Thread via Byron York
A simply stunning report about J6 committee. Cassidy Hutchinson testified she talked with Pat Cipollone on morning of January 6. White House counsel worried about Trump going to Capitol. Hutchinson said he told her to make sure it didn’t happen…
Transcript of the sixth Jan. 6 committee hearing on its investigation : NPR
— Kat ☮️ (@educatedelitis) June 30, 2022
Hutchinson testified Cipollone said if Trump went to Capitol, ‘We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable if we make that movement happen.’ Then detailed some of the alleged crimes…
Hutchinson testimony viewed as very big deal, suggesting White House counsel feared big legal exposure stemming from J6. But get this… Cipollone just testified before J6 committee for 8 hours, under oath, videotaped, transcribed. And according to a new report from CNN, the J6 committee did not ask him about the ‘every crime imaginable’ statement.
If report is true — and maybe it’s not, although reporters seem well sourced with committee — J6 committee behavior is inexplicable. Do they want to find out what happened or not?
Jan. 6 panel didn't specifically ask Cipollone about Hutchinson's testimony on legal consequences of going to Capitol during riot, sources say
— Ethan Harp (@EthanHarpNews) July 9, 2022
Members should explain their actions, although that seems highly unlikely. They don’t have to, and there appears to be no committee member who will publicly cross the others. . and \
Charade is right
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) July 2, 2022
Corrupt lawyers will not ask questions they don’t want to know the answer to. In fact, they KNEW the answer and they don’t want the answer to be made public. It’s the Schiff strategy: trumpet the lies that prop up your agenda, bury the facts that expose and destroy the lies. Not having any honest, reputable Republicans (or Democrats) on the kkk comes in handy in this strategy.
NOT. What their entire purpose for existence is is to formulate a narrative damaging to Trump. That and that alone.
Cheneys have all been lefty , conservative haters for 40 years. Cassidy is “a woman scorned”. Lefty Liz realized this. She tells Cassidy what lies to tell to hurt a conservative – Don. Cassidy tells the lies to “get even”.
There are no conservatives on “Committee”to “cross examine” her – SO HER LIES ARE NOT EXPOSED. The Press has hated conservatives for at least 70 years, maybe more, so they put her lies out to us as “news”.
Yeah, I mean, what would be the point of confirming something is true or not? Just create the required false narrative and run with it.
BREAKING: TRUMP WAIVES EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE — Steve Bannon Willing to Testify Before Sham Jan. 6 Committee of “Thugs and Hacks” — IT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL!
He should only testify if the hearing will be live. The cowardly committee will most likely deny a live hearing opting instead to put it behind closed doors so they can edit what he said into what he did not say.
He has power legal support and there is no way he will agree to a behind closed doors.
But they will regret allowing Bannon to testify, like the proverbial dog who finally caught the car: Now what? Bannon will eat them alive.
They would have to ask him real questions in order for Bannon to cause them damage. That’s the beauty of this one-sided kkk. They will pepper him with “yes or no” questions and cut him off when he tries to give an informative and truthful answer.
Secret Service wipes all phones 11 days after Congress requested Jan 6th communications
Indeed…the Secret Service had to cover up their part in the coup against our nation, leaving an installed Biden and a duly elected Trump deposed.
Hunter’s Laptop suppressed.
Clinton’s emails erased.
The SS deleting evidence of the Democrat coup.
It’s all pretty routine, at this point. The Deep State is real, and they’ve betrayed this nation.
The requested records all pertained to the events of January 6. There still has been NO official statement from the Secret Service disputing Hutchinson’s testimony.
No need to.
Once a losing insider Democrat Candidate colluding with traitorous deep state intelligence operatives pay Russian Spies to invent fake evidence to take down our legally elected President, NOTHING ELSE CAN BE TRUSTED FROM THESE TRAITORS.
Glad we cleared that up.
Bloviating two-bit right-wing propagandists do love to pile on the adjectives.
Being succinct is the consequence of having written 5 published books, and an education that includes being a writing assistant for both business and technical writing.
I can see how a working class joe like you might feel intimidated.
The statement has come from the agents involved. Why would the Secret Service issue a statement? Why isn’t the kommunist kangaroo kommittee curious about who is actually telling the truth? Ooohhhh… that’s right. They don’t care about the truth, they just want a narrative of lies that serves their political agenda.
