By John Green
The Democrats and the propaganda ministry have tried to portray the events of January 6 as the greatest assault on democracy… in like, forever. But it seems like that narrative is starting to unravel. The unraveling began when many people began to suspect that the whole thing was a setup and started looking into it.
It wasn’t law enforcement or MSM journalists investigating — they could be controlled. It was amateur citizen investigators using the power of the internet. Ah… the internet — allowing average citizens to cross-reference and collate a limitless sea of information. Our Founders would approve.
Citizen investigators began to identify individuals who were clearly involved in inciting the riot on January 6. But a curious number of them had not been arrested by the FBI, even though their identity was well known. One such individual is Ray Epps. Epps is seen on video urging the crowd to enter the Capitol building. He lives in Arizona on a ranch and hasn’t been arrested. There are numerous others, just like him. The question became unavoidable: Did the federal government have involvement with January 6? We don’t know the answer to that question — and that’s a problem for a constitutional republic.
As this curious information began to come to public attention, the FBI cover-up started. It removed Ray Epps from its “most wanted” list and released a report stating that there was no evidence of a coordinated attack on the Capitol — even though they had been calling it a coordinated attack for months. Apparently, the bureau hoped the whole thing would fade into obscurity. But it didn’t. Merrick Garland and San Fran Nan wouldn’t let it.
The proud head of the police part of our police state couldn’t let it go. Garland was having too much fun playing with his new “fully operational death star” — which has the Orwellian name “Department of Justice.” The only thing missing is a “Peoples” at the beginning of that name. Unfortunately, Garland has bragged for months about his “shock and awe” campaign to bring insurrectionists to justice. The DoJ has had hundreds of citizens under arrest for months — for the horrendous crimes of trespassing and taking selfies on Capitol grounds. What are prosecutors supposed to do? Go to the judge and say, “Oops! Our bad.” That’s not the way police states operate.
Merrick Garland isn’t the only one pushing the narrative beyond what the evidence supports. San Fran Nan has kept the topic in the news as well. She is facing a midterm shellacking, looking down the barrel of a Trump return to politics, and needs a propaganda blunt object with which to beat on Republicans. Her solution was simple, elegant, and stupid.
- Appoint a committee to investigate something that didn’t happen — the greatest assault on our democracy since Pearl Harbor — or was it 9/11? I forget.
- Add a couple of useful idiot Republicans — preferably of the #NeverTrump variety.
- Subpoena every Republican in the known universe.
- Provide creative leaks to the awaiting propaganda ministry. [Pelosi note to self: Don’t forget to add Adam Schiff to the committee.]
Viola, a year’s worth of negative Trump news cycles. Maybe it could even be stretched to three years. But after a year of investigating an insurrection that the FBI said wasn’t an insurrection, the questions started to get a bit too inconvenient for San Fran Nan’s committee. So, she did what masters do. She jerked the leash hard, and her twin dogs barked. The committee released a statement defending Ray Epps, and the FBI arrested Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the Oath Keepers, and a number of his fellow travelers.
In August of 2021, the FBI said there was no evidence of a coordinated attack on the Capitol. Now, in January of 2022, the FBI is saying that Rhodes organized teams to conduct an armed paramilitary operation to prevent congressional certification of the vote. There’s just one problem: It never happened. Except for the activities of Ray Epps, who is no longer wanted by the FBI, there was no coordination at all of the mob at the Capitol. Stewart Rhodes was present, but he never entered the Capitol, and like the other Oath Keepers present, he was unarmed. In fact, the only firearms present in the Capitol on that day were those in the possession of the Capitol Police — one of which was used to kill an unarmed protester.
The indictment of the Oath Keepers is not about what they did. It’s about what they wanted to do — even though they didn’t do it. Crimes of intent are tricky things to prosecute. How can any man know what’s in another man’s heart and mind? Does the FBI have some evidence of his actual desire, or is Steward Rhodes automatically guilty of wrong-think because he’s a patriotic (e.g., anti-government) conservative?
