiny.”
“The SDNY’s actions have all of the telltale signs of containment. Because the Miami Herald and Cernovich won a civil lawsuit, leading to over 2,000 records being unsealed, it’s simply impossible for the same Feds who gave Epstein a pass years ago to continue to cover up.”
“The SDNY could have charged Epstein in 2002, 2003, 2004, or at anytime until today. Yet they did not file charges until the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that previously sealed records involving Jeff Epstein would become public record.Thus they are charging him without implicating anyone else who assisted with his operation.”
You know what happened next. Epstein committed suicide.
Because SDNY charged the lowest level offenses possible, they “lacked jurisdiction” to raid Epstein’s island in Little St James, as well as his New Mexico and Paris properties. Those houses were left unattended for a couple of weeks.
During that time, a safe went missing. During the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, it was reported:
Evidence from Jeffrey Epstein’s safe ‘went missing’ after FBI raid.
What was in the safe? We’ll never know for certain. We do know that the FBI has Jeffrey Epstein’s blackmail files.
The real Jeffrey Epstein files are the blackmail material.
Very powerful forces have made sure we will never see it.
Bill Clinton was a decent liar but his EYES told the truth at the 2:30+ mark on this video when he realized Monica Lewinsky had told the whole truth, cigar and all, under oath:
Given Hunter Biden’s well documented sexual escapades, is anyone else surprised that Hunter Biden’s name is not on the list?
Hunter was probably too trashy even for Epstein.