by Don Surber
File this post in We Were Right, The Experts Were Wrong folder, which is overflowing.
A year ago, Bud Light hired actor Dylan Mulvaney, who portrays himself as a girl, to promote its beer to the LGBT crowd. Sales immediately fell by 25% and CNN later reported it cost the brewer $1.4 billion in sales because people are tired of being bullied by drag queens.
The media called Mister Mulvaney she and called boycotters transphobic.
Fine. Whatever. He’s a he and even if he lops it off, he’s a he because chromosomes don’t lie.
People do. Out of Canada came Mister Lemieux, a shop teacher who now calls himself Kayla and wears a Z-cup chest. Given the over-the-top size of his new top and the fact that he still dresses as a male in private, I have concluded that he is putting everyone on. Even if he is not putting everyone on, he’s still a male.
The media called him her as part of its campaign to present gender dysphoria, a mental disorder, as perfectly normal behavior. AP argued that because Milton Berle dressed in drag for laughs, we must accept drag queens shoving their crotches in the faces of children.
However, the call her-a-him rule does not apply when one of these confused individuals shoots up a Christian elementary school, killing three kids and three staffers. The shooter magically became a she again. The media also lifted its ban on dead-naming people — using their original name — which makes sense since she, too, was dead.
But otherwise, the media is all in on this charade. People resent Will Thomas for pretending to be a woman and winning women’s swimming trophies for the Ivy League’s University of Penn. Its pursuit of a trophy at all costs made Penn more of a jock university than any of the 18 teams in the Big Ten. (Barbie wasn’t the only one who thought math class was tough.)
Most journalists believe history is on the side of the perverts. The reporters who object are shamed into silence.
AP now calls transsexual surgery “gender-affirming care,” stating, “Inclusive storytelling seeks to truly represent all people around the globe. It gives voice and visibility to those who have been missing or misrepresented in traditional narratives of both history and daily journalism. It helps readers and viewers both to recognize themselves in our stories, and to better understand people who differ from them in race, age, gender, class and many other ways.”
How about AP going back to presenting the news factually without trying to change the world? That’s the job of people like me who give opinions.
Oh yes, and if genitalia do not determine sex, then why do we have to change genitalia to affirm one’s sex?
This fad began with the passage of Obamacare in 2010, which enabled presidents to dictate the terms of health insurance. AP reported last August,
“The number of gender-affirming surgeries in the U.S. nearly tripled from 2016 to 2019 before dropping slightly in 2020, according to a study published Wednesday.
“The increase likely reflects expanded insurance coverage for transgender care after the Obama administration and some states actively discouraged discrimination based on gender identity, lead author Dr. Jason Wright of Columbia University said. The dip in 2020 can be attributed to the pandemic.”
Tranny surgery is big business for hospitals especially children’s hospitals.
This boom comes even as tranny surgery advocate WPATH (the World Professional Association for Transgender Health) admits that there is no proof that this works. It does make a person infertile through the removal of genitalia, but there is scant evidence of it improving anyone’s life.
Reuters reported two years ago:
In its latest Standards of Care, released in September, WPATH notes the paucity of research supporting the long-term effectiveness of medical treatment for adolescents with gender dysphoria. As a result, the guidelines say, “a systematic review regarding outcomes of treatment in adolescents is not possible.” The Endocrine Society, in its own guidelines, acknowledges the “low” or “very low” certainty of evidence supporting its recommendations.
That was then. This is now.
Last Wednesday, Spiked reported,
“The landmark Cass Review into gender-identity services in England, published today, has laid bare the scandal of the NHS’s treatment of ‘gender confused’ kids. There was never any evidence for subjecting troubled, often gay, often autistic, youngsters to life-altering hormones, drugs and treatments. But clinicians did it anyway, in thrall as they were to gender ideology.”
The story also said,
“The review, produced by top pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass over four years, is a stunning piece of work: a 400-page triumph of reason over unreason. It doesn’t tell us much we didn’t already know, but it tells us in painstaking detail and with undeniable, data-driven authority.
“There is ‘no good evidence’, Cass writes, ‘on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress’. Puberty blockers – now all but banned by the NHS – were brought in ‘based on a single Dutch study’. While these drugs are certainly effective at halting the natural march of puberty, and almost certainly have other punishing, physical side effects, ‘no changes in gender dysphoria or body satisfaction were demonstrated’.
“Despite this, the ‘vast majority’ of children put on puberty blockers move on to cross-sex hormones. While they are sold to troubled families as a brake on puberty, blockers in fact appear to be an accelerator towards transition – and to sterility. ‘There is no evidence that puberty blockers buy time to think’, writes Cass. ‘There is also a lack of evidence’, she adds, that ‘hormones improve a young person’s body satisfaction and psychosocial health’. But ‘there is concern over the impact on fertility, growth and bone health’. While cross-sex hormones currently remain available to over-16s, Cass urges ‘extreme caution’.”
This is voodoo medicine based on feelings and money. Planned Parenthood has entered the tranny business as the abortion pill replaces abortion itself. Why not diversify? The media promotes this superstition over science for free.
Variety got on Dave Chappelle’s case for mocking trannies, who have complained about his jokes in the past. He shrugs it off.
In his new show on Netflix, he said,
“To be honest with you, I’ve been trying to repair my relationship with the transgender community ’cause I don’t want them to think that I don’t like them. You know how I’ve been repairing it? I wrote a play. I did. ’Cause I know that gays love plays. It’s a very sad play, but it’s moving. It’s about a black transgender woman whose pronoun is, sadly, nigger. It’s a tear-jerker. At the end of the play she dies of loneliness ’cause white liberals don’t know how to speak to her. It’s sad.”
Variety’s review began, “Maybe it’s time for Dave Chappelle to try some new material.”
Yes, only Orange Man Bad jokes are approved now. All other jokes are misinformation, disinformation and hate speech.
J.K. Rowling took a lot of heat for daring to tweet things like,
“‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”
“Many health professionals are concerned that young people struggling with their mental health are being shunted towards hormones and surgery when this may not be in their best interests.”
The media denounced her as transphobic. The little bitches who acted in the Harry Potter movies based on her books denounced her. The gay mafia that she had embraced denounced her.
Last week, Doctor Cass vindicated her.
All of the globalists’ liberal ideas find their basis in lowering the birthrates and Depopulation.
Here’s yet another example…..
Create a false narrative when a child is moving into adolescence that it is confused NOT because of its body’s natural changing, but because it really longs to be something else.
Then do what needs to be done to STERILIZE that child permanently.
The title, Tranny keep your gun, is also another way globalists lower the population.
Letting hormonally abnormal young people own guns has already led to quite a few mass shootings.
Long ago one of the overdosed rock stars (before dying young) described his drug taking as ‘trying to find that place, not too far up, not too far down where he could perform freely despite his innate shyness.’
If drug taking can throw you off, up or down, how much more so when they are steroids and hormones along with anti-depressants?
Yeah, give ’em drugs, surgeries and then guns.
Good idea.
I wonder, as taxpayer funded healthcare pays for tranny surgeries, do they tell the hospitals, “$100,000 for trans surgery? Sorry, we pay $1,500.”? I’ll wager… not. I’ll bet they happily pay, with taxpayer money, the full amount for the treatments. Because doing anything else would be some kind of “phobic”.
It was on July 4th 2023 that Dumb & Dumber(Ben & Jerry)decided to accuse us Americans of living on Stolen Land Like with Bud-Light in Backfired and cost them big time