They’re “Coming for Your Children” – No, Really


by M Dowling

As gender theory overtakes the elementary school curriculum, parents are wising up and fighting it. In Virginia, parents are suing the Harrisonburg Public Schools’ policy over gender. The district instructs teachers and faculty to ask students their preferred pronouns at the beginning of school, then to use that “identity” in their interactions. If the child’s own parents aren’t aware that their son or daughter is using pronouns different from their biological ones, school staff is forbidden from sharing that information.
However, the forces brought to bear make any single lawsuit here and there into a game of Whack-a-Mole.
Last July, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, first established in 1975, released a new original song declaring they are “coming for your children.”
It mocks parents who want to keep their children away from the LGBTQ agenda:

You say we all lead lives you don’t respect. But you’re just frightened. You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.
We’ll convert your children – happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it…
Just like you’re worried, they’ll change their group of friends, you won’t approve of where they go at night. And you’ll be disgusted when they start learning things online that you kept far from their sight…
We’ll convert your children – Yes we will! – reaching one and all, there’s really no escaping it, cause even grandma likes RuPaul…
The world’s getting kinder, Gen Z’s gayer than Grindr…We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children…The gay agenda is coming home. The gay agenda is here.

We thought they were joking sarcastically at the time.
No one is allowed to say they are grooming young children so we won’t say that.
The theories of modern gender theory come from a failed professor who thought pedophilia could be loving.
Harry Hay, the father of the gay “rights” movement back in the 1950s, openly endorsed NAMBLA and marched in support of them. Dr. John Money, the man who coined the term “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” also openly endorsed pedophilia.
The father of modern gender theory is John Money who disproved his own theories, especially the one that says pedophilia can be loving. This is the man whose theories now pervade the LGBTQ movement and which we see being taught in our schools to young children.
Read more at REDUXX. Editor Anna Slatz describes his support for pedophilia:

“Dr. John Money, a sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, is considered the first to coin the terms “gender identity” and “gender role,” describing the “internal experience of sexuality” and the “social expectations of male and female behavior” respectively. These concepts are prominently featured in trans activism today, and are used to bolster claims of “gender fluidity.”
“Like many sexologists, Money believed pedophilia was a harmless sexuality that, when practiced “properly,” led to the child suffering no harm.

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Hell, they can’t even dance. Obviously, there is no entertainment intended, simply promoting some sick erotica.

I refuse to make such effort to entertain the fantasies of an idiot.

Heated debate on gender pronouns and free speech in Toronto

No one has a right to force me to support THEIR stupidity.

I thought convicted pedophiles had to keep a minimum distance from children? I guess that’s another law that simply does not et enforced.

Especially when they are doing the work of the satanic left.

What is the other version of the left?

I can’t imagine my reaction if this had happened when my kids were in school.

The district instructs teachers and faculty to ask students their preferred pronouns at the beginning of school, then to use that “identity” in their interactions. 

How can teachers possibly teach grammar if pronouns mean nothing? Of course, teaching biology is simply out of the question now; forget about it. Just teach fantasy and personal stupidity. That’s a great strategy for the future of the nation.

The world’s getting kinder, Gen Z’s gayer than Grindr…We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children…The gay agenda is coming home. The gay agenda is here.

Remember when they just wanted to get married and be left alone? Well, some of us… WE TOLD YOU SO.

No doubt this is Pete Buttplug’s agenda and how he’ll be “raising” his children. Democrats fully endorse this sick shit.

This gender dysphoria is a sickness that has no place among children. Parents and schools, who promote grooming should be charged with child endangerment, hear that michael?

Just remember thses are the very same narrow minded liberal pinheads who oppose teaching kids about Gun Safety and such

Notice how Comrade Greggie and Michael, The Groomer, did not comment on this thread?

Guess they also support the destruction of a child’s mind with radical non-existent b/s that is not science based (remember how Comrade Greggie preached “Follow the science?”) Not to forget that Michael, The Groomer, claims to be a teacher in a public school.

This is what happens when people ignore the cancer (Marxism) that has infiltrated our nation. 2% of the citizenry takes over. Yes, they (the queers) are coming for your children. They have always been coming for your children. It’s how they survive as an influence.

