Nicole Gee’s family had to fundraise money in order to fly slain Marine to Arlington


What a damned schmuck is Biden. He got the killed and the families had to pay to bring their bodies home

  • Nicole Gee, 23, was one of 13 service members who died in a suicide blast at Kabul Airport in 2021 with 170 desperate Afghans seeking to leave the country
  • Republican lawmaker and Army veteran Cory Mills claimed her family were forced to find $60,000 to move her body to its final resting place 
  • Honoring Our Fallen, a nonprofit which helps the families of fallen American service members, paid to move Gee’s remains to Virginia using a private jet

Republican lawmaker and Army veteran Cory Mills last week met with the families of the 13 service members killed on duty and was told one was forced to pay to move the body of their loved one.

He claimed Marine Gee’s family were forced to find ‘a staggering $60,000’ worth of funding to move her body to its final resting place.

A nonprofit organization eventually stepped in to cover the costs to take her body to Arlington, according to Mills.

Gee’s body was first flown to her hometown of Roseville, California for a ceremony.

But her family was told they would be responsible for taking her body to her final resting place at Arlington National Cemetery, Florida Representative Mills claimed.

Honoring Our Fallen, a nonprofit which helps the families of fallen American service members, paid for the family to move Gee’s remains to Virginia using a private jet.

Mills’ office said the option for the defense department to decline to pay for the transportation of her body was allowed by a change to last year’s National Defense Authorization Act.

It states the secretary of Defense may provide a fallen service member’s family ‘a commercial air travel use waiver for the transportation of deceased remains of [a] military member who dies inside a theater of combat operations.’

More at The Daily Mail

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If the family had told idiot Biden that Gee was killed by police while looting a WalMart, he would have paid for the transportation, interment and erected a statue of her. As it is, when patriots are killed, idiot Biden just glances at his watch and turns his back.

Last edited 11 months ago by Just Plain Bill

Hey they are busy trying to free a deserter that fled into N Korea.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin expressed concern for the soldier, who the U.S. military in Korea said joined an orientation tour of Joint Security Area between the Koreas and “willfully and without authorization crossed the Military Demarcation Line into the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.