Rep Anna Paulina Luna Lowers The Boom on Merrick Garland — Warns He Has Until Friday Morning To Turn Over Tapes Or Be Taken Into Custody

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By Patty McMurray

Earlier today, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) announced that she would be holding a press conference to address the statement she made last week about holding Merrick Garland accountable after he was found in contempt of Congress. “We will hold Merrick Garland in inherent contempt of Congress. No one is above the law. Tune in!” she wrote on her X account:

Just now, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna appeared in public to discuss the arrest of Barack Obama’s failed Supreme Court Justice nominee and America’s most crooked ever Attorney General.

Below is the transcript of her speech:

“We are here today because of the double standard that exists within the justice system. As you know, on February 27, the Oversight Committee, as well as the House Judiciary, had sent a subpoena to Attorney General Garland, of which we received no response, and after referring him for criminal contempt within 48 hours or less, the Department of Justice refused to prosecute. Inherent contempt is clearly within our Article One authority, and Congress does have the power to investigate all legislative powers.

Investigations are part of our legislative process, and people who interfere with these processes should be held accountable. Inherent Contempt was first used in 1795, and this was further upheld in a Supreme Court decision in 1927 and McGrain versus Doherty, which stated that Congress does indeed have this authority. It’s important to note that when an individual is called before courts across the country, they appear.

Why should the attorney general, who is supposed to be head of all law enforcement authorities, be any different? Garland still has time to comply with this request. We are asking that he bring the tapes to the house and let us listen to them, but in the event that he does not, we will press forward with calling the privilege motion on Inherent Contempt to the floor on Friday morning.

It is also important to note that if we as a Congress do not have the ability to enforce our investigative ability that we are essentially going to be ignored and undercut, and essentially handicapped by all other branches, which would make us not a co-equal branch of government.

I would appreciate that the press report on this accurately, that Congress again, does have the authority to do this, that the attorney general is not above the law, and ultimately, we will be pressing forward with this.

This is something that, again, would enable the Speaker of the House to order the Sergeant of Arms to take into custody the attorney general if he fails to comply with our request.”

Democrats will certainly cry “foul” when they hear Rep. Luna threaten AG Garland with Inherent Contempt, but one doesn’t have to go back too far in history to find a time when a leading figure in the Democrat Party threatened President Trump-appointed AG Bill Barr with Inherent Contempt of Congress.

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joe noticed the lack of law enforcement officers both in the Court system and in Congress.
He has made a practice of ignoring all the “demands” from the SCOTUS and Congress (both Senate and Congress).
Today Con. Luna has called his bluff.
Will she be able to muster law enforcers to go find and arrest Merrick Garland if it comes to that?
Rumor is Garland has already destroyed the biden/Hur tapes.

Hypocrisy Я Us: Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, and Andy Biggs ALL defied congressional subpoenas when called on to testify regarding Trump’s January 6 attempt to retain office through fraudulent electors and mob violence.

Last edited 2 months ago by Greg

Seems they followed in the footsteps of Eric Holder, fast and furious.

Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy, former Attorney General William Barr, former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, former chief of staff Mark Meadows, and former deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino ALSO all ignored congressional subpoenas. 

Its about damn time this shit ends…right?

Luna can go to hell.

Cope harder.

Maybe you can soothe yourself by thinking about dicks.

Congressman — We need to put Merrick Garland in prison, fair is fair.

go kiss a Hippo, Noodle Noggin

Go pound sand Dim-Wit

As did Harry Truman, you stupid mental case.

The house has dispensed with the J6 committee. In a 3-2 vote it is now an illegitimate committee and all subpoenas are retroactively illegal. Sorry, not sorry.

Conversations with the President of the United States DOES have executive privilege, dumbass. It’s more than obvious you don’t have any idea what the difference between right and wrong is.

Whining R-Us you and Mike Whine Whine Whine

Time to haul his ass in and lock him in the Capital basement jail.

Are you ready to see your cult leader’s fat felonious ass kicked tomorrow?

By a dead man? LOL

We’ll see. This will be no rally setting with an audience of worshipful followers.

That’s because Joe Biden can’t fill a bathroom with worshipful followers.

The format and rules were intended to get Trump to refuse to debate. He purposely accepted, so now Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden
is forced to debate and this will be a Democrat debacle.

I hope he shits on stage.

HERE IT IS: Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden

Of course they do. His toxicity level would be off the charts.

Of course not. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to deny he was jacked up to the ceiling on drugs.

That sounds like a threat.

Where is the threat pencil dick?

No, silly. By Tapper and Bash. That’s what they’re there for. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden won’t have to say a word, just drool.

Which topic?




Most Americans do not expect much out of biden tomorrow night. But a recent poll suggested more than half of America would like to see him shit his pants again.

It won’t be enough for Trump to rant and blow smoke about problems. He’ll have to suggest solutions.

The economy is strong, but the billionaires and corporations are sucking up all of the benefits; republicans want to hand out more high-income and corporate tax cuts.

Inflation is being effectively addressed, but there’s NO pain-free means of doing that; hence the higher interest rates. More tax cuts sure as hell won’t fix the deficit problem, and consequently will only promote inflation.

Trump’s tools killed the first bipartisan immigration legislation in decades to keep his effin’ campaign issue. The solution he offers involves mass deportation, “concentration centers” for processing and removing a million people a year, and no solution to the resultant labor shortage.

Last edited 2 months ago by Greg

Laughable buckwheat. biden should drop a pile on stage.

Trump should drop dead on stage.

He will STILL beat Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden.

Are you not aware that it was Trump’s “solutions” that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden reversed and brought about the numerous disasters the nation faces right now?

From Obama, Trump inherited a recovered economy with 75 consecutive months of economic growth. It took him only 4 years to totally f*ck it up with irresponsible tax cuts–-permanent only for the very wealthy and giant corporations—and the continuation of interest rates near 1%, which had only been intended as a temporary measure to pull us out of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. He added $8.4 Trillion to the national debt in the process, which took him only 4 years—roughly what Obama added over 8 years, starting off with an economy in shambles and tax revenues plunging.

Trump also turned Afghanistan over to the Taliban. For the moronic Doha Agreement, unilateral troop withdrawals, and the release of 5,000 captive Taliban fighters, he definitely gets extra credit.

Last edited 2 months ago by Greg

Revisionist history.

Yep. That’s what the Trump cult does. Anyone can look up the facts and see that for themselves.

Revisionist history.

biden cannot defeat President Trump in the general. They only way he wins is if the democrats steal it again like they did in 2020.

Trump’s tiny lead has been within the margin of error for months, often dipping below a single percentage point. I believe he’s going to lose another election. Young women voters are pissed at him because they know he is responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade. Republicans have deprived them of control over their own bodies. They went after abortion rights, and they’re already going after birth control.

You’re making excuses for another Trump loss ahead of the election, just like you’re making excuses for a debate loss ahead of the debate.

NOTHING IS EFFIN’ RIGGED—not the debates, not the election, and not the trials. The fact is that most attentive, reasonable people realize that Trump is a conman.

Last edited 2 months ago by Greg

Bullshit. biden is dead man walking.

Then why are you so f*cking afraid of him?

No one is afraid of biden. That includes most of the world leaders who take advantage of his doddering mental state.

You sure as hell are. You’re totally obsessed with trying to convince everyone that he’s incompetent, in order to give the Trump fluster cluck another shot at tearing down America.

Last edited 2 months ago by Greg

You’re totally obsessed with trying to convince everyone that he’s incompetent

BWAAA, HAA, HAA, HAA, HAA, HAA! “Trying” to convince everyone Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is INCOMPETENT? REALLY? He began proving that on January 20, 2021 when he opened the southern border and ended US energy independence. He put the final nail in the coffin with his catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal. There is NO POSSIBLE DOUBT he is totally and utterly incompetent, as is Obama , who is actually pulling the strings and directing this national tragedy.

The only thing anyone fears about Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is WHAT is he going to totally f**k up next.

Last edited 2 months ago by Just Plain Bill

You’re totally obsessed with trying to convince everyone that he’s incompetent

This did not age well

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden to his supporters: “You think I’m doing a great job? Well… WATCH THIS!!!

What Are They Hiding? No Photos, Videos or Sightings of Biden During Week of Debate Prep at Camp David

It’s not Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, it’s the weaponized government, corruption, fraud and threats to the Constitution required to keep him in power so Obama can continue his hateful destruction of the country.

If Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has been doing such a great job, why does it take 7 days and 16 aides for him to prepare for a 90 minute debate on friendly turf with moderators that are allies?

You mean it’s within election fraud range. if this debate is not rigged, why isn’t Fox or Newsmax moderating it? Why are two rabid, lying Trump-hating DNC operatives moderating? Why won’t Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden undergo a drug test to prove he isn’t drugged up just to stay awake for 90 minutes? It’s all rigged because it HAS to be rigged for the Democrats to survive. It’s the only way they do things.

Last edited 2 months ago by Just Plain Bill

That’s what the Youth in these NEA run Schools get Pinhead, Revisionists History that favors the Left

The next time YOU bring up facts will be the first.

Trump inherited a lethargic, weak, pre-recessional economy and Trump turned it loose. Tax revenues were never higher under Trump. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden himself f**ked up the Afghanistan withdrawal; even his own generals said so.

You are a foolish broken record. We have many millionaires and billionaires who are Democrats, Steyer, Bezos, Gates just for starters, and many corporations are run by leftist Democrats as well. Many of our members of congress are millionaires too. Some got that way by being in congress. So you are saying Trump is giving tax cuts to rich Democrats that somehow he benefits from. NUTZ.

The immigration bill was a bad bill. PERIOD. It would do nothing to solve the problem Biden created. Maybe your arguments work there in the kook fringe but most people know better.

Then lookie here. Joe knows how to pass out the dough (our tax dollars) to benefit him and his party. Otherwise known as money laundering.

Last edited 2 months ago by Mully

IF joe manages to be upright for 90 minutes, cogent for 45 minutes and neither creepily whispering nor angrily screaming, it means he was ACTING when he was interviewed by Hur.

IF he was only acting like a “kindly old man with memory problems,” (like many mobsters have done in court) he needs to be prosecuted, found guilty and punished.

I don’t think he’s that clever or that worried about prosecution to put on any act for Hur. No, he is legitimately brain damaged and needs regular injections to make him function… like another dictator near the end of his career I could mention.

There is no justification for executive privilege here. None of the crimes discussed occurred when Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden had executive privilege. This is nothing but MORE shielding of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden from his own failures by the federal government. Absolutely improper and Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Garland SHOULD be in jail.

Cuff em and Stuff em

When it comes to News you depend upon the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders way too much Pin-Head

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden enabled Putin to invade Ukraine. He is responsible, just as his restoring Iran’s revenues is responsible for the war in Gaza.

Now more than ever we need to hear the audio.