Notice how Comrade Greggie and Michael, The Groomer, did not comment on this thread?

They’re like, “Yeah? So?”

There’s a very obviously pattern to where and how they post.

Former Kentucky High School Journalism Teacher Arrested for Child Porn

sounds like this is a systematic problem among teachers

There’s a very obviously pattern to where and how they post.

I can’t speak for Greg, but my pattern involves commenting when I feel like it.

Proud of Yourselves?

America has an eating disorder — have you noticed? — and a touch of the old sexual dysphoria — am I a boy or a girl? — and has been caught in its room playing with razor blades. Ergo: America is a thirteen-year-old girl in need of some therapeutic assistance. Who will answer the call for help?

Here we are in the fat middle of Pride Month. Why is it, then, that the authorities have sent squadrons of drag queens out across the land like so many flying monkeys, flapping and shrieking from the candy-colored forests of Oz, to conduct “story hours” for children? Is America not sufficiently confused these days? Are drag queens really the best interlocutors for the doctrine of Diversity and Inclusion? Have we nothing better on offer to occupy childrens’ minds, say, learning to bake bread or build a bird-house? Practical skills they will need when the economy of Western Civ completes its disorienting descent out of Modern Times into the New Medieval?

Does anyone actually know what children think about a drag queen reading, say, My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kilodavis to a roomful of five-year-old boys and girls? I mean, apart from what the parents who take them there tell us their children think. (“They were enchanted!”) We know that the parents are pretending that this is a wholesome developmental exercise. And yet, let’s face it: is it not the whole point of being a drag queen to present a horrifying parody of an adult female human? Something like women-as-monsters?

comment image

Do any of the mommies who bring their children to the drag queen story hour present themselves in public as women the way the drag queens do? As, above all, sexually super-available? Would, say, the Palo Alto mommy of a five-year-old pause to twerk in the frozen food section of the supermarket on any given afternoon? In that context, what might be the reaction of other mommies shopping for hot pockets and Ben and Jerry’s Chubby Hubby?

Five-year-old children generally have no idea what adult sexuality is about. Should perhaps their first exposure to a realm so fraught and complex that many adults do not understand it be the presentation of women as monsters? And why are the mommies so avid for their children to be introduced to sexuality this way? Are some of the children perceptive and astute enough to suspect that drag queens on display are not really women? That, for instance, they might be… men? (A beard can be a give-away.) And might they take that thought a step or two further and ask themselves: why does this man want to pretend to be a monster-woman? Why doesn’t he want to be a daddy? Are mommies monsters? Can they turn into something like this when I’m not around? Are daddies who try to act like mommies monsters?

How exactly is a child supposed to process all of this? All on its own, without any inversions, distortions, and misconstructions, sex is difficult for some young humans to process. By the time they reach the threshold of puberty — say, age thirteen for girls — the onset of sexual development is so alarming that they attempt to starve their way out of it and cut themselves up.

Of course, we have not begun to probe what might animate a man to present himself to the world as a monstrous parody of a woman. Suffice it to say that such behavior suggests some complicated psychodynamics. And why, exactly, are they suddenly on-display so extravagantly now across the country, supposedly for the edification of children? I’ll tell you why: It’s not actually for the sake of the children. The children are just pawns in what is actually a national political psychodrama. Or rather, they are hostages.

What you’re seeing is the Party of Chaos sending a message to the rest of us — those who are not members of the Party of Chaos. The message is: we will take your children and destroy their minds, and pretend that it’s just another module of their education… and you will know, and we will know, and you will know that we know that this is just a malicious shuck-and-jive to humiliate you while we wreck the machinery of civilization, which we hate because it requires boundaries and norms to function.

And think of it: just days ago the FDA announced that it accepted Pfizer’s application for a Covid-19 vaccine for children between six months and five years old. That’s the same “safe and effective” vaccine they have been giving to the rest of you for over a year, which has produced adverse reactions and illnesses in rather striking numbers. Do you know why they did that? I’ll tell you why: to extend the emergency use authorization that shields Pfizer from legal liability for their mRNA vaccines. They are not content with wrecking civilization. They want to kill you and your children too.

