Obama: Whites Clueless About How Much I Have Done For Them…

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Too busy clinging to their guns and religion?

Via NPR:

“2012, it might have dipped [whites who voted for him], but it was still on par with what had happened before. In the midterms, because of the nature of the electorate, it tends to exaggerate some of these racial differences — I guess my point being that I think it ebbs and flows in part given circumstances.

I do think that right now there are a lot of white working-class voters who haven’t seen enough progress economically in their own lives, and despite the work that we’ve done to try to strengthen the economy and address issues like child care or minimum wage or increasing manufacturing, that’s not what they read about or hear about in the newspapers. They hear about an immigration debate or they hear about, you know, debate surrounding Ferguson, and they think, “I’m being left out. Nobody seems to be thinking about how tough it is for me right now,” or, “I’ve been downscaled, I’ve lost my job,” etc.

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If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle……well you know..

I have a friend who is looking for a job. She applied for a Township Job in a small town a few miles away from where she lives in Jersey. She recently received a letter stating the standard…Thank you for applying…but…we had 55 applicants and have…

I said to her 55 applicants!!! Get out! Holy….THAT many?? I cannot get past the fact there were 55 applicants!

I also told her how sorry I was and it was probaby more due to cronyism or nepotism she didn’t get the job. Jersey is notorious for THAT!

Yet, though, weren’t we TOLD (By Obama himself) all was getting better on the JOB front…millions of JOBS being created?? ECONOMY was so much better?? Wink-wink.

Obama is a digusting, lying ass hat. He is a delusional liberal.

The ONLY thing he has done for anyone and everyone is divide a nation and stir up trouble around the world.

2016 cannot get here fast enough…provided we don’t get another on of these…or a RINO.

@FAITH7: He has turned many full time jobs into part time jobs. Doesn’t that spread the jobs wealth around?

The man is delusional, simply delusional. Being a narcissist, he can’t see anything beyond how wonderful and great he is (and it is all in his imagination). I bet he goes home at night and kisses himself in the mirror .

What has Obama done?:

Fewer US-Born Americans Have Jobs Now Than In 2007

Fewer Americans born in the U.S. have jobs now than were employed to November 2007, despite a working-age population growth of 11 million.

The amazing drop in employment highlights President Barack Obama’s slow recovery from the deep 2008 shock, but also spotlights many companies’ growing reliance on foreign migrant labor.

Almost one in every two jobs added since 2009 have gone to foreign-born workers.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal data highlighted by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Since November 2007, the number of working legal and illegal migrants has risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014.

But the number of Americans with jobs has fallen by 1.5 million, from 124 million in November 2007 to 122.6 million November 2014.

“All of the net gain in employment since 2007 has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). … Native employment has still not returned to pre-recession levels, while immigrant employment already exceeds pre-recession level,” said a Dec. 19 statement from the group.

The job transfer from Americans to immigrants has accelerated since the economy bottomed out in mid-2009.

Since January 2010, 5.4 million foreign-born people have gained jobs in the recovery.

That’s almost equal to the 6.9 million Americans who gained jobs since January 2010, even though the U.S-born working age population is five times larger than the immigration population.