Maybe the FBI has gotten possession of incriminating emails. It’s possible that Rhodes (a Yale-trained lawyer) blasted out his insurrection plans with his Gmail account. Of course, the jury will also need to consider the FBI history of falsifying emails, such as it did to get warrants against Carter Page.
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Maybe the FBI has witnesses that overheard the Oath Keepers’ plans. The bureau is well known for planting informants in organizations suspected of subversion. But whatever witnesses it has had better have more credibility than Andrew McCabe, Peter Stzrok, Kevin Clinesmith, or any of the three agents that have been removed from the Whitmer kidnapping witness list.
I’m not jumping to any conclusions about the Oath Keepers. Whatever evidence the FBI has, is going to need very close examination — by an army of citizen investigators. Don’t underestimate their abilities. Doing so didn’t work out so well for Dan “Fake but Accurate” Rather.
Much to the FBI’s consternation, the January 6 investigation hasn’t faded, and the amateur investigations continue. The questions are getting more inconvenient by the nanosecond.
As stated, the Democrats better conclude their “investigation” before the election or else this will be turned into a REAL investigation asking REAL questions and looking for REAL criminals.
It was telegraphed and expected literally months before the illegal “inauguration” of Dictator Biden.
It is falling apart fast. the woke committee has no provisions for its existence under the Constitution
There is no meat to the January 6 narrative. It is nothing more that a concocted plan to find a way to deem President Trump ineligible for 2024 where he will win the presidency a third time.
Liz Harrington | 115,000 phantom voters discovered in Wisconsin…
Official explanation for why there are 119,283 “active voters” in WI who have been registered for over 100 years “does not hold water”
569,277 voters have 1/1/1918 registration date, amounting to 1 out of every 14 voters in the system
115,252 of them voted in November 2020
Wisconsin Election Commission Voter ID database has 145,000 duplicate voter registrations
“Why would anybody use a numbering system that is inherently unable to be audited by humans or computers?”
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In an unusual legal twist, defendants charged in the January 6 riots have asked to have their charges reclassified to include child abuse so that the FBI will lose interest and move on to something more important.
“We here at the Bureau deeply apologize for arresting all those alleged rioters, who it turns out were only serially abusive pedophiles,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “No child molester should ever have to suffer such indignity at our hands. We promise we will make this right, whether that means forging testimony, burying allegations – whatever it takes to ensure those twisted perverts walk free.”
Several of those involved in the January 6th riots expressed discomfort at admitting to pedophilia, but the FBI was adamant that such an admission meant a free pass. “Look, I shattered a window, I deserved to get in trouble – but they were telling me I was staring down f ive years of jail time!” said shop teacher James Copeland. “Then my lawyer comes in and tells me if I just say I’m a pedophile, all of this can go away. Made me sick to my stomach, but I can’t go to jail. Got actual kids to take care of.”FBI leaders past and present expressed deep dismay after learning that valuable resources had been wasted on child abusers that could have been spent investigating former President Trump. “This really is a dark stain on the Bureau,” said former FBI Chief Andrew McCabe. “We have exacting standards, which involve ignoring vulnerable people to go after politically high-profile cases in order to get more fame and money. It’s time for some soul-searching.”
Did the Justice Department Lie About Pence and Harris’ Location on January 6?
Of the more than 725 Americans arrested so far for various crimes related to the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021, nearly every defendant faces the same two misdemeanor charges: “entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds” and “disorderly conduct in a restricted building or grounds.”
The basis for the offenses is not, as the American people repeatedly have been told, that the building was closed to the public that day. After all, hundreds of people were allowed inside as Capitol police stood by; no signage or official announcements alerted the public that the building was off-limits.
Instead, the Justice Department has argued that the presence of both Vice President Michael Pence and incoming Vice President Kamala Harris rendered entry into the Capitol on January 6 a federal crime under 18 U.S. Code section 1752. In every charging document, the government relies on section 1752 to define a “restricted building” as the location of the “President or other person protected by the Secret Service,” which would have included Pence and Harris.
For example, the initial indictment for Florida resident Howard Adams twice claimed that “the Vice President and Vice President-elect were temporarily visiting” the building that afternoon, which is why Adams was charged in May with two criminal counts under section 1752.
But a superseding indictment issued by prosecutors in December made a major correction to Adams’ case: the new filing omitted the term “Vice President-elect.” Why? Because Kamala Harris was not in the Capitol when Adams or any protester entered the building on January 6.
Politico recently revealed the Justice Department’s false allegation after a prosecutor had to inform Beryl Howell, the chief judge of the D.C. District Court handling every Capitol breach case, during a sentencing hearing that her claim Harris needed to evacuate the Capitol building on January 6 was untrue. “Assistant U.S. Attorney Jamie Carter chimed in to say that the government had ‘recently learned’ that Harris was not actually present when the Capitol was breached,” Politico reported in November. (It’s unlikely Howell took a break from berating Capitol trespassers to reprimand the government for repeatedly misleading the court about Harris’ whereabouts on that January 6.)
So, why did it take so long for the Justice Department to fess up? After all, Harris has publicly admitted that she wasn’t at the Capitol on the afternoon of January 6, 2021. “It’s unclear why DOJ included the erroneous information in the first place and continued to do so for months,” Politico reporters Josh Gerstein, Kyle Cheney, and Christopher Cadelago wrote. “Published reports as early as mid-January, including interviews that Harris gave as she prepared to make history as the first female vice president, indicated she was not present in the Capitol during the insurrection (sic).”
But Kamala Harris’ actual location on January 6 is even more explosive, so to speak. Politico reported in a separate article last month that the then-senator and incoming vice president was at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the same time an alleged pipe bomb was discovered outside the building on January 6. A timeline produced by Capitol Police, obtained by Politico, confirmed that Harris was at the DNC offices in Washington and had to be evacuated around 1:15 p.m. when the device was discovered by law enforcement.
Officials with the Capitol police, including former chief Steven Sund during his congressional testimony, never disclosed that alarming fact, which makes the unresolved crime of the January 6 pipe bombs all the more astonishing. (Another alleged pipe bomb was found near the Republican National Committee headquarters right before 1 p.m. Both buildings are just east of the Capitol.)
Whoever set the alleged explosive devices not only endangered the lives of nearby lawmakers and the public but the life of a sitting U.S. senator and incoming vice president. One would assume, given the urgent security threat the pipe bombs posed that day, law enforcement would be a little more vigilant in tracking down the still-unidentified perpetrator or perpetrators. That doesn’t seem to be the case.
Despite the Justice Department’s recent confession, numerous existing indictments still include the inaccurate claim; D.C. judges, including Chief Judge Howell, seem unbothered by the fact federal court documents—and, more importantly, evidence presented to a grand jury—include an entirely false allegation about the events of January 6.
It now appears that the Justice Department also fibbed about the whereabouts of Mike Pence. For over a year, the government has stated in every criminal complaint that Pence stayed in the building the entire day. “Vice President Pence remained in the United States Capitol from the time he was evacuated from the Senate Chamber until the sessions resumed.” (Pence was evacuated at 2:20 p.m.; the joint session reconvened at 8:00 p.m.) That claim has been included in government motions seeking pretrial detention for dozens of January 6 defendants.
But evidence that Pence remained in the building for nearly six hours is murky at best—and the Justice Department is changing its story as the first jury trials get underway.
Couy Griffin, the Cowboys for Trump leader charged with both section 1752 misdemeanors, wants proof Pence was in the Capitol; Griffin’s trial is set for March 21. His lawyer asked the court to compel production of pictures taken by a White House photographer that clearly contradict the government’s allegations, prompting the Justice Department to once again backtrack. Now, prosecutors want to argue that entry was a crime because Pence was coming back to the Capitol.
“18 U.S.C. 1752(a)(1) and (2) criminalizes a person entering a restricted area ‘of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting.’” [Original emphasis.] “18 U.S.C. 1752 does not require the Secret Service protectee to be present on the grounds or in the building where the restricted area has been established at the time of an illegal entry into the restricted area. Therefore, the Vice President’s presence in an underground parking garage or tunnel does not exculpate the Defendant with respect to the charged conduct,” Janani Iyengar, an assistant U.S. attorney, wrote on January 18.
But of course it does—not only does it exonerate Griffin, who never entered the building, but hundreds of Americans charged under the same premise.
Further, the Justice Department insists it does not have the photographs, which were obtained by ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl. “The photographs requested by the Defendant from the official White House photographer are not in the government’s possession, therefore, they are not considered Brady [material] and the Defendant cannot move to compel their production,” Iyengar wrote to the court.
And that’s not the only way the Justice Department is attempting to conceal Pence’s exact location for nearly six hours on January 6. Prosecutors also have asked the court to strictly limit the cross-examination of Secret Service witnesses and prohibit defense attorneys from asking agents about “the location within the Capitol or its grounds to which the Vice President and his family, or their motorcade, were taken once the riot began on January 6, 2021.”
Any public disclosures about Pence’s exact location, prosecutors argue, would jeopardize national security. In another major goal post shift, prosecutors say the burden of proof for the government only is to show that the defendant entered “building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting.”
A central question remains: Was Pence in the Capitol building, as the Justice Department has repeatedly claimed, or not? Is it yet another fabrication intended to exaggerate what happened?
January 6 is a tissue of myths, cover-ups, manufactured hysteria, and outright lies. As I predicted in my book, January 6: How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right, the truth gradually will be revealed as trials get underway this year. Exposing the Justice Department’s intentional falsehoods about Kamala Harris and Mike Pence is just the start.
Yep. They’re unraveling the Trump administration’s cover-up.
01-28-2022 – January 6 committee subpoenas individuals tied to fake elector push
If you think an identical scheme was independently conceived and implemented by Trump operatives in 7 separate swing states entirely by coincidence, and with no coordination, you really aren’t thinking at all.
There were republican villains, but there were also republican patriots. You know who. They have become the targets of the right wing propaganda machine. Mike Pence may have had more to do with saving the republic than anyone yet realizes. He stood up against Trump’s pressure. It may have come down to Pence to stop a conspiracy in its tracks.
Another from the desk of pedoland CNN Article filled with misinformation and propagandist inflammatory rhetoric,good for these people kudos to them that continue to expose what happened with Bidens 600 lawyers messing with established election laws.
They were awaiting the outcome in the House. Nothing wrong, just in case. Go change your panties, you got them all wet over nothing.
There was widespread Democrat fraud that turned the election. That can’t be covered up.
greg does not understand the Electoral Act of 1877.
You don’t understand that Trump operatives conspired to overturn a presidential election.
They clearly did not.
As we see in PA, the 2020 election was and continues to be illegitimate.
Pointing that out is what responsible citizens do, considering the preponderance of clear and credible evidence of voter fraud.
Trump had no “operatives.”
The only operatives on January 6th were FBI in orange hats, with their antifa rats filming.
Right. And phony “alternative” electoral credentials and votes for Trump submitted in 7 swing states was pure coincidence.
Not pure coincidence. The fact that mystery votes poured in after counting was stopped in all the swing states is the clearest and credible evidence of election fraud we have.
Biden won nothing.
But keep believing what you want. Every nation has its crackpots.
And Bidens 600 lawyers attacking election laws in 7 swing states was pure coincidence. Having voters activated then voting only to be deactivated after the election not pure coincidence.
Anyone claiming the election was free and fair is completely dismissible as a nutjob.
So you say. But there’s NOWHERE that all the alleged evidence has been put on display for public inspection, is there? Why would that be?
I guarantee, all the evidence the January 6 committee uncovers WILL BE laid out for public inspection. That’s why a full investigation has been fought every step of the way, in every way possible. The right doesn’t want a battle involving testimony and evidence. They want a battle of unfounded allegations and public relations campaigns. They want the truth to be what they can make people believe.
Manufactured for state-run media to tell low IQ types like you what to think, perhaps.
Who is Ray Epps?
Democrats are the very definition of “battle of unfounded allegations.”
It’s what you people do.
Trump’s clowns are the ones who shoveled a shit-load of unfounded allegations with absolutely no credible evidence to back them up. Consider the nature of these idiots, and the bungles they’ve been responsible for again and again. It’s like a cartoon conspiracy—except they were deadly serious.
No clowns to speak of. Just hard evidence.
Video evidence and sign affadavits.
Democrats shoveled a shit-load of unfounded allegations (Russia Collusion, pee tape, etc) for over four years.
For them and you to accuse Trump of the same is hilarious.
There IS NO hard evidence. Which is why you CAN’T provide a link to any website where it all laid out for close public inspection. There’s been a standing open challenge to put up or shut up for months. Every damn claim taken to court fell flat. Rudy, the clown with the running grease pain, wouldn’t even repeat his bullshit under oath.
ET is not secretly on earth. Bigfoot does not lurk in the wilderness. Clinton was not part of a ring of pedophiles operating out of a pizza restaurant. COVID vaccine is not a government plot. Obama wasn’t a tool of Islamic extremists, nor is Biden a Chinese communist puppet. And sometimes plots are EXACTLY what they appear to be.
The evidence has been provided, ad nauseum.
It’s fact.
Right now, a Majority of Americans don’t recognize Biden as the president and that same majority knows the 2020 election was illegitimate.
The only plot on Jan. 6th was that of traitorous FBI and state department officials engineering a false-flag to frame Conservatives of what their brown-shirt antifa thugs just did for over four years: attack our government.
The preponderance of evidence has been given. It’s fact.
That you are in denial is expected, because it’s going to take a lot for you to understand you’re one of the bad guys….and you are one of the bad guys.
Meanwhile, in free and fair voting America with due process and Constitutional Law, we’re cleaning up the mess you marxist pigs have left after rigging our election and letting the world fall into war and chaos, all after a very successful Donald Trump shows you clowns for being the beta-male charlatans that you are.
No, it has not. NOT ONE EFFIN’ TIME. Why isn’t there a website where it’s posted? Did it slip somebody’s mind? Is a website too expensive? Even with Trump’s $100 million+ in recent donations?
I’ll tell you what the problem is. 54% of the adult population now has a 6th grade reading level or less.
You have no evidence of that statement.
Try again.
The god of intelligence that Leftists seem to worship falls flat when they sacrifice the genitals of their own children to very, very unscientific ideals.
The evidence has been provided, ad nauseum.
Greg, Every damn claim taken to court fell flat. Liar! Note Wisconsin Supreme court. Now the PA Supreme court. Thing is what to do with it now? How about for starters those that broke the law go to prison where are the AGs? nly a couple of double voters get their piddies smacked, never the big perps. All but 1 of WEC belong in front of a court room.
Historians are already writing impostor Biden out of history.
The Truth always comes out….always.
Trump is innocent and every effort to manufacture a crime falls flat.
What a fricking legend Donald Trump is.
Nancy Pelosi’s Son Implicated in Sixth FBI Probe – Accused of Bribing San Francisco Officials to Remove Permit Violations at Ex-Girlfriend’s Property
I think there’s a San Francisco law that a bribe has to be more than $1600 to be prosecuted.
State Farm Arena. That’s the first example and you STILL can’t explain it.
greg has a lie for everything.
He has a “shit-load” of unfounded allegations he gets from CNN than he can never prove.
Or, will they simply LIE about what they found like they did the emails, texts and Trump’s response?
It’s been given and it’s been public for a long, long time.
Just because you’re an idiot and you haven’t heard of it means nothing.
It’s clear, it’s overwhelming, it’s credible, and it’s a threat to an illegal regime that is being dismantled and disregarded more and more with each passing day.
Maybe you should look at it when it is provided. Just pretending not to see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.
State Farm Arena.
A faked water main break at State Farm Arena. Observers told to go home, that counting was suspended until the next morning. After all the observers were gone, boxes secreted under tables are dragged out and counting resumes. Idiot Biden receives an inexplicable spike in votes.
Pure coincidence.
The preponderance of electoral fraud is fact.
Biden won nothing and will not be written into history as anything other than an installed embarrassment.
greg doesn’t understand traditional American freedoms or our Laws. He certainly doesn’t understand due process, or that an obviously rigged election will be ignored by its citizens as they restore our traditional American processed that Democrats have destroyed by lies, deception, and foreign money.
After Pennsylvania, biden is down to 285 electoral votes. Just 15 more.
Even so, I ask Leftists this simple question:
“Does it feel like Biden won?”
No, it doesn’t.
That would be Trump’s BIG LIE, for which NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE EXISTS.
Tell that to Pennsylvania, who just ruled that the voting laws were unConstitutional, thus decertifying the results in the Keystone State.
The preponderance of CLEAR AND CREDIBLE EVIDENCE of voter fraud is now impossible to ignore.
State Farm Arena. Glaring, blatant, overt fraud and lies. It’s the first major example and you have no answer for it BUT fraud.
If it wasn’t true, you would be able to dispel the examples given. You never do. You can’t. There’s only ONE explanation for the State Farm Arena scenario: organized and coordinated fraud and cheating.
Your gullibility? Because the whole crack-brained conspiracy theory has been repeatedly debunked—by REPUBLICAN election officials.
I’m sorry that you’re so stupid you think this is a Republican/Democrat divide.
It’s between us Americans and….whatever it is you have become.
Even without the State Farm Arena story, the preponderance of evidence is overwhelming, and plausibly denied by the usual globalist/Dem/Leftist criminals.
I don’t think that. Not all republicans are irrational Trump cultists.
It’s pretty rational to translate the news propaganda just before the election, saying “Hawkfish, a PR firm hired and paid by the DNC, said there is going to be a “red mirage” where it looks like Trump won, then just the right amount of votes will come in the night and Biden will win” as “WE’RE SO OBVIOUSLY GOING TO CHEAT!!!”
greggie, please enlighten us on the specific passage where this was debunked? I know, a village idiot will not be troubled to find something that does not exist!
Do you need for me to post the video again? Because I’ve posted it several times already:
Georgia’s REPUBLICAN state election officials have explained that the State Farm tale is complete bullshit, again and again.
He fully debunks the story, point by point.
Here’s an idea—maybe you should LISTEN TO HIM CAREFULLY, just once.
Greg the urinal leak was early in the morning, they said “Fulton County election results delayed after pipe bursts in room with ballots.” That came over the MSM broadcasts.
So this guy changes the story, we are suppose to ignore what was announced the night of the event?
FULTON COUNTY, Ga. (WVLT) – Nearly 40,000 absentee ballots will not be counted for the state of Georgia until at least Wednesday after a water main break, Fulton County officials said.
According to officials, a water main break at State Farm Arena caused a pipe to burst. The burst pipe was discovered around 6 a.m. Counting of the ballots began at 11 a.m.
Officials said no ballots were damaged as a result of the water main break.
When the official got word to continue he should have obeyed the law and refused without the observers.
Why didnt they show the part where after opening and verifying signaitures they were placed in the ballot caddies and placed under the table?
That IS NOT a quote from election officials. It’s a quote from a WVLT Channel 8 news story writer.
The actual quoted passage from election officials doesn’t say anything about the nature of the plumbing problem.
POLL: Over 45 Percent Say Biden Lied To Get Elected And Now Life In America Is Worse
Biden regret is real. Voters across the country are catching on very quickly.
Biden has been a disaster for the country.
The only question now is, how do we hold it together as a nation for three more years?
US Congresswoman Claudia Tenney Calls for Biden’s Impeachment Due to Secret Flights of Illegal Aliens from Southern Border to Northeast
Do you understand that explaining there really never was a water main leak doesn’t make this any better? BECAUSE we already KNOW there was no water main break. HOWEVER, according to numerous affidavits, due to a water main break, they sent all the observers home.
He doesn’t even address the observers.
It also doesn’t matter WHEN the boxes of illicit ballots were staged, the issue is THE ILLICIT BALLOTS.
He explains nothing.
No cover up.
These idiots were willing to pay a Russian Spy to make up things that never happened against Trump.
Why would anyone with a brain believe them now?
They wouldn’t.
Pelosi Puppet Liz Cheney’s Hunter Biden Problem: Husband’s Firm Reps Chi-Com Companies, Dictatorial Regimes
Read more here: Liz Cheney’s Hunter Biden problem: Husband’s firm reps China companies, dictatorial regimes | Just The News
(Cheney) husband has been earning money as a partner at LW, which boasts being the second highest grossing law firm in the world. According to LW, its profit per equity partner is $4,520,000.
Liz Cheney (Perry, whatever) needs to go have a good cry, IT’S OVER!
And NOW it is revealed that Cheney (Perry, whatever) has been the recipient of ChiCom cash! How much worse can it get? Another elected official compromised by the CCP
Now we know why one of the reasons that Cheney (Perry, whatever) has been so angry at President Trump. He threatened, and was following through, on tearing up her family’s lucrative little ‘play house.’ And Cheney (Perry, whatever) is just one of many who ‘feel’ the same way for the same reason.
Just how many other compromised elected or non elected members of our government are compromised by the CCP?
And yesterday the Homeland Security identified American citizens exercising their 1st amendment right to free speech as domestic terrorism. Sound very CCP, does it not?
Biden Dept of Homeland Security Identifies the First Amendment as Biggest U.S. Terrorist Threat – The Last Refuge (
The CCP accepts a little “bad mouthing” from their useful idiots in Congress and business because they understand these people need to maintain some “credibility”. But when they actively work against CCP interests, they get their membership in the Chinese money club cancelled.
It’s hard to find someone in business or Congress that has not been compromised by Chinese money, but the signs of those who have are very, very clear.
McConnell comes to mind immediately. His wife’s father is a big time sip magnet. It is easy to see the butter that spreads McConnells bread
Trumpism has effectively destroyed the GOP. It doesn’t matter if a majority of republican voters still vote for Trump, if that majority is a minority of all American voters.
You’re also going to lose your COVID narrative, too. Right-wing propagandists are already pivoting to criticizing their opponents who are phasing out mandates.
The COVID narrative was all the Democrats had and how they falsely exploited it is now fully exposed. What excuse are you going to use to enable the election fraud you used in 2020 without the fear-porn of COVID? You’re going to have to recreate that atmosphere of fear.
The next pandemic is HIV the boa constrictor always loosens and then tightens is coils on its victims. HIV caused by the jabby and its boosters. They will say it is a mystery illness of unknown cause then use it to again flood mail in ballots stuff ballot boxes etc…
It is impossible to comply our way out of the constrictors coils.
January 6 was not an insurrection, the doors were unlocked from the inside the JG Wentworth guy was given a tour of the senate floor then he and his small group left when asked to. Very few were swept up in damaging government property, most done by FBI and Antifa infiltrators, who selfied themselves breaking windows they get a spot on MSM, paid off and released.
There are hundreds political prisoners being held without bail or charges many never entered the building.
the village idiot admits that he cannot understand written language. He fails to understand what is truth (facts) and what is propaganda.
And just look at the great works Idiot Bidenism is doing for the Democrats! First, his following has totally exposed how much fraud was used to get him into office; his “true believers (aka, “voters”) are all that are hanging with him and that AIN’T a majority. A majority wanted 4 more years of strength and success, not idiot Biden failure, disaster, insecurity, inflation and embarrassment. The GOP is stronger than ever, especially compared to the collapse of the corrupt Democrat/socialist party.
Again we dont care about Chinas bitch Mitch, there are several other rinos you can toss into that disgusting pile as well.
Tell me who was in charge of the government after the not an insurrection, what powers put down the insurrection. You see there was no insurrection no one got on the tele and said the government has resigned at gunpoint and we are now in charge.
There are swamprats in the party that need to be purged.
There are primaries coming up they need to run on their record not like Mitch and Mitt on Trumps coattails then stab him in the back. Lindsey is another wind twister.
There is no imaginary united front, Trump does not have to run, what we want is a servant of the People a representative. Not a dick tater crack daddy like sits in the seat today.
I like to see the mini dictators at state level finally being forced to lift unconstitutional unscientific mandates…fear of the HONK HONK has been effective.
Some pedophile from the Lincoln project now says the Canadian truckers are mounting and insurrection
90% of cross-border Canadian truckers have been vaccinated. Their work and livelihoods have been disrupted by the other 10%, who are being used by the far right.
If you define effectiveness as serious economic damage and empty shelves in retail stores, I suppose you could call this effective. The fact is that the right is deliberately creating such problems as a means of destabilizing the system.
The most current economist/yougov poll has only 18% saying the country is on the right track. 67% say wrong track and 51% democrats agree
Nope. That’s accurate in every detail. The only way far right losers can take control is by first destroying the system.
More bullshit
Pelosi Puppet Liz Cheney’s Hunter Biden Problem: Husband’s Firm Reps Chi-Com Companies, Dictatorial Regimes
Psaki Says Toddlers and School Kids Should Wear Masks Regardless What Any State Has Decided (VIDEO)
That’s how they always operate. No one will buy the crap the far right is selling unless they’re first made desperate for change.
There is no “far right” here. There is only the majority of AMERICANS. You are on the other side.
Solution: end the mandates. The mandates were never necessary and are less so now. Fascist government have overplayed their totalitarian hand and must admit their error. Otherwise, they don’t deserve the people’s confidence, respect, loyalty or obedience.
Mandates aren’t what are blocking traffic on roads, streets, and bridges.
Yes, yes they are big honking mandates.
Trudeau was heckled in his parliment. Even the liberal party is wondering what science is behind him doubleing down as other countries drop their mandates.
Nothing but vanity his arrogant thoughtless vanity and puffed up ego.
He is running his country just like his daddy Castro.
If you think only removing the jabby mandate will end this you are wrong, all mandates and covid restrictions.
They are not being used, they are tired of being abused.
Justin bought 10 times the amt of jabby clot shot than the population of Canada, 10 times.
Yes, they absolutely are. For, without the mandates, there would be no convoy, would there? You state only 10% of the truckers remain unvaccinated. Is it unreasonable to assume that 10% constitutes those with antibodies or medical reasons not to take the vaccine? The vaccine is DANGEROUS for those people. But, mandate addicts don’t care; determining who might be harmed by the mandates is too much trouble, so the blanket mandate of EVERYONE, hazardous or not, is imposed.
How about when BLM shut down highways, streets, sidewalks or businesses? How about when BLM/ANTIFA occupied 6 city blocks of Seattle, running off anyone they didn’t feel deserved to be there, even KILLING people trying to enter their own neighborhoods? Was that “righteous”? Was that insurgency? Was that an attack on the government? How about laying siege to a federal court house? Was that obstruction? How about burning down a police precinct? Was that deliberately creating a problem? We must ask because you have never denounced or even acknowledged these transgressions. Yet, truckers who are forced to take a possibly deadly or debilitating vaccine don’t, according to you, have a right to protest such an illegal edict.
In case you haven’t figured it out by now, your position is irreconcilable with reality. It is hypocritical and based solely on ideology. “Left wing protest, good, right wing protest, evil” cannot be supported with facts.
I’ll bet if the mandates are lifted, the traffic blockage ends. Prove me wrong.
A song and a tap dance from Matt Gaetz, smarmy little weasel:
Some of what McCarthy said: ‘Tension is too high, the country is too crazy. I do not want to look back and think we caused something or we missed something and someone got hurt. I don’t want to play politics with any of that.’
(Many people got hurt. Some people were killed.)
‘Well, he’s putting people in jeopardy,’ McCarthy said. ‘And he doesn’t need to be doing this. We saw what people would do in the Capitol, you know, and these people came prepared with rope, with everything else.’
‘This is serious stuff people are doing that has to stop,’ the top House Republican grumbled, mentioning briefings he was receiving from the FBI.
‘I’m calling Gaetz, I’m explaining to him, I don’t know if I have much to say, but I’m going to have some other people call him too,’ McCarthy continued. ‘This is serious s**t, to cut this out.’
Liars, pimps and whores, the lot of them.