The United States government and courts have about the same legitimacy as other dictatorships.
Putin must be proud to watch such a Soviet-style show-court happen on American soil.
It was worse than dereliction of duty: The July 21, 2022 session of the Jan 6th Committee Hearing.
Letting this guy run again would be treasonous. To vote for him again would be treasonous. The compelling sworn testimony isn’t from Democrats. It’s from insiders who were there.
It was, in fact, a political coup attempt. Trump went totally off the rails. None of the events “just happened”. Pence missed violence and possible death by moments.
The power was in Trump’s hands to stop what he started in minutes, but he didn’t—he watched it all unfold on television, still hoping his dangerous, unconstitutional plan would somehow succeed. He abandoned his own Vice President to his fate. Indeed, he made Pence a target, because Pence refused to be the flush-lever for American democracy.
It’s all there in the testimony for anyone with a clear mind to see, and it’s coming from his own administration and staff, NOT from Democrats.
No warning about a political cult leader could be more clear.
Trump was duly elected in a year when HRC was to be installed.
He’s not a cult leader, he’s not a criminal. He’s just a guy from Queens who ran and won.
In short, an American.
The attacks on Trump are attacks on our democracy itself.
Democrats and their deep state/globalist benefactors waged a 4 year coup to ouster Trump. They succeeded.
We live in post-democracy America now.
Any and all “testimony” in these sham trails is garbage. It’s what Putin does.
And it’s what we do now, apparently.
Wrong. It was, in fact, and political coup success. Now the WEF is killing off millions indirectly with false climate change
Clearly non-existent.
We agree.
How do you just write off everything that was presented this evening? Lucid, sworn testimony, coming from his own people…
Do you just not listen to anybody but him, and believe whatever he says without question?
Uh, I’ve heard so many lies and “testimony” and things given as fact that were paid for and manufactured over the past few years….only a fool would think any of this is kosher.
You are now the same as Putin: creating crimes on a rival candidate rather than admitting you have no platform.
There are thousands…THOUSANDS….of hoax, non-existent things that Trump did or said that were deleted from social media, retracted quietly, or simply quietly ignored after being debunked that the current situation is plain:
Jail Trump…then figure out how you are going to jail the over hundred million voters who would vote for him today.
Perhaps you should have taken away the guns before releasing Covid?
You’ve already lost.
You have no clue how unhinged that sounds to those who are not.
Dude you are suddenly for any filth that your TV tells you to be for. Doesnt matter what it is you fall hook line sinker rod and reel up to the elbow. You claim that evidence presented doesnt require examination, that testimony proven to be lies needs to be ignored, that the committee altering evidence means nothing?
Nothing requires close examination and careful consideration more than the events surrounding January 6.
You shouldn’t need a Trump lawyer incessantly jabbering in your ear to help you do that. The hearings aren’t a trial. They’re the presentation of pertinent facts and sworn testimony collected during the course of a bipartisan congressional inquiry.
If indictments follow there will be plenty of cross examination—assuming Trump doesn’t follow the lead of Steve Bannon and decline to present a defense, and then rant about the unfairness of the entire procedure.
So let’s have an actual HONEST investigation into J6, not the dog and pony show being put on by the Democrats and two loser turncoats who ran on the Republican ticket. Let’s investigate why the Capital police officer Mike Byrd was never even relieved of duty pending the IA review? Why was it not required for him to turn in his gun, his badge and go to the house on paid leave? He murdered a woman with no legal reason to do so.
And what about the Capital police officer who was beating a passed out woman with her police baton? You don’t even know her name so that tells you the CPD is covering for their own.
The only reason you support the J6 committee dog and pony show is because you, being the Nazi you are, support persecution of the opposing party.
The hearings ARE honest. You just can’t deal with the truth.
They are the polar opposite of honest. There is not one particle of honesty within them. In order for them to be honest and credible, there would have had to be people skeptical of the hearsay, innuendo, rumor and outright lies presented, UNDER OATH, in lieu of actual evidence.
The hearings are standard star chamber courts meant to destroy a political opponent they can’t win.
There is NO truth in them…whatsoever.
Because none of it is cross examined or viewed critically. It’s like a program on CNN or MSNBC. It is nothing but a group of America- and Trump-hating zealots, unbound by any Constitutional restraints, seeking a single-party, totalitarian police state.