Like any other cartoon, they should know not to attempt this themselves. They should also know to NEVER allow themselves to be alone with something like that. Primarily, they should be taught that there are sick people in the world and they need help.

I believe all these mentally disturbed people care about is impressing other mentally disturbed people with their mental disturbance.

From the SCOTUS: They’re coming to break down your door without a warrant, and you can’t say sh*t.

You do understand that there’s more than one border, right?

And you do understand that any US international airport is legally considered to be a border?

You just lost your 4th Amendment rights:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Did a Border Patrol agent rough you up? The Supreme Court fails to see how judges can help.

…While Gorsuch is fundamentally wrong to support what one judge has called “today’s rights-without-remedies regime,” he is absolutely right about something else: The nation’s highest court should stop pretending that any real remedy is available against federal officials at this point.

“In fairness to future litigants and our lower court colleagues,” Gorsuch wrote in his Egbert concurrence, “we should not hold out that kind of false hope, and in the process invite still more ‘protracted litigation destined to yield nothing.'”

It is true that, technically, some unknown class of federal officials can still be sued in some unknown set of circumstances under a 1971 case called Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Nonetheless, as Thomas admitted, Supreme Court justices have denied remedies to any and all plaintiffs coming before them over the past 42 years

Why then pretend that this remedy still exists? Why give hope to people wronged at the hands of federal agents that their rights can somehow be vindicated in court?

The Supreme Court should return to its historical and constitutionally required practice of doing law and ensuring “that every right, when withheld, must have a remedy, and every injury its proper redress.” Public interest lawyers, like those at the Institute for Justice, will continue bringing cases to the Supreme Court to urge it to do so. But if it refuses to live up to its constitutional obligations, the court should at least have the courage of its own convictions and say federal officials can never be sued for violations of constitutional rights

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Step by step, the people you support are opening the door on America as an authoritarian police state. The same damn thing happened in German. If there is no legal remedy for agents of the government disregarding a citizen’s constitutional rights, those rights no longer exist. They’re simply window dressing, as they are in Russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

We know who the real NAZI in the room is. Trump’s role model, Putin.

You never understand the analogy. There’s no difference between ‘Nazi’, ‘Stalinist’, or ‘Maoist’. They’re all just different rationalizations for the same brutal, soul-killing totalitarianism. They all despise individual freedom of choice, which is the mortal enemy of all three.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The Left is authoritarian.

The Right is not.

If there is no legal remedy for agents of the government disregarding a citizen’s constitutional rights, those rights no longer exist

agents of the government imposed illegal mask mandates, paid Russian spies to create false scandals, and to execute a false flag installation of an unelected Joe Biden.

You and yours are the enemy of the American people. We have the LEGAL right to prevent tyrants from taking power.

Seriously? You want the State to mandate that every fertilized egg must be carried to term whether a woman wants to or not, and to establish a surveillance and informing system to make damn sure that happens. You want the State to be able to invade your privacy without consequences. You want State legislatures to be empowered to overrule election results. YOU ARE WHAT YOU ADVOCATE, and it isn’t individual liberty and freedom of choice.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

Resurfaced Video Of Dems Objecting to Electoral College Votes is BRUTAL – Flopping Aces

Is this a topic for which you have no interest or comment?

Seriously? You want the State to mandate that every fertilized egg must be carried to term whether a woman wants to or not, and to establish a surveillance and informing system to make damn sure that happens. 

If the woman doesn’t want it, don’t get the egg fertilized.

Democrats want THEIR rights protected while they trample everyone else’s.

Election fraud (as was viral in 2020) should be investigated and punished. It should not be allowed to decide our elections.

Mask mandates were a public health response to a pandemic that killed over 1 million of our fellow Americans. The right turned it into a political issue, because that’s what the right always does.

Step by step, the people you support are opening the door on America as an authoritarian police state. 

Accusing the right of doing what the left is already doing again? Sounds like you are making a case against “Red Flag Laws”.

You just lost your 4th Amendment rights:

If one is not a Democrat, that right was lost long ago.

