by Jeff Childers
The anti-vaccine tide keeps rolling in, unstoppably, remorselessly. The trouble with tides, you see, is how relentless they are. You can build your sea-walls and your dikes and your channels and install your pumps and drains, but sooner or later the water always finds a way through. Signaling the incoming tides of justice, the UK Daily Mail ran an encouraging story Thursday headlined, “Seven called out for editing out crucial moment from Covid special.”
Australia’s Channel 7 organized a ‘covid town hall’ with some scientists and covid experts to tape a special program on how great the pandemic went called “After Covid.” Everything was fine until somebody asked a tough question, a scientist got snippy, and it all went off the rails. The audience started hissing catcalls and shouting expletives at the panel’s ‘top covid scientists.’ It was an outburst the editors, in a very cowardly fashion, edited out of the final broadcast, creating an even bigger story about the story.
But someone leaked the full audio.
Fiesty audience member Goknur Shanal stood up and described herself as “one of the few people in the legal sector who took on the TGA and the rest of the government establishment for government corruption and medical corruption.” She pointedly asked the COVID panelists, “Why isn’t there research done, three years in now, comparing the immune systems of those who got the first dose, the second dose, and the third dose, and the aftermath, and the latency periods, in comparison to how the non-vaccinated are faring right now?”
The covid expert made the mistake of condescendingly answering, “People who have had Covid, people who haven’t been vaccinated get more severe disease and they’re more likely to get long Covid.”
It was electric. The leaked audio showed the audience instantly burst into objections, with one man shouting: “Bulls***!” Another yelled, “That’s f***ing lies, mate!” Another chirped, “You should hand your license back!” Other audience members yelled, “that’s the biggest lie,” and “snake oil salesman!”
What really happened on Channel 7's spotlight show
— Cafe Locked Out (KULTURE) 8:32 (@cafelockedout) July 2, 2024
When an infectious disease expert on the panel later made the tired argument that billions of shots were given and people are fine, an independent journalist in the audience yelled, “That’s not true!” She then yelled, “You are not collecting the adverse data in a controlled manner. That’s not a test, that’s just giving the shots to everybody!”
“Well, I disagree with that,” the so-called professor lamely responded.
I’m starting to think these diehard covid experts are in trouble. They aren’t getting any new narratives from the psyoperators now. So they have to keep recycling the last batch they got before the end, using bailing wire and duct tape to hold it all together. But people aren’t going to give them a moment’s peace or pay any attention to their stupid, recycled arguments.
Tides are caused by gravity. You can’t beat gravity. You can try, but the results are not likely to be very pretty.
You know they are lying because they can’t back up their suggestions.
Look at Dr Fauci.
He is a complete imbecile.
Not only did he admit making up “covid protocols,” but he tacked far port then far starboard when it came to wearing masks.
Today he had this to add to his credibility:
VIDEO of him saying it:
Start the Wrongful Death Lawsuits against Pfizer and the rest of them before Biden gives them Immunity
Five-time vaxxed, shortly after Emhoff and Harris were seen in close contact with Biden and Jill Biden during the White House’s Fourth of July celebration, Emhoff tests positive for covid.
Wouldn’t it be an irony id covid kills joe?
Considering the number of people that died under Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden when he blamed Trump for every alleged COVID death that happened while he tried to mitigate the spread, yeah, that would be pretty ironic.