Ukraine is corrupt at all levels and its immediate EU membership would not be good for Europe, Juncker claims


by Thomas Brooke

Ukraine is a country that is “corrupt at all levels of society” and its immediate accession to the European Union would not be good for the bloc, the former President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has claimed.

In a wide-ranging interview with the German newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine, Juncker expressed his anger at European politicians who he accused of making “false promises to the people in Ukraine who are up to their necks in suffering,” and insisted the country was in need of “massive internal reform” before it could be considered as a viable prospect to join the European Union.

“We have had bad experiences with some so-called new members, for example when it comes to the rule of law. This cannot be repeated again,” he added.

The Luxembourger insisted that there may be a time when Ukraine’s EU membership could be considered and praised Kyiv’s defense of European values, but warned those in a position of power against suggesting that “this can be achieved overnight at the push of a button.”

Speaking about Moldova and Ukraine, both of whom are hoping to join the bloc, Juncker said that “if progress is made in these countries, it must be possible for them to take part in parts of European integration.”

The Eurocrat called for future EU enlargement to be linked with the eradication of the unanimity principle, insisting that majority voting is the only way forward to ensure the bloc can continue to function.

“We need internal reforms. It cannot remain the case that, in principle, we decide unanimously on foreign policy issues. This must happen with a qualified majority,” he told the newspaper.

Plans to switch to qualified majority voting on foreign policy and tax issues are a contentious issue within the bloc and strongly opposed by a number of so-called “smaller” member states, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, who believe that such a move would impinge on national sovereignty and allow “larger” member states like France and Germany to further their domination of the bloc.

Asked about the rise of nationalism across the continent, as witnessed by the electoral victories of conservative parties in Italy, Finland, Sweden, Greece and Estonia in the past year, the former Commission president called for liberals to resist “joining forces with these post-fascists.”

Paradoxically, at the same time, he also warned that calling conservatives like Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni a “pariah, even those she is trying to move into the European mainstream, is not profitable and strengthens the extremes.”

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Senator Rand Paul Says Criticism of Ongoing Funding for Ukraine is a ‘Growing Movement’ in Washington

A growing number of Americans are tired of seeing our leaders in Washington send mountains of cash to Ukraine when there are so many serious problems here at home.

According to Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, there are some people in Washington who are getting that message and the movement is growing.

It’s maddening to see America’s problems ignored, week after week

This is the way a majority of Americans see this, there is not a single person in Ukraine that cares that Americans in some cases have to work 10 hours a day, barely seeing their families just to make ends meet. Stop the funding!

This video shows the moment a Russian T-90 tank is hit by a Ukrainian Anti-Tank Guided Missile. Ukraine’s General Oleg Syrski posted the clip from fighting near Makiivka . He claims that Ukraine’s 66th Brigade destroyed 25 Russian tanks in four days in fighting in the area. This footage was posted on 8 October.

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Feeling Diminished – Volodymyr Zelenskyy asks if He Can Come To Israel – The Last Refuge (

Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is apparently feeling slighted and ignored as the attention of the world focuses on the Israel War against Hamas terrorists.

As unbelievable as it sounds, yes Zelenskyy has asked the Israeli government if he can come and get some attention.

This is not a parody.

The American taxpayer wants it 113+ billion back from ukraine. It was a complete waste of money.

Putin has been doing to Ukraine what Hamas just did to Israel for the past 596 days.

Boo hoo hoo no more Ukraine washing machine they lost they were always going to lose. Maybe if Zelensky needs money he can sell one of his mansions

Stupid people are the weak spot in our nation’s armor.

Yes thinking that Ukraine could win was stupid, all it did was kill many young men.

Ukraine is going to survive, Hamas is going to be systematically exterminated, and your cult leader is going to prison.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Sorry that card is still denied. There never seems to be enough blood guts and gore for your death cult democrats and your partners the neocon RINOs

Tell it to Putin and Hamas.

You need to take your meds, I dont want Russia or Hamas to win I want to feel like in this day and age we can solve or issues with diplomacy. Why is it you and your uni-party rush to WW3?

Putin and Hamas win unless the people they have violently attacked forcefully resist them.

John Stuart Mill:

 “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing”. 

I simply do not have choose to support war. Psychopaths that send others to bleed the leaders of Hamas in Qatar driving their luxury cars, the leaders in Israel also will not be leading their men into battle, little cowards.

Both empowered by Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.

No cult leader except for Obama. Is he going to jail? He should, along with his pet monkey, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the corrupt, treasonous pedophile.

