Niagara Falls Explosion Reported As ‘Attempted Terrorist Attack’, Two Vehicle Occupants Dead


By Danielle

The explosion reported earlier Wednesday in Niagara Falls at the US-Canada border has reportedly been confirmed as an “attempted terrorist attack.”

According to Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin, “the vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing in NY was an attempted terror attack w/ a vehicle full of explosives. Two men in car dead. I’m awaiting a response from CBP.”

All four international border crossings between Canada and the United States in western New York have been closed.

Authorities evacuated the area around the explosion.

Sources at Fox News said there were “a lot of explosives in the vehicle at the time.”

Fox News reports:

The FBI is investigating a vehicle explosion Wednesday at the Rainbow Bridge border crossing between the U.S. and Canada in what sources tell Fox News was an attempted terrorist attack.
Explosives were in the vehicle at the time and two people who were in the car are dead, the sources told Fox News. A border officer was injured.
The vehicle was driving from the U.S. to Canada and were attempting to drive toward the border officer building, the sources said.
All bridges are closed in the area, and all government buildings are evacuated, according to the sources.
International border crossing points between Canada and Western New York are closed after the reported incident, which has also injured at least one person, a 27-year-old male who was taken to Niagara Falls Memorial Hospital with minor injuries, including back pain and minor cuts. His condition is not severe.
“The FBI Buffalo Field Office is investigating a vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge, a border crossing between the US and Canada in Niagara Falls,” the FBI said in a statement.

The “attempted terrorist attack” follows FBI Director Christopher Wray saying the border crisis poses a major homeland security threat.

From the House Committee on Homeland Security:

Today, the House Committee on Homeland Security, led by Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN), held a hearing to examine global threats to the U.S. homeland and America’s interests abroad. The hearing featured testimony from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray, and National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) Director Christine Abizaid.
In the hearing, members received confirmation of the urgent national security threat posed by the nearly 1.8 million known gotaways and the rising number of individuals on the terrorist watchlist apprehended crossing the Southwest border—especially as America’s enemies, including Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah, have been emboldened to spread their malign influence following the October 7 terrorist attacks on our ally, Israel. Wray confirmed these facts in his testimony and alluded to Chairman Green that the national security consequences of the crisis have turned every state into a border state. Director Wray even confirmed all 56 FBI joint terrorism task forces are occupied with threats coming across the border.
Worse, Mayorkas could not confirm that every suspected terrorist that crosses the Southwest border illegally is detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), while Wray admitted that the FBI is still attempting to locate certain individuals on the terrorist watchlist who have crossed into the United States. Throughout his testimony, Mayorkas consistently refused to answer direct questions about how his policies have opened America’s borders, and the national security consequences of those policies.

In addition, CBS Evening News warned Tuesday about heightened threats of a possible terror attack, with New York state being a focus.

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bidens DOJ has is priorities ass backwards.

Democrat NY Governor says there is no evidence of terrorism.(She really thinks her voters are dumb ) Must have been just a couple of yahoos that were going to Canada to blow stumps or maybe fishing with explosives.
Waiting to hear they were under surveillance known wolves.

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

And official story is that two hoodlums were fleeing in a stolen car and tried to avoid a stop at the border, but crashed and their stolen car blew up killing them both.
Sounds plausible, as long as we never learn their names were Mohammad or some such.
This story certainly makes it easier on joe.

Well… when was the last time members of “The Religion of Peace” hand delivered a bomb vehicle? I believe they are just getting started here… again. We have a weak president with the blowhard tendencies of your average neighborhood bully. That means that he’s a coward with those who can hurt him. This is all on the open borders establishment. At least, since 9-11 we should have curtailed immigration among males of military age from countries with jihadist presence.

Mayorkas’ and Biden’s duties and obligations are not with the world at large. They’re with US Citizens. Particularly those born into the status.