Trump Is Absolutely Smoking Biden In Yet Another Major Poll



President Biden is in serious trouble, with his political standing now at the weakest point of his presidency, according to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal.

The poll shows Biden trailing behind former President Donald Trump in a hypothetical 2024 showdown by 4 percentage points, a gap that widens with the inclusion of third-party candidates, signifying a potential upheaval in the traditional two-party dynamics.

Dislike of Biden has become widespread – with just 23% of voters feeling they’ve been positively impacted by Biden’s policies, starkly contrasting with the nostalgic economic reminiscence of the Trump era. The term “Bidenomics,” once a banner of hope, now flounders with less than 30% approval, reflecting widespread disillusionment. No wonder the White House has stopped using the term.

The Democrat president faces serious perception issues.

Voters say Trump is the better bet than Biden to secure the border (by 30 percentage points), tame inflation (by 21 points) and build the economy (by 17 points). Biden leads on who can best deal with abortion policy, and voters say that he more than Trump respects democracy. But the president is viewed as no better than Trump on cutting medication costs—a key Democratic initiative.  –WSJ

If this race is about policy and performance, then Donald Trump has a significant advantage,” said Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio, who conducted the Journal survey with Democrat Michael Bocian. “If this race is about temperament and character, things like that, then Biden has an advantage.”

“Things were thriving under Trump. This country is a business and it needs to be run by a businessman,” said 53-year-old Aimee Kozlowski of Goffestown, NH, a Republican who plans to vote for Trump, and says that her competitive gymnastics facility has been hurt by inflation.

The poll also uncovers a dissonance between public economic pessimism and recent positive economic indicators, such as a robust GDP and low unemployment.

The president has been adjusting his messages on the economy to put more focus on taming inflation rather than on job creation. Creating high-paying jobs was a central goal of Democratic-backed legislation that funded new infrastructure and manufacturing, but voters see jobs as less of a concern than high prices. The White House recently unveiled a new supply-chain council aimed in part at stemming inflation, and Biden recently called on companies to “stop the price-gouging.” 

The president and his campaign have also amplified their focus on Trump’s most contentious comments, such as his description of opponents as “vermin” and his statement last week that he would be a dictator on “Day 1”—specifically to close the border and open more land for oil drilling—both of which suggest an authoritarian approach to a potential second Trump term. Trump’s allies say Democrats are trying to distract from economic issues and problems at the southern border. -WSJ

Of course, the Journal also found a never-Trump independent voter, Michelle Bannon, who says the former president is “not qualified at all,” adding “I don’t know that Biden can go another four years, but I’ll cross my fingers and vote for him. He’s the lesser of two evils.”

From 10,000 feet, Trump is smoking Biden in most polls in general.


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It is the economy, stupid. bidenomics has become the ‘n’ word for democrats. We are on the cusp of topping 34 trillion in debt before the end of 2023.
The tress cannot sell the debt so more fiat currency on the horizon.

Nobody wants U.S. Treasury bonds

Exactly how would the self-proclaimed “King of Debt” fix this?

Trump: “I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me. I’ve made a fortune by using debt, and if things don’t work out I renegotiate the debt. I mean, that’s a smart thing, not a stupid thing.”

Norah O’Donnell: “How do you renegotiate the debt?”

Trump: “You go back and you say, hey guess what, the economy crashed. I’m going to give you back half.”

In other words, you stiff your creditors.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Democrats just stiff the taxpayers.

Democrats just stiff the taxpayers.

No, they use the money to do things for people about whom you care not at all—not the same thing.

No, they SAY they will, but then they pocket the money. Seen any “infrastructure” going up anywhere? How about border security? We pay for that and get NOTHING, then we pay hundreds of billions of dollars to take care of the massive problem no border security causes.

No, they use the money to do things for people about whom you care not at all—not the same thing.

You mean like my property taxes to the city pays the workers to go clean the yards and streets of the Section 8 housing projects while the residents sit in their yards drinking beer and smoking a brisket on their $350,00 smoker?
Or perhaps how cities are being forced to pay for all the needs of illegals that Biden has thrown the border gates open for?
Maybe you mean those women who have 2-5 children that the baby daddies have disappeared while you tout how what a right and how great abortion is?

