by Jeff Childers
Germany’s Deutsche Welle (DW) ran a story in contrasts yesterday, headlined “Putin: ‘Nonsense’ that Russia wants to attack NATO.” Since the Proxy War started, Putin is not often accurately quoted in Western media, and it was his first meeting with international media since February, 2022.
The occasion for the unprecedented interview was Russia’s 25th annual economic forum in St. Petersburg, an event aimed at Eastern European and Asian business development. The interview included reporters from unfriendly corporate media platforms Reuters and AFP.
“Don’t form an image of Russia as an enemy,” Putin advised the reporters. He denied rumors Russia would invade the entire world. “You have made up the fact that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you completely lost your mind? Who made that up? It’s rubbish. It’s absolute nonsense.”
Most importantly, Putin responded to Biden’s recent decision to allow Ukraine to fire U.S. missiles right into Russia’s sovereign territory. Putin plainly explained the simple calculus: “If you want to stop the hostilities in Ukraine, stop supplying weapons.”
Then, he suggested Russia’s possible counter-move. “If someone sends such weapons to a war zone to strike our territory and create problems for us,” he wondered, “then why don’t we have the right to send our weapons of the same class to regions of the world where strikes can be made on sensitive facilities of these same countries?”
In other words, Putin noticed that just as the U.S. is arming Ukraine with better, modern, high-tech weapons to fire into Russia, Russia can similarly supply better, modern, high-tech weapons to the U.S.’s enemies, like Iran and North Korea. Which would cause huge headaches for the world’s police force, the United States.
The very last thing Israel and South Korea need is better-armed antagonists.
One suspects Biden and his insulated war planners are like chimpanzees trying to play checkers. Who is advising them? It’s like they simplistically concluded, Russia can’t do anything, so let’s go for it. But now that they’ve moved up one square, Putin is showing them his move, which jumps four checker pieces.
And as DW insightfully noted, coincidentally Russia is planning a naval exercise in the Caribbean, just off Florida’s coast, with visits to Venezuela and Cuba. CBS headline, two days ago:

How will Antony Blinken like it if Putin arms the Cubans with hypersonic missiles?
Next, they asked the Russian President about Donald Trump’s recent conviction in Manhattan. President Putin said the Verdict showed the US was “burning themselves from the inside, their state, their political system.”
Finally, DW quoted Putin’s comments about nuclear war, brought up by the reporters. “You keep accusing us of waving some kind of nuclear stick,” Putin calmly said. “Did I raise the possibility of using nuclear weapons? No, it was you who did that. You reporters raise this topic and then write that I am waving a nuclear stick.”
Answering the question, President Putin criticized the U.S.’s total lack of diplomacy in light of the apocalyptic stakes: “We have a nuclear doctrine. If someone’s actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible for us to use all means at our disposal. This cannot be taken lightly. It must be handled professionally.”
There has been a two-year embargo on anything Putin says. You won’t find Putin’s comments anywhere in U.S. corporate media. But it is telling and significant that Western media — in this case, Germany’s DW — interviewed and fairly quoted the Russian President.
The stark difference between Biden’s warmongering D-Day comments and Putin’s calm, careful calls for peace and diplomacy could not be more obvious. At this point, I’d take a class of middle schoolers over Biden’s neocons.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the good news is that the Russians remain sane.
I guess it would have been better for all had Putin been prevented from launching his war to begin with. Which is exactly what Trump did and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden incompetently failed miserably to accomplish. As long as the war continues it has the potential to expand and grow more threatening. All Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is give Putin more excuses to create more chaos.