President Zelensky asks Switzerland to organise ‘high-level peace conference’

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As predicted

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has asked Switzerland to organise a ‘high-level peace conference’ amid the ongoing war with Russia.

Swiss President, Viola Amherd, revealed during a joint press conference in Bern: ‘I confirmed that Switzerland is ready to organize the conference. We agreed that the details of the further approach will be looked into in depth in order to make this peace process a success.’

The Swiss president underlined that the country will ‘fight for long-lasting and just peace in Ukraine.’

Zelensky added: ‘We are open to all countries that respect our sovereignty and territorial integrity at the peace summit.’

It is understood that Russia will not be invited to the conference.

However, he expressed that he would be keen for China to attend: ‘We would want the countries of the global south to be present, for sure, we would want China to be involved.’

No official timescale was given for when the summit might be held.

It comes as secret documents have been leaked from the German Ministry of Defence that reveal a step-by-step doomsday guide on how Russia will escalate the conflict in Ukraine to an all-out war in just 18 months.

More at The Daily Mail

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biden lost another war. First Afghanistan and now Ukraine.

Must make Israel feel pretty confident to know this is who they have “supporting” them. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden starts them and then he loses them.

And after Taiwan won its election and clearly rebuked the CCP, dumbass biden said he did not recognize their independence.

Do you want to go to war with China? Because proclaiming we support Taiwan’s independence will result in war with China.

We officially support the status quo.

You don’t even have the spine to resist Putin in Ukraine, or to support Biden’s retaliation against Houthi attacks on internatonal commerce and American naval vessels. No way in hell would you support military confrontation with China.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg


Anyone who deliberately provokes a dragon with bluster and bombast is an idiot. Fortunately we don’t presently have an idiot in the White House.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden good to hear you proclaim that.

No, we have a pedophile.

“How Old Are You? 11? Wow!” – Joe Biden Creeps on Little Girl While Serving at Philly Food Bank For MLK Day (VIDEO)

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has already stated we would defend Taiwan. Remember that? Now, saying we don’t recognize their independence gives Xi a green light, you blind, ideological idiot. This is the problem with having a bumbling idiot in the White House. If he was competent he might have actually won his election, but when you have to rely on election fraud to take the office away from he who has actually earned the job, you get this kind of dangerous moron.

Taiwan just elected a pro-independence leader. The immediate result will be a period of heightened volitility. Conciliatory words are better than shaking the bottle of nitroglycerin to see what happens. Calming statements are advisable.

Biden has made our position regarding Taiwan clear without publicly rubbing mainland China’s nose in it. If you want war with China, we could easily add insult to injury with provocative bombast. That might boosts a politician’s reality TV ratings with an audience of dim bulb viewers, but it runs the risk of rapid escalation of hostilities. We’ve got more than enough geopolitical danger at the moment without that.

Like this, for instance; one misstep, and the entire Middle East could be at war. The entire world could be sucked in. Every word and every action has to be carefully measured.
01/15/24 – Houthi ballistic missile strikes US-owned and operated cargo ship, US Central Command says

And you know why Houthis are firing missiles at ships in the region? Because Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lifted sanctions on Iran, allowing them to rake in oil revenues, AND gave them money so they can better support terrorism and chaos in the region. Yeah, thank that pedophile traitor Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden for THAT.

With his micro-penis problem and buddy Epstein, Trump is the more likely pedophile.

You don’t address Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden saying, clearly, that we will defend Taiwan if China attacks. Now he says we don’t care. What message is THAT?

He HAS NOT said we don’t care. He has said we would defend Taiwan, and he has said that we do not support a move for Taiwan to become independent. It’s a difficult balancing act. If balance is lost, we go to war with China. That would not be good.

Abandonment of Ukraine to Putin will likely give China dangerous ideas about the extent of our committment. Somehow the right doesn’t seem to get that. They’re too busy attacking Biden in hope of putting Trump back in office.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

What, exactly, would we be supporting, then? Taiwan is already independent; they aren’t BECOMING independent. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden declared we would defend them. What would that imply? To China and the rest of the world, anyone that has been watching, it would imply some mealy-mouthed, limp-wristed harshly worded messages and then failure.

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden refusing to provide aircraft and armor sent the message. The message is, “Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a gutless, cowardly piece of shit on the payroll of Putin and Xi.”

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has been an utter and dangerous disaster from Day One. But, that’s what election fraud gets you. You don’t get the best candidate, you get the one that needs fraud to win.

Independent like Ukraine? It’s the same situation. You only care that it can be used to promote Donald Trump.

What, exactly, would we be supporting, then? Taiwan is already independent; they aren’t BECOMING independent. 

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

biden is bought and paid for by the CCP

Idiots are impervious to reason.

But not, as TrumpWon points out, to bribery.

Tell me about Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion capital infusion from Mohammed bin Salman, and the hundreds-of-millions he received in managment fees for simply sitting on the funds.

But not, as TrumpWon points out, to bribery.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

09/21/23 – Saudi crown prince suggests investment would stay in Kushner fund if Trump reelected
Hell yeah! No way would they give up that powerful bit of financial leverage!

Why should he? Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden toted Hunter all over the world to conduct influence peddling business. Why do you suddenly have a problem with someone doing business… ACTUAL business, not just influence peddling?

What about it?

biden is a supplicant of XI. He does what his puppy master tells home to do. We should embrace the independence of Taiwan as it is in our national security interests far more than the penis piano player zelensky
Ukraine is not a democracy, it is a dictatorship.

America is at a strategic disadvantage with biden, time for a change.

Well past time.

So says a former Muslim right-winger from Arkansas who abandoned the US for Australia, and republicanism in favor of monarchy…

That’s because he doesn’t get any checks from Taiwan.

Baby steps, first admit you have a problem.

Vassalize Whirled Peas

That’s about all you can expect with these Democrats in office.

Russia was provoked by the west; NATO, the EU and biden.

We wasted billions for no good reason.

I don’t get it.
Zelensky wants a peace conference but not with Russia as a participant?
Z wants peace for others, but not Ukraine?
It doesn’t make any sense.