And maybe you can show me the part of the Constitution that says if someone is too damn lazy to get a job or practice birth control, others should pay for their sustenance via taxation?

Last edited 7 months ago by retire05

As I said: for people about whom you care nothing at all.

As I said: for people about whom you care nothing at all.

Prove that claim, groomer.

You’ve done it yourself. Your comment fairly drips with contempt and loathing.

Your comment fairly drips with contempt and loathing.

Oh, really? And I have no reason to hold those who are totally physically able to hold a job that sit on their asses in public housing because it is easier than working for their need in contempt?

Or, how about the woman who has no man to sustain her needs and has vast resources for free birth contron who choses, rather, to have kids that other have to support? I shouldn’t have contempt for the woman in front of me at HEB that is buying t-bones with her food stamps while senior citizens can’t afford that on Social Security?

I don’t need to support the redistribution of wealth, a Marxist ideal. I give my money to charities that actually are accountable like St. Jude’s, Shriner’s Hospital systems, Wounded Warriors, DAV, our local pregnancy resource center that, unlike you lefties, helps unwed mothers take care of their babies with well baby care training, helping with the needs of the baby (formula, diapers, car seats, clothing, et al) as well as the mommie.

Nobody is more judgemental than you leftists. You promote abortion, yet pay, with my tax money, for women to have kids they don’t want and won’t take care of and have daddies, if not in jail, have skipped out shortly after a night of “love.”

You are not only judgemental about people you don’t even know and have never met, you are just flat out dense.

Last edited 7 months ago by retire05

As I said: for people about whom you care nothing at all.

Like who?

Or, paying exorbitant taxes in a leftist district and receiving no police protection, no law enforcement, no property protection, no prosecution of criminals.

Give them back 1/2 and watch the value of a dollar double.
The current dollar standard is a scam.
Money printed from thin air then we pay interest to use it.

Rip creditors off by 1/2 and the value of the dollar will crash. The value of the dollar depends on faith in its backer—the very thing right wing propagandists are doing their best to undermine. It doesn’t even register that their political strategy has turned into outright anti-American subversion.

Talking down the economy 24/7 is the same damn thing they while Obama was dealing with the Bush recession. They fought recovery efforts every step of the way—but Obama left office on the 75th consecutive month of economic growth in spite of them.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

At the current rate of debt accumulation, by January 2025 the debt would have grown by 10 trillion in 4 years.

So how does Trump propose to fix this, while simultaneously boosting the defense budget and paying for the deportation of 11 million undocumented aliens?

03/27/23 – Tax Cuts Are Primarily Responsible for the Increasing Debt Ratio – Without the Bush and Trump tax cuts, debt as a percentage of the economy would be declining permanently.

You mean, how is Trump going to afford to fix everything Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has f**ked up? Goddamn, you walked right into that one!

Yeah, tax cuts don’t work too well when the economy is cratered, as Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has brought about. But raising taxes keeps the economy from growing. Democrats ruin everything.

No, the question means exactly what it says. You have no answer because the simple TRUTH is that Trump is LYING. He has no real solutions to anything.

Trump could claim he can fly by flapping his arms, and this followers would never ask HOW?

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Unquestioning belief is the stuff of cults.

Um, um, um, Obama.

Now tell us about your cult.

Obama hasn’t been president for 7 years and will never be returning to office. He stepped aside when his term ended. He and his wife attended Trump’s swearing in ceremony, as did Joe and Jill Biden.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Obama has all his people in place in Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s regime that guides policy. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a puppet. Obama is carrying out his third term without having to put his name on it. It is totally corrupt.

Unquestioning belief is the stuff of cults.

Hmm… do you believe that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden actually got 81 million votes?

Yes. President Joe Biden actually got 81 million votes—several million of which were motivated more by the desire to be rid of Trump than the desire to elect his opponent.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

There you go… THERE’S a cultist! Seek help before you get offered some Flavor Aide.

Where are all the Biden flags t-shirts and no malarky signs?

The distinction you’re drawing is the same one that makes people say you’re in a cult.

You fundamentally misunderstand the difference between MAGAs on the one hand, and normal voters on the other.

Normal voters are just looking for a guy to do a job; you people are looking for some kind of religious experience.

Why do you object to making America great again, groomer? Because I can damn sure tell you these are not our greatest days. And I can damn sure tell you that the four years of Trump were a hellofa lot better than four years of Ron Klain/Jake Sullivan will be (but then, you probably think brain addled Biden is calling the shots, which shows just how indoctrinated you are).

I know your cult of being weak and following the herd
Do look up the definition of cult, and stop repeating foolishness the boob tube chants. I am looking for a guy that gives a damn about the citizens of this country and wants to make our lives better. Wars are not better, selling off our weapons or giving them away so there has to be a huge build up is not better. I have seen Biden growl at a voter “I dont work for you” truer word he never spoke.

You fundamentally misunderstand the difference between MAGAs on the one hand, and normal voters on the other.

You prove you have no idea why people support Trump and what MAGA is. You leftists dream of a socialist utopia where the government provides everyone everything the government thinks they need and suppresses any thoughts or speech that goes contrary to that goal.

We MAGA supporters merely want the nation strong, the border secure, the economy thriving, good jobs, cheap energy, national security, a peaceful world, law enforcement and a strong military. Trump achieved this.

THIS is what you so vehemently oppose. You have invented a visage of your version of a MAGA supporter in order to support your fantasy that your version of this country is somehow better. It isn’t.

NORMAL voters support MAGA. The anti-American, anti-Constitutional deviant, pedophile-supporting, science-denying cultists vote otherwise.

Last edited 7 months ago by Just Plain Bill

Anyone who thinks that’s an actual soundtrack of cadets insulting the Commander in Chief is totally clueless. I’m so damn sick of Trump fanatics poisoning everything with their gutter politics.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

I’m so damn sick of Trump fanatics poisoning everything with their gutter politics.

The gutter is exactly where Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden resides, where he is from and where is mind remains.

Yeah, greg should spend a little time on the hunter biden laptop from hell. The section of photos of hunter engaged in despicable sex acts is enough to shock most normal people.

Not only did Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden enable Hunter’s life of degenerate debauchery, but he engaged in it as well. Hunter is only following Pop’s example.

Trump hasn’t stated the details of ANYTHING he claims he’ll fix.

He says he’ll end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours with telephone call; that he knows exactly what to say to perform this miracle.

He’s going to round up and deport millions of undocumented aliens. Again, no effin’ details. Not even vague details.

He’s going to replace Obamacare. No more details than the last time he made the claim.


There would be no war in Ukraine without Democrat election fraud. When Trump is President, illegal immigrants will FLOCK to the borders to get out because they know he keeps his promises. But, he can just go to the hotels dedicated to housing the illegal immigrants Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lured and allowed in to find them by the thousands.

But, as I’ve pointed out previously, repairing the massive damage Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden will be no easy task, especially since we can expect NO Democrats to help clean up the mess.

Trump will be lucky to avoid prison.

Awww poor baby, he has so far.
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The future is electric, lets begin with the border fence.

Last edited 7 months ago by kitt

Deport the Democrats as well

He has the Constitution on his side. You have fascism on yours.

I’d bet dollars against donuts that you can’t explain how he has the Constitution on his side.

He has the Constitution on his side. You have fascism on yours.

Clinton and Obama ignored the Constitution and the M. S. Media bottom feeders ignored the whole thing

He’s going to round up and deport millions of undocumented aliens. Again, no effin’ details. Not even vague details.

Operation Wetback

Round them up, find out where they are from, put send them to appropriate military hanger, free flight home. Cargo style.
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Last edited 7 months ago by kitt

What makes you think the nations they fled from will accept the repatriation of millions? They might simply refuse.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Greggie, what country does not get US money or trade with the US?
Else the parachute companies are gonna have a booming business.

One of these with airbags lol
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Last edited 7 months ago by kitt

Thus the absolute, utter criminal stupidity of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden luring them here and letting them in in the first place. See the stupidity yet?

Send them back to MEXICO. Mexico let every damned one of them in knowing they were going to violate our immigration laws. Put them right back over the border into Mexico and let them figure out what to do with them.

Even the name was racist.

As Kids in School we used Racists terms like Eeny Meeny Miny Mo. Catch a N******R BY THE TOE we had no real idea the world was racists we never heard the word Racists then

Operation wetback, has a nice ring to it.

FACT CHECK: Detroit’s Covered Windows and Pervasive Leftist Lies about 2020 Election Fraud

biden may have received 81 million ballots but he sure as hell did not get 81 million legal votes.

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon

We didn’t have this Inflation under Trump you Pea-Brain and none of Trumps Family has been involved is dirty deals with China

Trump is not so stupid as to throw obvious lies out to the public and expect them to believe it… like Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden does on a semi-daily basis.

Trump’s calculation regarding lies involves the stupidity on the receiving end. Conmen have a sixth sense about how far they can stretch the truth.

Trump is not so stupid as to throw obvious lies out to the public…

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Trump was a successful President; Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden were absolute disasters. So, who got conned? Looks like YOU, scooter.

Your hopelessly stupid in Stupidland where the Climate Alarmists come from

All Trump needs to do is undo the damage Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has done to the nation, which is, admittedly, a very tall order. The damage to the economy, border security, national security and law enforcement has been extensive and severe. But, Trump reinvigorated the economy once and he can do it again.

Open every area for energy production, pass legislation protecting the energy sector from leftist assault, commence work on new refineries, finish the Keystone, toss ever EO Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden ever issued, close the border, cut funding to sanctuary cities, finish the wall… Trump has a wide range of weapons he can use to repair the Obama/Biden damage.

If Democrats will simply cooperate or get the f**k out of the way.

The way to save America is to first remove biden from the ability to create more harm. Then put back in place the policies that gave us the greatest economy of 2019 before the CCP loosed a virus worldwide with the help of fauci.

Then completely dismantle the administrative state. Fire the bureaucrats who pollute the country with their Maoist ideology.

Deport every illegal alien and send them back to the shithole from whence they came.

That will be a sufficient start.

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon

Without the administrative state, you wouldn’t even know who the illegal aliens are.

That has got to be just about the weakest bullshit you’ve ever puked out.

At the current rate of debt accumulation, by January 2025 the debt would have grown by 10 trillion in 4 years.

The above is the fiscal reality of America today.

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon

HOW would Trump fix that fiscal reality?

He’s simply assigning blame and claiming he can perform miracles—no details needed.

As of right now, 33.904 trillion
On September 28 of this year we surpassed 33 trillion. Almost 1 trillion in new debt in less than three months. Unsustainable

So what is Trump’s solution???

It sure ain’t spending and printing trillions of dollars on nothing but CRAP. Trump will restore the economy, allow it to grow, cut spending and balance the budget.

12/08/23 – Fox Anchor, Through Gritted Teeth, Admits Biden’s Economy “Is a Lot Stronger Than Anybody Understands”

To hear Donald Trump tell it, the US economy is on life support thanks to Joe Biden, and the only one who can save it is Donald Trump. While this claim, like virtually everything Trump has ever said, has no basis in reality, the notion that Biden has been terrible for the country’s finances is a pervasive one, with a recent CNN poll showing 71% of Americans believe the nation’s economic conditions are poor and just 33% saying they approve of Biden’s handling of the matter.

One reason we know the economy is faring far, far better than Trump would have people believe? The actual numbers—Friday’s jobs report revealed employers added 199,000 new jobs last month, unemployment fell to 3.7%, and wages were up 0.4%. Another? Even an anchor on the Rupert Murdoch–controlled Fox Business Network is admitting, on live TV, that the economy is doing well.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Donald Trump has become the main obstacle to constructive compromises that would make it possible to address the nation’s most serious problems. He has totally polarized the nation and forced politicians into extreme “take no prisoners” opposing camps. That’s his means to power, but it is absolutely poisonous to bipartisan cooperation and national unity.

We’ll NEVER solve the the deficit problem without a combination of tax increases and spending cuts.

We’ll NEVER have sustainable energy independence without a combination of traditional fuel resources and green energy alternatives, which are essential to a secure future.

We’ll NEVER get a handle on uncontrolled immigration without reform of our immigration policies and a path to citizenship for those who have been here for years already.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Um…. DEMOCRATS vehemently oppose ALL of that. They never compromise, which is why progress on anything is impossible when they have power.


Um…. DEMOCRATS vehemently oppose ALL of that. They never compromise, which is why progress on anything is impossible when they have power.

Just a bag of never cause you are stupid stuck on moronic policies that have the economy in the crapper. I dont care how long they have been breaking the law illegals got to go. Chain migration has to end. Zero freebies to invaders no shelters no medical no school.Legal green cards can school, no welfare. If you want to go green go ahead, go turn off the gas to your furnace and sit in the sunlight coming through the windows for the few hours it shines in the winter. Buy an electric car but only charge it with solar or wind. The Dems had a chance to fix immigration when Pelosi had the hammer and did nothing.

There is absolutely not a single particle of evidence to support a claim that this economy is anything but a disaster. Real wages down, inflation over the top, jobs SUCK and energy costs skyrocket.

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Still proving your total liberal ignorance we already know your a total idiot

That’s a zinger!

Why don’t the Democrats raise taxes, then?

Because republicans won’t allow it.

So, Democrats are gutless? You blamed Trump and Republicans for not repealing disastrous Obamacare when the same reason held true; Democrats blocked it. Whining, gutless crybaby.

Democrats want the most Unconstitutional Laws then you can imagine, Pea-Brain


Loan forgiveness? No verification of ballots? Suppressing free speech? Gun control?

How bout the one just shot down, hand over your SM for CCL
Mike has been living behind the iron curtain so long he doesnt know what rights even are.

No, it’s just that as long as others are losing their rights, he doesn’t care.

Gun Control/Confiscation for one

Sure let’s jack up taxes. Everyone knows how easy it is to tax your way into prosperity. Dems should run on a tax our way to prosperity platform. That should do it.
Here’s a Biden tax many are already feeling.

Proof that most Americans no longer trusts the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders and Gutter Dwellers

This is what common sense looks like. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is only President through election fraud and the results are clearly demonstrated.

Vivek Ramaswamy Warns Hunter Biden Indictment Might Be Part of Democrats’ Grand Plan to “Sideline Biden and Pick a New Puppet for 2024”

democrats have no choice but to abandon biden. His approval numbers are in the tank. The problem for democrats is who do they replace him with? Newsom the king of poop?

The guy so dense that his wife had to throw in the towel at the governors debate?

Biden’s approval numbers ARE NOT in the tank. Trump’s poll lead barely exceeds the statistical margin of error. The margins of error are increasingly understated; anyone with a brain blocks toll free numbers because they’re fed up with endless robocalls and telemarketer calls.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Only if you read the New York Times Washington Post and Watch the Mourning and Evening news shows the rest of the Lie a Day Mass Media Bottom Feeders

Not in the tank correct they are already down the drain and the DNC is desperate to find a way out of Biden .

Beijing Biden is allocating over $3 billion to California’s high-speed rail project originally approved in 2008. Since 2008 they’ve flushed over $100 Billion and cancelled almost 1,800 miles of track.

Paying Newsom to stay out of the race.

CNN Poll — Trump leads Biden 50-40 in Michigan, 49-44 in Georgia.Biden faces electoral college nightmare.

Biden’s approval numbers ARE NOT in the tank. Trump’s poll lead barely exceeds the statistical margin of error.


‘These Are Some Rough Numbers’: CNN Breaks Bad News to Biden, Shows Trump Leading in 2 Critical States

Biden Struggles without His Teleprompter at Hanukkah Celebration, Says “It’s Been 65 Years” Since Hamas Attacked Jews (VIDEO)

Trump only lost these two states due to unchecked election fraud in Fulton County, GA (Atlanta) and Wayne County, Michigan (Detroit).

Of course Bill Barr said he couldn’t see any election fraud at all anywhere in the 2020 elections. But, Bill Barr is too fat & too corrupt to see it. The man hasn’t seen his own pecker since before the Bush administration.

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is constantly protected by the media and Trump is constantly attacked, yet Trump leads Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the corrupt, treasonous pedophile, in polls that are usually heavily weighted with Democrats. Democrat lies about all of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden “accomplishments” are not convincing anyone.

We all know that our Nations Government Controlled Media can’t be trusted Period

Don has promised to prosecute the NGOs treason, the ones helping invaders come then spreading them into the interior.
Shout out to Michael Cassidy. He may be descended from a Germanic tribe, that partied in Rome.