Top cancer charity apologizes for using word ‘cervix’ instead of trans-friendly ‘front hole’

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I mean….

A top cancer charity has apologized for using the word ‘cervix’ instead of trans-friendly ‘front hole.’

The Canadian Cancer Society, which is run by philanthropist Andrea Seale, acknowledged the LGBTQ+ community on a webpage dedicated to cervical cancer, under the page’s ‘words matter’ section.

The non-profit said that ‘many’ non-binary people and transgender men have ‘mixed feelings’ or ‘feel distanced’ from the term cervix.

‘We recognize that many trans men and non-binary people may have mixed feelings about or feel distanced from words like “cervix”,’ the statement said.

‘You may prefer other words, such as “front hole.” We recognize the limitations of the words we’ve used while also acknowledging the need for simplicity. Another reason we use words like “cervix” is to normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too.’

Many commenters quickly flocked to social media to respond to the non-profit’s stance.

‘Cervix! I have a damn cervix. This is just gross. You will never receive another donation from me,’ one said.

Another wrote: ‘How uncaring are you to ignore the identity, biology amd [sic] feelings of people who actually have a cervix. You need to be ashamed.’

Tom Quiggin, a former military intelligence officer and intelligence contractor for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, also commented on the statement.

‘It may be time to walk away from the Canadian Cancer Society. They have lost the plot,’ Quiggin said on Friday.

More of this insanity at The Daily Mail



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The so-called “front (or bonus) hole consists of many parts: vulva, clitoris, labia, vagina, cervix.
Women pretending to be men might be insulted or triggered by being reminded of these facts, but that doesn’t change them from facts to fiction.
And replacing all those descriptives’ with a generalized “new think” term, like “bonus hole,” or “front hole,” hides the reality of health vs disease in those areas.

Newspeak in 1984 was a way to control the masses, not a way to be accurate.
You’d think health authorities might want to be accurate instead of woke.

I don’t think I even know how to comment on such abject stupidity. Are we to just totally destroy all language in order to avoid “offending” someone who may be mentally disabled? Note that there is NO corresponding mindset on the right. ALL this insanity resides on the left and it should be kept away from children, normal people and centers of governmental power.

Last edited 7 months ago by Just Plain Bill

With respect to Big Mike, there is no front hole.

In Trump’s case, it’s the orifice directly below his nose that nonsense flies out of.

Go soak your head Bean Brain

What a whole bunch of total Wimps and pathetic little Snowflakes