New Video Surfaces Revealing the Disturbing Reason Biden Actually Crashed His Bike

But it turns out there was an utterly embarrassing and slightly disturbing reason Biden had veered off towards the crosswalk instead of following the bike path

“By now you may have seen this clip of Joe Biden falling off of his bicycle, rather unceremoniously,” the narrator says. “And if you guess that the reason was because a small child was in the crowd, you’d be right.”
“Now, yesterday, I actually put out a tweet about that before any of this other footage came out wondering why exactly was Joe stopping,” he added. “And it turns out that I was correct. There was a kid in the crowd.

Little Lord Trump never learned to ride a bicycle because dogs hated him on sight.

The insanity of the Party of Trump (formerly known as the GOP): Order your RINO Hunting Permit today!

Biden Official Levine: Sex Reassignment Surgery Is “Life-Saving” And “Medically Necessary” For Kids…

Yes, really.

This douchebag is a freak show

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

This is where these mentally deranged Democrats want to drag this country.

The left will tell you how appalled they are that Germany killed 6 million Jews. And those like Comrade Greggie shrug their shoulders over the killing of 65 million babies.

The attitude is the same; those slaughtered were not human.

A fetus is only a potential person, like an acorn is only a potential oak tree.

Hitler murdered 6 million living persons.

Anyone who can’t make so simple and obvious a moral distinction should have NOTHING WHATSOEVER to say about how others live their lives.

Any person or politician who denies abortion access to a woman who dies because she couldn’t have one is a murderer.

There’s no freedom when stupid people aren’t allowed to make total jackasses of themselves.

These liberals are mentally sick and the only way they can be “normal” is if they can make their mental illness more mainstream. They begin with the children.

There’s no freedom when stupid people aren’t allowed to make total jackasses of themselves.

There’s no Democrat party, either.

True, but we’re done letting them groom child and abort kids.
It’s all a demonic play to destroy families.

Where’s “michael”, by the way? Did he get reassigned?

Where’s “michael”, by the way? Did he get reassigned?

NAMBLA called for a “teacher” to de-educate some child-candidates for their mental illness association.

But you have no problem with your Chinese overlords shipping massive amounts of Fentanyl into the U.S. via the Mexican cartels killing well over 100,000 Americans last year alone.

You’re nothing but scum, Comrade Greggie.

It’s called crime. Sad to say, it isn’t very likely that anyone can stop it. Greed is too prevalent, the lure of easy money is too powerful, the ways it can be smuggled in are endless, and the market demand is too great.

You always serve up your thoughts with a side order of insults. It’s not a very effective sales techniques.

I’m not selling anything. You’re the one trying to sell your Marxist ideology. And while you have harped on the greed of big business, you seem oddly silent about the companies that are offering to pay employees way to a city for an abortion. Not that I think you are smart enough to understand why they are doing that. It has nothing to do with giving a hairy rat’s a$$ about the employee. It’s all about the $$$.

That doesn’t eliminate the fact that you are scum, Comrade Greggie. Being you’re FAs mouthpiece for the Death Cult.

It’s called crime. Sad to say, it isn’t very likely that anyone can stop it.

Well, it’s damned sure certain Democrats won’t stop it, since they PROMOTE and EXCUSE it. TRUMP was stopping it, but you Democrats rather have crime, death and failure.

You are so worried about “women” so why don’t you tell us, what is a woman?

How about answering questions instead of just making stupid vapid statements, Comrade Greggie?

You keep asking me that question. Perhaps your parents should have explained it to you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

You can’t even obfuscate with class.

You’re a slug, Comrade Greggie.

Your own Party can’t explain it.
We’re just wondering how deep you’re stupidity goes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

You keep asking me that question. Perhaps your parents should have explained it to you.

Why don’t you just answer the question? Is it too difficult or are you afraid you’ll get your whiny liberal card revoked if you upset one of the thousands of far left influence groups who have some convoluted idea of a “woman”, like idiot Biden’s token Supreme Court Justice?

Not even close.
Abortion as used as a failsafe for bad reproductive choices has hurt our civilization, as women now are out of control and have little to no incentive to live in harmony with men.

This barbaric, backwards “abortion on demand” is thankfully no more.

And the weak argument that women will “die” is false.

Forcing women to give birth to children that they don’t want isn’t a proper function of government. Neither is judging their gender harshly for behavior that also involved a man.

