I rarely make predictions — whether of election results or anything else. My policy has always been to say what I believe should be done, not what will be done.
I am making an exception with regard to America in 2019.
2019 will be a dark year in America.
Thanks to the Left’s control of the House of Representatives and the news media, Americans will be kept in a fevered state throughout 2019 — with innumerable hearings, exposés, criminal investigations, and possible indictments of those around the president and the president himself. Truth will not be the point. Defamation will. Anything that might muddy the president, no matter how spurious, no matter how thin the evidence, will be pursued with gusto. The media will drop “bombshell” after “bombshell.” If lives and careers are ruined, so much the better; no one should be associating with this president anyway, as far as the Left is concerned. The Robert Mueller investigation into alleged “collusion” between the Trump campaign and the Russian government — which has led to guilty pleas and imprisonment of people around President Trump for offenses having nothing to do with such collusion — is a preview of what lies ahead.
The goal of the Left to weaken, disable, and impeach the president is the heart of its mission to undo the 2016 presidential election. If the Republicans had done anything comparable during the Obama administration, the Democrats and the media would not only have charged Republicans with racism — as they labeled all criticism of Barack Obama — they would have howled “fascism.” And, for once, they wouldn’t have been far from the truth. The misuse of government institutions for political ends is indeed a fascist tactic. But because most media serve as the propaganda arm of the Democratic party, there will be no protest from the media, only support.
There is nothing Trump or any member of his administration has done that is comparable to Hillary Clinton’s use of her own email server while U.S. secretary of state, or her destroying tens of thousands of emails after they were subpoenaed by Congress, or foreign governments’ and corporations’ paying vast sums of money to Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. Nor is there anything Trump or anyone in his administration has done comparable to the Obama administration’s use of the IRS to suppress conservative nonprofits; its selling of guns to Mexican drug cartels, at least one of which was later found at the scene where a Border Patrol officer was killed; or the lies it told about the cause of the murder of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi. Yet any suggestion by Republicans that these activities be investigated is effectively shouted down by the Democrats and the media. And let’s not talk about the real collusion in 2016 — between the FBI, the State Department, the Clinton campaign, and the Obama White House, using material sourced in part from the Russian government — to undermine the Republican candidate for president and his presidency. The mainstream media aren’t interested in that.
In other words, the Democratic party and the media will do to American political life what they have done to the arts; the universities; the high schools; the Boy Scouts; race relations; religion; the happiness of so many women (misled by feminism regarding marriage and career); the moral fabric of American life (morality reduced to feelings); late-night television; mainstream Judaism, Catholicism, and Protestantism; pro football; and the sexual innocence of the young: It will poison it.
From the French Revolution to this day, the two great aims of the Left have been promising utopia to the malcontented and accumulating as much power as possible. All moral values are subservient to these goals. After all, what could be more important than “social justice” (the Left’s term for everything it advocates); “equality” (of result); women’s liberation from the “sexist oppression” of the “patriarchy”; combating “white privilege”; fighting the “rape culture” that pervades campuses; saving life on planet Earth from the “existential threat” to it; “resistance” to the “authoritarian,” “fascist,” “white supremacist,” “racist” Trump administration; supplanting national identities and institutions with a “world citizen” identity and international institutions; and undoing the most fundamental built-in identity of the human race, that of male and female, in the name of transgender rights?
Well, gosh. I’ll go way out on a limb and make a prediction, too. Tomorrow, along about dawn, the sun will come up.
Of COURSE the Democrats are going to abuse their power and try and destroy Trump and Republicans by any means possible. And of course facts and truth will be exposed only by accident; none of that is either the point or necessary. We’ve seen this movie before.
It’ll be rough gutting it out through their shenanigans. But, in the end it could very well destroy the Democrats. Hopefully they will raise taxes as well; if not, they’ll have to explain why they didn’t. The liberal constituency demands the destruction of the government and the endless, pointless, factless accusations and raising taxes is a sure way to do it.
And it’s pretty much all Democrats are good at.
@Deplorable Me: It is now the job of the cable news network to destroy any democrat that may cross the aisle and vote for anything good for America. After they get to one the others will be to afraid , all while they hype how terrible and out of control Trump is and how it worsens every day.
Gloom doom, chaos out of nothing burgers.
Richie on the other thread said how the market was down, the last 3 days after a record gain have started down then pulled back up to tiny gains, but he wants us all to PANIC AND RUN PANIC AND RUN!
Its like they are sitting in an airplane mid flight saying Not my pilot I hope he crashes this damn plane.
@kitt: With control of the House the Democrats will do on a larger scale the same thing they’ve done with the shutdown; wreck the government, then step back and blame Trump. Of course, the media will support them.
That is beyond dispute. The evidence is overwhelming. Articles of Impeachment were already introduced today. Obama put a praetorian guard in place to first throw the election to Hillary (get out of jail free card) and then when that failed, to take down Trump (the insurance plan). The demokrats in Congress and the MSM are willing accomplices in all of it.
There are two justice systems in place in this country- one for the opposition (in this case PT) and one for the leftist elitists. If you are with Trump, you will be subjected to Stalinist tactics in particular, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime” (PT, Kavanaugh to name two). Guilty until proven innocent. You will spied on based on unsubstantiated “evidence” (Dossier etc.). You will be intimidated, threatened, and financially ruined unless you comply or plead guilty to “crimes” that wouldn’t have been crimes if not for the Stalinist tactics. Your residence will be raided by heavily armed SWAT teams looking for whatever they want to take in order to find a crime. You will be interrogated without having your lawyers present (Flynn).
On the other hand if you are member of the leftist elite, you will be free to openly break the law and lie about it under oath (Hillary, Coey, Brennan, Clapper, etc.). You will be allowed to destroy evidence that is the subject of an investigation (Hillary) and if you don’t do it, the “investigator” will do it for you (Mueller). You will also have the luxury of being tipped off to potential criminal charges so you can take corrective action ahead of time (Poedesta).
It is time for the rest of us to look at where we stand. The left has made it quite clear that anyone other than one of their own is “illegitimate” as POTUS. They made the claims against both Republican POTUS’s this century. They have embraced censorship at the government level, in the MSM, in social media, and in educational facilities. Go against their totalitarian goals and the consequences as laid out by Eric Swalwell D) are imprisonment or death. Given their mob tactics, normalization and encouragement of violence against those with opposing views, and their open defense of Antifa violence is an integral part of their game plan.
The options? One is for the government to police itself through our system of checks and balances. So far that has failed miserably. The IG investigation showed extensive political bias at the FBI and DOJ but concluded there was none. Huber has lost whistleblower evidence against the Clinton Foundation twice. Mueller is covering up for the “insurance plan” as is the rest of the leadership at the FBI and DOJ. Congress is not an option either. When Republicans held the House they were given the finger. The demokrats will just advance and cover for the coup now that they are in charge. We could vote them out but now they are perfecting stealing elections as they stole at least eight of them through “ballot harvesting” meaning voting is almost becoming a useless check as well.
Time for for some deep reflection. The stakes are getting higher.
the media farts rainbows and dances with unicorns and completely lacks a brain. an old Roman expression of the emperor: empty their minds and fill their bellies, only then is the success for a complete dictatorship. Nazis exterminated 14K per day, by the end of the war there were no Jews in Poland. now, ponder the results of a socialist government in this country? you may not live to see it but your grandchildren will be part of it never ending collapsable structure