See Greg is going off to war lest it be said he did nothing evil men would prevail!
Will he choose hamas or Putin?
Hard choice both situations created by our foreign policies.
Hamas Was Created By Mossad And CIA To Counteract Yasser Arafat – Ron Paul Explains.

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

10/13/23 – US says North Korea delivered 1,000 containers of equipment and munitions to Russia for Ukraine war

The White House said on Friday that North Korea has delivered more than 1,000 containers of military equipment and munitions to Russia for its ongoing war in Ukraine.

Speculation about a possible North Korean plan to refill Russia’s munition stores drained in its protracted war with Ukraine flared last month, when North Korean leader Kim Jong Un traveled to Russia to meet President Vladimir Putin and visit key military sites.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that the U.S. believes Kim is seeking sophisticated Russian weapons technologies in return for the munitions to boost North Korea’s military and nuclear program.

The White House released images that it said show the containers were loaded onto a Russian-flagged ship before being moved via train to southwestern Russia. The containers were shipped between Sept. 7 and Oct. 1 between Najin, North Korea, and Dunay, Russia, according to the White House.

“We condemn the DPRK for providing Russian with this military equipment, which will be used to attack Ukrainian cities and kill Ukrainian civilians and further Russia’s illegitimate war,” Kirby said, using the initials for Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the country’s official name. “In return for support, we assess the Pyongyang is seeking military assistance from Russia including fighter aircraft, surface to air missiles, armored vehicles, ballistic missile production equipment, or other materials and other advanced technologies.”

The U.S. unveiled the intelligence determination as North Korea lashed out Friday at the arrival of a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group in South Korea, calling it a provocation and again raising the specter of using nuclear weapons to defend itself…

Does anyone really believe the Hamas attack on Israel has no relationship to Putin’s efforts to destroy Ukraine?

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Correct a weak America with a cockwobble President leaves this vacuum on the planet.
Israel lost zero territory it can take care of what it wants to do, billions every year for their defense has been provided. BTW battery operated toy tanks are stupid, you might want to drop a note.
Wont see NK arms and supplies in Venezuela or sold on the dark web.
Are civilians all that is left in Ukraine? I guess we will soon find out.
Having fun war monger?

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

I expect you to openly turn on Israel too, the moment your cult leader blows his dog whistle.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Lookie, lookie, Comrade Greggie is here to once again display his idiocy. Wonder if he will ever admit that Obama was a big funder of the Islamists. I doubt it.
So, Comrade Greggie, did you approve of Obama’s kissing Islamist ass?

Trump strokes Salman bin Abdulaziz’s magic ball…

What did Jared Kushner do for $2 B in Saudi capital from the man who had Jamal Khashoggi murdered and dismembered?

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

What did Jared Kushner do for $2 B in Saudi capital from the man who had Jamal Khashoggi murdered and dismembered?

What did Hunter Biden do to rake in the millions of $$ that he, and his dad (Hunter, the Bag Man) got from China, Russia, Ukraine and other nations? Perhaps you should be worried about that instead? But you’re not.

As to Khashoggi, WTF do you care about one man from Saudi who, BTW, was a member of the Muslin Brotherhood who has slaughtered more than you can count? I am sick of Khashoggi being referred to as an “American” journalist. He was not. He was a Jew hater who was accepted by the left wing media.

Continue to prove was a dumbass you are.

Hunter Biden has never represented the United States government in any capacity, which you can’t say about Jared Kushner.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Your former House speaker was removed by a statutory rapist; the guy nominated to replace him covered for a known sexual predator; your cult leader was the good buddy of a convicted billionaire pedophile, and is a rapist himself. It’s no wonder you need to slander Biden.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Your former House speaker was removed by a statutory rapist; the guy nominated to replace him covered for a known sexual predator; your cult leader was the good buddy of a convicted billionaire pedophile, and is a rapist himself.

No matter how many times your claims are shown to be simple falsehoods, you, like all Leftists, continue to believe the falsehoods because it is all you have. The American left, like the Marxism it follows, has nothing to offer the citizens of this nation but anger and turmoil.

It’s no wonder you need to slander Biden.

Because you have no experience with, or connections to, D.C. you must be clueless as to the reputation Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. has had for over 40 years there. His pandering with Du Pont and MBNA in Delaware was well knowing four decades ago. But he dropped his facade when he left the office of VP and we now know what a traitor to this nation he really is.

But for you to admit what you actually do know would destroy everything you say here so you can’t afford to do that.

Joe Biden is trash, as is the rest of his extended family. Live with it.