A presentation of investigative information doesn’t require cross examination—only the listener’s own thoughtful consideration. The listener’s own intelligence is what evaluates, considers, and concludes—assuming the listener has some, and is willing to apply it.
Cross-examinations occur in courtrooms—a consequential setting that Trump and his army of lawyers have been doing everything possible to avoid throughout his entire crooked career by way of out-of-court settlements, payoffs, and intimidation. THAT bullshit doesn’t work here.
This is false trial by a scared establishment who got sloppy, allowed democracy to happen in the 2016, then got their ASS KICKED by a competent, legally elected Donald Trump.
Arrest him and see what happens.
There is no “investigative information”. There is no “investigation”. They get people under charges to recite their script for lesser sentences. They have people with axes to grind come forth and lie for treats like a trained dog.
The big bombshell, out takes of a speech, Trump actually not a robot that will simply say what ever any speech writer puts on paper. Trump has always crafted his speeches to his style and how its presented. He never called people tacos. Neer lied about having cancer or that you can clear a windshield of oil with windshield wipers.
Yeah, he didn’t have the benefit of Kamala’s speech writers.
That’s a fact. That kommunist kangaroo kommittee is a treasonous assault on our system of government. It is a transition to the totalitarian police state where justice, rule of law and due process is simply tossed aside and replaced with propaganda and political hit-jobs.
Trump or someone else with his patriotism, ability and vision needs to come into Washington and purge our government of anyone with like treasonous, seditious ambitions.
Democrats believe they have a better chance of beating Ron DeSantis than Trump.
That’s why shit-stains like greg keep posting TDS.
They are MORTIFIED by the thought of Trump running…but very confident about DeSantis.
Wonder what kind of Russia Collusion-style hoax they’ve cooked up for DeSantis?
Trump attempted to retain office by unconstitutional, unlawful, violent means, using a mob that he controlled as a tool. Mike Pence stopped him. That’s more than DeSantis or any other pretenders to Trump’s throne can say. Pence and others honored their oaths to protect the Constitution, even at personal risk to themselves. They’re honorable men and women.
Trump did no such thing. The continued, pathetic attempts to simply “repeat it until enough schlubs believe it” has already run it’s course. You losers want DeSantis as the candidate. You have a new hoax created just for him. You have a plan, and making sure Trump can’t run is incredibly important.
HRC was to be installed. She spent money promoting Trump, as many Dems do now in Republican Primaries, because she thought he’d be easy to beat.
You pigs got f*cked by your own immoral games, and the country got a democratically elected president at least for a short while. We also got the Left to show itself for what it really is: an autocracy.
The Left/WEF released a man-made virus that is tantamount to genocide, then rigged an election and continue to kill millions with ESG-caused famine.
You people will pay, in time.
The sworn testimony comes from far too many witnesses inside Trump’s own administration to be a “Deep State” fabrication. They’re all telling the same story under oath, at considerable personal risk. So are republican voting officials in Georgia. All of the pieces are part of the same damning picture—from setting up phony electors in multiple states, to rescheduling DC events to provide a mob to launch at the Capitol on the day of the electoral count. Incite he did, and launch he did, and THEN he ignored everyone’s pleas to stop the violence that followed. He watched it on TV.
Pence stopped him. He refused to be spirited away by the Secret Service. He also refused to invoke the 25th, rightly understanding that doing so would only worsen the crisis. He chose the difficult path of a patriot, and Trump’s mob hates him for it.
Trump? Maybe it was temporary insanity—though it apparently hasn’t yet cleared up.
The sworn testimony comes from far too many witnesses inside Trump’s own administration to be a “Deep State” fabrication. They’re all telling the same story under oath, at considerable personal risk. So are republican voting officials in Georgia. All of the pieces are part of the same damning picture—from setting up phony electors in multiple states, to rescheduling DC events to provide a mob to launch at the Capitol on the day of the electoral count. Incite he did, and launch he did, and THEN he ignored everyone’s pleas to stop the violence that followed. He watched it on TV.
Pence stopped him. He refused to be spirited away by the Secret Service. He also refused to invoke the 25th, rightly understanding that doing so would only worsen the crisis. He chose the difficult path of a patriot, and Trump’s mob hates him for it.
Trump? Maybe it was temporary insanity—though it apparently hasn’t yet cleared up. Even his family doesn’t know how to intervene.
Do you think your Goebbels Mind Tricks are going to work on us? Stop repeating the same paragraph. Do you get paid by the word?
You support fascism, pure and simple. You support the party that sends useful idiots out to assault opposition members like Scalise, Paul and Zelig.
greg doesn’t understand that the minute they try to arrest Trump, the nation as we know it is officially over and the autocratic American nation he’s working towards will be besieged by normal Americans…
…or perhaps he does.
Your “normal Americans” already besieged the Capitol. Try such bullshit again and see what happens.
They did no such thing.
In the wake of obviously rigged election, the Majority in this country came out to protest. The government used this and baited a few hundred unarmed people into the Capitol, mostly to prevent the legal and warranted plan of the GOP to question the election results.
In short, a false-flag.
When normal Americans have had enough, and oust this unelected, foreign-installed “great reset” regime, it’s going to look a bit different than a few hundred strawmen walking politely through ropes. Your antifa cameramen won’t be waiting in any hallways, and there won’t be any insiders opening doors.
No siege on the Capitol was made. A year coup, however, was executed by the deep state and the WEF. We are seeing the results at the pump, in our paychecks, and in our murder rates.
Democrats are bad for life in America, and life in general. They are hemorrhaging followers.
What’s the next plan? Another pandemic, like the puppet said?
I think the WEF and their installed goons in our government are going to be put out to pastor long, long before they see the genocide they are trying to ignite, day by day.
You’ll never see the truth because you don’t want to. You’ll automatically denounce anyone who tells it and deny any facts that support it. That’s the condition that political or religious cult leaders always induce.
Stop describing yourself.
Start bringing facts and start speaking Truth.
Scrubbed google results are the standard tyranny’s propaganda play. Thousands of years ago, and now.
Always the same.
Spoken like the true Communist propagandist you are, Comrade Greggie.
And of course, being the idiot you are, you think resorting to referring to “cult leaders” really helps your agenda.
Again, after so many hoaxes, so many FBI-generated lies, your efforts to simply talk the opposite of reality into being are pathetic.
Trump won. HRC was supposed to be installed. On top of that, Trump did well as President. It’s fact.
The Left conducted a 4 year coup with a hoax Collusion, sham impeachment, and lie after lie after lie.
Trump is innocent. He’ll always be innocent. The obviousness that the deep state and their allies released a virus, rigged an election, and staged a false-flag is already being codified by historians.
The focus on Pence you propagandists suddenly have is also telling.
Is that who you want to run in 2024? An easily-beaten Pence? Most likely.
The Democrats have no platform and can’t win Presidential elections without cheating. 2024 is no different.
As the Democrat Party bleeds members, they continue to betray our nation with “show me the man and I’ll show the crime” nonsense on Trump, commit actual insurrection against our Supreme Court, and push a depopulation scheme in the way of LGBT idiocy and the ESG global genocide plan.
There is no “testimony” from inside Trump’s admin when that admin had already been actively supplanted and undermined by our own government, desperate to keep on schedule with the new world order.
Nathan, there is an old saying “One goes along to get along.”
There is something about the power given to those in D.C. that creates a reluctance to give it up, even at the cost of their souls. Add to that, history repeating itself; show trials, imprisonment of political adversaries, a Socialized press, the indoctrination of children, harassment of the faiths, a two tiered justice system, the list is long.
But the average person has a breaking point and that point comes when they, and their families, are so downtrodden that their very existence is on the line.
Jill Biden fancies herself another Edith Wilson; the show trials remind me of the JFK investigations, two tiered justice system just another Tammany Hall, the Bonus Riots, etc. It’s all been done before and we know what is coming. It is just a matter of time.
At this point, Comrade Greggie thinks he is on the winning side. So did Mussolini.
greggie, the village idiot fails to know the difference between sworn testimony and hearsay.
Was Trump controlling Ray Epps?
Now, don’t be mean to Epps. It upsets Greg.
If Pedo Peter Brandon won they would be rubbing our nose in all the evidence.
Not exactly what they are doing.
Lawyers funded by dark money outfits descend on investigations like locusts. Blocking actions for clear transparency.
This is a distraction from the disclosures.