Whoa, there, Hoss…..are you saying that the decision to participate in an action that caused the “woman” to become pregnant with a child involved more than just the “woman?” Well then, that kind of changes the parameters, doesn’t it? Shouldn’t the other participant have a say in the decisions that follow conception? Or is that totally the woman’s responsibility?

If it is, then no man should ever have to be responsible for child support when the woman chooses to deliver that child.

And here is another suggestion; if a woman doesn’t want a child, she should be sterilized at the same time the abortion is performed. Done. Fixed her problem. She can then have sex like a rutting stag and the only thing she has to worry about is catching STDs that are incurable.

For each denied abortion, the man involved should be castrated. This would solve the problem much more quickly and efficiently, since any one irresponsible male can be the cause of many more unwanted pregnancies than any one irresponsible woman.

And here is another suggestion; if a woman doesn’t want a child, she should be sterilized at the same time the abortion is performed. Done. Fixed her problem. She can then have sex like a rutting stag…yada yada yada.  

How about women stop spreading their legs without assuming the responsibility for what can happen? Perhaps it’s time women realize that the harpies Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan were wrong.

An abortion is how some people do take responsibility. You seem to imagine that such a choice is easy. It’s generally a deeply personal and private decision about what is best in a unintended situation.

You seem to have to demonize somebody to sell your position. That’s not Christ’s teaching, so far as I know—assuming that religion is where you’re actually coming from.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

An abortion is how some people do take responsibility. 

Stupid. Idiotic. Bassackwards. That’s EXACLY how they EVADE responsibility. That’s why abortions should be registered; serial abortions indicate someone that has no understanding of responsibility. Maybe put them in a camp for reeducation. You know, apply leftist solutions to a leftist problem.

For each denied abortion, the man involved should be castrated.

There should be background checks for abortion. Each woman that gets an abortion should be registered, for she is a lethal weapon. No more than one abortion should be allowed each month. More than two abortions in a year should be a “red flag” and she should be locked up so she can’t keep getting pregnant.

Forcing women to give birth to children that they don’t want isn’t a proper function of government. Neither is judging their gender harshly for behavior that also involved a man.

No one forced her to get pregnant. Abortion lets the man off the hook. Perhaps that’s why Democrat “men” support it.

A fetus is only a potential person, like an acorn is only a potential oak tree.

What happens to the potential oak tree if you crush the acorn? Roe v Wade prohibited late term abortions, or any abortion (but for a credible medical reason) after viability. Viability, due to advances in medicine, has been creeping forward for decades. But, the left doesn’t even respect that; they simply want to do what they want to do when they want to do it and KILL the results of any irresponsibility.

What happens to the potential oak tree if you crush the acorn? 

It will never have existed, except in your imagination. You should save your anguish, concern, and compassion for children and people that really do exist. Being real, they have actual need of it.

It will never have existed, except in your imagination.

So, if you had left it alone, it would have naturally become a useful tree. But, someone killed it. Yeah, I have anguish, concern and compassion for the children the left’s support of crime get killed. For those you indoctrinate to be racists or sexual deviants. For those who go without baby formula because Democrats worry more about pronouns than running a government. For those who die from ill-advised forced vaccinations. For those who die from ingesting fentanyl. For those killed by drunk illegal immigrants. I have anguish, concern and compassion for all the children you leftists get killed or abused as well as those you kill in the womb.

So if something that once was is no longer, then it only existed in a person’s imagination and not in reality?

Wow, I’m really glad to know that dinosaurs didn’t really exist because they no longer exist and only exists in my imagination and the imagination of the masses.

You really are stupid, aren’t you, Comrade Greggie?

Tell me, Comrade Greggie, what does the abortionist do with the brain matter that he/she sucks out of the baby’s head to kill it?

Last edited 2 years ago by retire05

No. It’s merely in the best interest of the Left to redefine something so obvious.

Hope you enjoyed your time.

Because it’s over. The days of you WEF depopulating the planet are over.

Companies now offering expense paid trips for women to have an abortion in a baby killing state can be charged as accomplices to murder

Well, they DO have the same level of knowledge as idiot Biden…