10/15/23 – The Conspiracy to End America review: Trump and the fascist threat

Donald Trump’s supporters want an American Caesar. Back in 2016, Paul LePage, then governor of Maine, made it explicit. “We need a Donald Trump to show some authoritarian power in our country,” he declared. Joe Sitt, a major player in New York real estate and an early Trump backer, chipped in: “We don’t have a president, we have a king.”

Five years later, January 6 and its aftermath crystalized another reality: Trump found fair and free elections useless. He and his allies had grown weary of democracy. After all, they had lost.

The Republican party had a new credo: “Heads, I win. Tails, you lose.”

The last time the GOP won the popular vote was in 2004, and before that 1988. Seeking to return to office, Trump has threatened the media with charges of treason and hankered for the execution of Gen Mark Milley, the former chair of the joint chiefs of staff.

Against this dystopian backdrop, Stuart Stevens delivers his second book, The Conspiracy to End America, on what happened to the party he served for so long, this one under the subtitle Five Ways My Old Party Is Driving Our Democracy to Autocracy. The words are jarring but dead-on. Once a senior campaign operative, Stevens knows of what he speaks. In his view, only the Democratic party values democracy as an end in itself…

As Stevens sees it, the late Weimar Republic and the US today have plenty in common. As was the case 90 years ago, democracy could be made expendable, particularly if the donor class goes along for the ride.

Back then, in Stevens’ telling, the German aristocracy lost touch with the workers. Fearing communism, they and the industrialists made peace with Adolf Hitler – much as GOP donors opened their wallets to Trump. Stevens leaves little to the imagination: “Like Adolf Hitler, Trump hated the establishment figures who supported him, and they despised him.”

He quotes Mitch McConnell, the living embodiment of the Republican establishment, the Senate majority leader when Trump won the White House. With hindsight, McConnell sounds clueless, oblivious to the approaching storm.

“I think we’re much more likely to change [Trump] because if he is president, he’s going to have to deal with the sort of the right-of-center world, which is where most of us are,” McConnell told CNBC.

“Going to have to deal”? Really?

After McConnell helped Trump’s judicial nominees over the finishing line, the senator became expendable. He emerged as a target for Trump’s rants and loathing, including potshots at Elaine Chao, McConnell’s Chinese American wife, who resigned from Trump’s cabinet – if only after January 6. At times, McConnell’s disdain seeped out.

Ultimately, though, he maintained sufficient devotion to his Caesar: McConnell blamed Trump for January 6 but refused to vote to convict at the second impeachment trial.

In the same quisling spirit, McConnell has said he would vote for Trump if he becomes the Republican nominee again. A coda: just like Ted Cruz, the senator from Texas, McConnell never responded to the barbs Trump aimed at his wife.

Where do you find such tripe?
Nov 20, 2021That is when BHR became involved. Records in Hong Kong show that the $1.14 billion BHR, through subsidiaries, paid to buy out Lundin came entirely from Chinese state-backed companies. China gets Cobalt which is needed for Lithium ion batteries, Biden admin pushes electric cars hmmmmmm.

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

Where do you find such tripe?

Oh, he has to be searching all day, and night, to find that stuff and then dump it into his “favorites” tab that reads “Bullshit on Trump.”

Of course, as an authority he uses Stuart Stevens, a Romney campaign hack/supporter and a strong member of the Anti-Trump Pedo Boys, the Lincoln Project.

But hey, don’t mention the truth about Joe Biden, grifter; sexual harasser; who dated his second wife as she cheated on her husband; who has been known for over 50 years for his outlandish lies and had to drop out of his campaign due to his plagiarism; who built a real estate portfolio that is, if anything, questionable (DuPont/MBNA); who made his son his bag man (knowing his son was not only violating drug laws but the Mann Act as well); who has cozied up with Iran (reason? $$?).

If anyone wants to know the real Joe Biden, just watch the Clarence Thomas hearings. Biden=racist with a capital R.

Joe Biden is, and always has been, scum.

Where do you find such tripe?

In history books. In every dictator’s rise to power.

As previously observed, there always comes a time when the billionaires require an oppressive authoritarian ruler to protect them from the outrage of those they’ve exploited.

Where do you find such tripe?

In history books.

Name them.

Or are you going to put on your cowardly widdle wabbit costume and run away?

How long will it take you to figure out that I don’t respond to your demands?

The article itself cited Hitler’s rise to power—how his wealthy donors imagined they could control the bastard if they let him rise to power. You can find that in almost any history book. You can find it in televised documentaries, or online.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

The article itself cited Hitler’s rise to power

What’s the article have to do with the request for what “history books” you have read that is the material for the tripe you reference?

