O’Keefe Unmasks Tax Payer Funded NGO’s Illegal Immigrant Networks

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by William Upton

A new video exposé by journalist James O’Keefe has exposed a facility in Arizona allegedly run by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) serving as a transportation center, shuttling illegal immigrants to the nearby Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. From there, the illegal immigrants are able to board flights to other cities across the United States.

The IRC is a gargantuan, globalist non-governmental organization (NGO) which boasted a total 2021 budget of over $1 billion. David Miliband, former British Foreign Minister, member of the Labour Party, and oft-tapped future UK Prime Minister currently serves as its president.

In 2021 alone, the IRC was the recipient of $415 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars through government grants. Agencies which fund the group include the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration ($178 million), the Department of Health and Human Services ($123 million), and the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance ($114 million). In addition to the U.S. government, the European Union gave the IRC $75 million in 2021.

When O’Keefe tried to question an employee at the Phoenix facility – an old school building which the organization has repurposed – he was offered a monetary bribe to go away. Another employee of the facility intervened telling her colleague – in Spanish – to “say nothing.” The facility appears to be run by Thomas Robles – who prior to joining IRC served as the executive director of an Arizona-based leftist group called Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA). In an exchange with O’Keefe, Robles called the journalist a ‘domestic terrorist’ before contacting the local sheriff’s office.

The nebulous network of NGOs and non-profit groups who are facilitating the unchecked flow of illegal immigrants into the United States making it difficult to determine the border crisis’s true cost to American taxpayers. Many of these groups receive generous government grants and act as unofficial extensions of the Biden government – but just how much remains unclear.


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