From Haley McLean on Declassified with Julie Kelly
In the days and weeks leading up to January 6, the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley, was moving in lockstep with the political anxieties of top Democratic leaders.
These Democrats grew anxious as over 140 House Republicans planned to contest the election results during the electoral college certification that day. Milley was then deeply engaged with a circle of confidants including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, among others—all of whom shared a unified disdain for President Donald Trump.
At a House Oversight Committee hearing in April addressing the 3-hour and 19-minute delay in mobilizing the D.C. National Guard on January 6, Colonel Earl Matthews, one of four Department of Defense witnesses, testified about an “irrational” fear among a “clique” of senior military officers concerning the potential misuse of the National Guard by the president. He indicated that these concerns were influenced behind the scenes by Milley, who often made disparaging remarks about the president and regularly referred to his fear of a so-called potential “Reichstag moment.”
Meanwhile, Milley has insisted he maintained a posture of strict neutrality, vocally distancing his leadership of the military from the political turmoil surrounding the 2020 presidential election. “My job is to stay clean by ensuring that the uniformed military remains out of domestic politics,” Milley stated during his testimony before the January 6 Select Committee. “The United States military has no role in domestic politics, period, full stop.”
Nevertheless, accounts of Milley’s approach to the unfolding situation during the late days of the Trump administration, as detailed in Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker’s I Alone Can Fix It and Susan Glasser and Peter Baker’s August 2022 report in The New Yorker, present a picture of Milley that is much different from the disinterested persona he has disingenuously cultivated.
Funny how they put DC under military control for the setting in ceremony of the imposed tyrant. No problem militarizing the Capital…
So, in summary, a cadre of deep-state pussies, constantly gathering and gossiping, convince themselves that Trump was going to lead an armed coup against the nation, so they purposely conspired to leave the Capital undefended.
Milley was alarmed that Trump wanted to use National Guard troops to put down totally out-of-control riots and looting when Democrat local governments were doing nothing? That, to him, seemed “dangerous”? How about protecting innocent, vulnerable American citizens? The amount of stupidity required to jump to those conclusions while ignoring the REAL threat should have exhausted the national supply. “Trumpian Brownshirts”? Really? As in… what? Meanwhile, Milley and the rest of the gutless Democrats ignore and try to convince the public (as $2 billion in property goes up in flames) that ANTIFA poses no threat and doesn’t even exist but as an “idea”.
Trump had no generals in his back pocket that would conceivably carry out any unconstitutional orders, even if he had wanted them to. However, the evidence shows that the left does. So, what is the actual threat to “democracy”?
Then, the good generals happily mobilize 30,000 troops to totally militarize DC, purely for propaganda purposes. What we have are generals who are infected by the deep state doing the bidding, as the DoJ does, of the DNC. Once again, the left points at dangers approaching from all directions except for where it actually resides: in themselves.