How long will it take you to figure out that I don’t respond to your demands?

How long will it take you to figure out that I know when you are lying and that you constantly let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash?

You’re a troll.

Oh, we’ve all figured out long ago that you never try to back up your lies with citations.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden wealthy donors have certainly been able to control him. Iran, Russia, Ukraine, the CCP all control idiot Biden.

Democrats and ANTIFA are the fascist threat.

Kushner negotiated historic peace agreements. Hunter ran whores, smoked crack and peddled Pop’s influence for millions of dollars cash.

Uh huh. What were the terms of this “historic peace agreement,” and who actually “agreed” to them?

Kushner negotiated historic peace agreements. 

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Geeze you have no search?
Israel and UAE
Seems with Biden financing Hamas the Arabs have pulled out.

Israel was the only party that okayed Kushner’s plan. That’s not an “historic peace agreement.”

Yeah, it is. In fact, Trump was nominated twice for a Nobel Peace Prize.

The parties involved agreed to them because of the threat to the region Iran posed, thanks to Obama’s infusion of cash and accommodation of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Of course, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden destroyed that progress, along with anything else good that was going on.

I can remeber Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden going to Saudi Arabia, climbing under the Prince’s robes and kissing his balls to try and get him to increase oil production. They told him to go f**k himself, embarrassing the entire nation.

Look at idiot Biden, bringing all our enemies together in brotherhood. What a guy!

Sorry about the 9 helicopters, the anti-aircraft missile system, and the ammo dump, Vlad. Maybe you shouldn’t have parked all that stuff in Ukraine.

Good thing Ukraine has won they wont be needing any more tax payer dollars from the US yeah!

biden wants another 90 billion. Not sure why, Ukraine no longer has a fighting army

Last edited 8 months ago by TrumpWon

Because he takes a cut.

Then why are Putin’s new Avdiivka and Kupiansk offensives failing? He’s thrown in armor and his reserves, but still gets nowhere. On Russian media, Putin is now referring to the offensive as “active defense”.

Not sure why, Ukraine no longer has a fighting army

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

10/16/23 – Putin warns of ‘completely different war’ if West chooses conflict with Russia – Russian president assesses risks and implications of potential war with West, emphasizing need for peace

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that if Western countries like the US want to go to war with Russia, it would be “completely different” from the special military operation in Ukraine.

Putin made assessments about the Russia-Ukraine war and Russia-China relations in an interview with Russian state broadcaster Rossiya.

Speaking about Ukraine’s counteroffensive, Putin said it has “completely failed.”

“We know that in some conflict zones, the other side is still preparing active attack operations. We see this, and we respond accordingly,” he said…

Yeah, it would be “completely different,” alright.

All the stupid son-of-a-bitch has to do to stop this is withdraw his forces from the nation he invaded and stop targeting Ukrainian cities and infrastructure. NOBODY invaded Russia. Nobody wants to. He’s crazy if he thinks China has his back. China would simply sit back and watch.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

That would be Ukraine’s choice. They preferred aligning with western democracy to subjugation by a murderous Russian despot. Who wouldn’t?

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Nobody aspired to invade Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine. The fact is that Putin made a bone-headed move and put himself at personal risk. I’m surprised no one has killed him yet.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

If this were an actual all out war, we would nuke the mother f*cker.

Yep. That’s what would happen. Mutual suicide. Everybody needs to be clear on that point.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

I think the “Nazi” meme is b.s. Everybody’s got their own damn “Nazis” to deal with. We’ve got that type, Ukraine’s got that type, Russia’s got that type. Putin uses the label more aggressively to manipulate his population because of Russia’s WW2 experience—but they had Stalin, who might as well have been a Nazi himself. They currently have a former KGB officer who throws you in prison for criticizing his war and poisons his political opponents.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Israel and Ukraine have much in common. It’s the same cause that we’re backing in both cases.

Iran is a dictatorship. It supports the destruction of both Israel and Ukraine. Sometimes you’ve got to chose a side.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

The Nazis above are Americans, demonstrating in Orlando Florida. Like I said, everybody’s got their Nazis. The Nazis in Ukraine are fighting in an army commanded by a Jewish president.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Most of those guys probably died in in Mariupol, defending their homeland from Putin’s invaders.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

My point is that the Azov Brigade were Ukrainian patriots who volunteered to protect their sovereign nation from foreign invaders. Most died doing so. For that, they have my respect.

“Go tell to Sparta, thou who passest by, that here, obedient to her laws, we lie.” 

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

They died to protect their country from foreign invaders. You’re you’re propagandizing for the invader? I honestly don’t get it.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg