As my colleagues Bonchie and Streiff reported yesterday, the Big Tech CEOs for Facebook, Twitter, and Google got their a**es handed to them during a Senate hearing Wednesday in which the companies were blasted for their selective censorship of stories like the blockbuster reporting from the New York Post on Hunter Biden’s laptop and the emails that were discovered on it.
But even though Twitter head honcho Jack Dorsey came across as sufficiently chastened by what was discussed at the hearing, as of this writing the NY Post still cannot access their Twitter account. The account has been “dark” since the last tweets were posted there on October 14th, which is the day Twitter decided to pull the rug out from underneath the iconic New York newspaper’s ability to tweet out links to their news articles.
The paper has reportedly been told that the only way they can get access restored to their account is if they delete the “offending” stories about Hunter Biden. Understandably, the editors have refused to do so.
But just in the last couple of days, another path forward to restore the access to the Post’s account may have been revealed. What does the paper have to do to get the all-clear from Twitter’s hall monitors? Apparently, be a world leader who tweets death threats and/or something anti-Semitic, that’s what:
Yeah, funny how the censorship always flows one direction. The left celebrates the suppression of the information that can prevent severe damage to the country, if that was actually a concern for them. For 4 years they were fixated on “corruption”, now they don’t want to hear about it.