by Ace
Though, it must be said, NeverTrump has really embraced radical leftists, so who knows.
Oh wait, he’s anti-vax. NeverTrumpers all share the single allowed Liberal White Suburban Housewife Opinion on questions of covid and vaccines. So he was never a possibility.
They’ll just all vote for Biden again. You know, Mr. Sensible Conservative.
Speculation can finally end as sources reveal that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has selected Nicole Shanahan, a California attorney, as his vice presidential candidate for his campaign.
In addition to being an attorney, Shanahan, 38, runs a foundation dedicated to left-wing causes like abortion rights, criminal justice reform, and fighting climate change.
Whew! Had he picked a more conservative figure, he might have siphoned off votes from the right.
According to the Wall Street Journal, prior to joining forces with Kennedy, Shanahan had a history of supporting Democratic campaigns, including Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. Kennedy is expected to formally introduce Shanahan as his running mate during an event scheduled for Tuesday in Oakland, Calif., Shanahan’s hometown.
Shanahan, a political novice, was thrust into the spotlight over her public split with [Google co-founder Sergey] Brin amid a brief alleged affair she had with Elon Musk in 2021 that ruptured the billionaires’ long friendship, The Wall Street Journal reported. After the article published, Musk denied the allegations and Shanahan later followed suit.A Journal spokeswoman has said the Journal stands by its reporting.
In addition to donating to Kennedy’s campaign, Shanahan told the New York Times she donated $4 million to the Kennedy-aligned super PAC that ran the Super Bowl ad supporting his candidacy. Shanahan not only paid for a significant portion of the controversial ad–which repurposed an ad from when his uncle John F. Kennedy Jr.ran for president and caused controversy with some members of his family–but she was a key force in the ad’s production.
Sounds like the most important thing she brings to his campaign is a nice fat wallet.
She has said that she aligns with Kennedy on issues such as vaccine skepticism and the environment. Kennedy is known for his claims–debunked by public-health experts–linking childhood vaccinations to autism and casting doubt on the safety of Covid-19 vaccines. In an interview with the Journal last year Kennedy said he wasn’t antivaccine but believed they should go through more rigorous scrutiny. Shanahan used a similar line in her New York Times interview.
Breitbart points out she’s a “six figure donor” to pro-crime Soros DA George Gascon.
Further, Shanahan, in that same interview, stated that she believes a mental health professional on scene of the George Floyd’s arrest could have possibly changed the outcome of the situation.San Francisco Magazine put it this way:
Another important area of investment–criminal justice reform–is one that Shanahan has been devoted to for years, long before the Black Lives Matter movement. “I remember telling Sergey’s foundation head about five years ago that criminal justice reform was going to be one of the biggest topics of our generation,” she says. “I’m happy that I could be a major donor for Measure J in Los Angeles County, which was voted in and will be rerouting some of the law enforcement budget toward mental and social support services.” Shanahan notes that having a mental health professional on the scene of George Floyd’s arrest would have de-escalated the situation and possibly saved his life.
Conservative and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk also pointed out that Shanahan is a “six-figure donor to… George Gascon, the pro-crime, Soros-backed prosecutor who helped wreck San Francisco and is currently wrecking LA.”
Want to hear something weird?
George Gascon became the first prosecutor to not oppose parole for the man who murdered RFK Jr.’s dad, Robert F. Kennedy.
While prosecutors had opposed Sirhan’s release in 15 previous parole hearings, Gascón upon taking on his role in December 2020 said his office’s “default policy” would be to not attend parole hearings and to instead work to submit letters in support of inmates who have served mandatory minimums and no longer pose a threat to society….
“The parole board’s sole purpose is to objectively determine whether someone is suitable for release,” [Gascon adviser] Bastian said. “If someone is the same person that committed an atrocious crime, that person will correctly not be found suitable for release.”
“However, if someone is no longer a threat to public safety after having served more than 50 years in prison, then the parole board may recommend release based on an objective determination,” the adviser added.
“The man I gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to wants to let the man who shot your father in the head out of prison.”
Wait, maybe it’s not awkward at all:
He wants so called Climate Crinimals to be treated like War Crinimals his group Waterkeepers Alliance lost two big Lawsuits against Poultry and Pork Farmers
“You donated money to a guy who supports the release of my father’s murderer?”
“Here’s a million dollars.”
“OK. We’re cool.”
There’s no way Kennedy is going to draw any votes from Trump and this is no outlet for Republicans to go in lieu of Trump of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden. This is only relief for leftists that are embarrassed by the cadaver puppet Obama and Soros have put in the White House.
Paid for every dance
Selling each romance
Oh, what they’re saying
Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla boobuhla
Hummala bebhuhla zeebuhla bop
Life goes on without me.
When she gets there she knows if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, and she’s buying a stairway to Heaven
Even a stopped clock can be right twice a day.
RFKjr is a decent individual and very well versed in history.
BUT, his true colors are bright blue, liberal to the core.
He won’t look at his campaign as hurting joe/dems more than hurting Trump.
He’s an idealist.
And, even though I know it is due to a medical condition, I just can’t listen to him speak. It grates. I can’t see him being a compelling speaker with foreign leaders when he sounds like he is going to break down crying. He is only an option for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden supporters.