Two more additions to the steadily accumulating evidence CO2 plays an insignificant to negligible role in climate change have recently been published in the scientific literature.
Last year, Dr. Rex J. Fleming, a former NOAA climate scientist who earned both his Master’s and Ph.D in meteorology, published a paper (Fleming, 2018) in the Environmental Earth Sciences journal that detailed the lack of an identifiable causal relationship between CO2 concentration changes and Earth’s temperature.
Fleming theorized that the Earth has warmed in the modern era as a consequence of the strong solar activity during the 20th century (the Modern Maximum) shielding cosmic ray intensification and thus reducing decadal-scale cloud cover, which leads to warming via an increase in absorbed surface solar radiation as illustrated here by Ogurtsov et al., 2012 and detailed by Avakyan, 2013, McLean, 2014, Herman et al., 2013, Goode and Palle, 2007, Loeb et al., 2018, Pokrovsky, 2019, and others.
Fleming has now published an expanded version of his 2018 paper in a Springer© book entitled The Rise and Fall of the Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climate Change.He reaches the same conclusion: CO2 has “no role” in the process of influencing climate.
Image Source: Fleming, 2019
Another climate sensitivity paper (Krainov and Smirnov, 2019) published in the journal Atomic and Molecular Radiative Processes finds a negligible (0.02 K) warming contribution from human emissions.Physicists Dr. Vladimir Krainov, atomic physicist, and Dr. Boris Smirnov, author of over a dozen physics textbooks – conclude “injections of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as a result of combustion of fossil fuesls is not important for the greenhouse effect.”
They wont speak of geo-engineering at the climate summits either.
And to think some idiots want us to change the way we live make us all go Vegan all over a fake Crisis and some are raking in the dough over this scam Al Gore,Leonardo DiCaprio,Laurie David,David Suzuki as well as Greenpeace,Sierra Club,NRDC and Enviromental Defense Fund
The left wants to spend TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to try to reverse something caused by the sun and which has been occurring naturally for hundreds of thousands of years. In reality, it is a grasp of political control along with enriching anyone lucky enough to be on the administrating side of “saving the planet”. It’s not coincidence that the “climate conferences” are held in party towns and every participant has to travel in a separate private jet to attend.
Nothing anyone who supports this scam says should be believed. If they aren’t lying they are simply too stupid to speak.
A weather man and and a Russian theoretical physicist are telling you that the world’s climatologists don’t know what they’re talking about? I think I’ll listen to the climatologists, since the focus of their profession is actually climate, not the weekly weather forecast or theoretical physics.
Climatologist Vs. Meteorologist
@Greg: There is more clear science on the sun and its activity related to weather and climate than CO2. No data manipulation required. A simple search on the internet will bring up Climatologists that have made this obvious factor. Dont let facts and real science they do not call “settled” cause your faith in technocracy to falter.
@Greg: Actually, the failed predictions of the world renown climatologists tells the world renown climatologists they don’t know what they are talking about.
I asked a question much earlier on a different article… no answer, of course. What happened to all the glaciers that formed Glacier National Park if it is man’s CO2 that is causing global warming now?
@Deplorable Me, #6:
Is this a trick question? Comparing current photos with photos taken during the past century shows what is happening.
The vast Arapaho Glacier near Bolder Colorado has also greatly diminished since 1900. It will have vanished entirely by 2075.
The same thing is happening all across the northern hemisphere: Earth is losing its ice: Glaciers around the world are rapidly disappearing
@Greg: Wrong 90% of the worlds glaciers are GROWING.
Why are you reading things from the 1700s? had glaciers not retreated the great lakes would not exist, Wisconsin would be 2 miles under ice.
Climate Changes thats a fact Jack.
For the past 2.5 million years the climate of the Northern Hemisphere has fluctuated between conditions of warm and cold. These cycles are the result of changes in the shape of the Earth’s orbit and the tilt of the Earth’s axis. The colder periods allowed the expansion of glaciers that covered large parts of the Northern Hemisphere.Changes in climate have followed a regular pattern for the past 700,000 years. Each cycle lasted about 100,000 years.
Settle down brother, Humans have been around a long time longer than the 1800s mindset has accepted, we adapt even if comets and meteors hit the earth and cause rapid changes.
There is nothing governments of the planet can do to stop climate cycles. No amt of aluminum can recycling will stop ice ages or warming cycles.
No, it’s not a trick question. The glaciers that formed the formations of the park disappeared centuries ago. What happened to them? How did MAN manage to create enough CO2 to melt them? How was the ancient world taxed enough to get any of them back?
@Deplorable Me: They never month date the photos if taken in January they would look very different in August.
Thats the trick, the trick they wont pull on someone who sees yearly melt in their home state.
Dont go chasing waterfalls….
@kitt, #10:
Principa Scientifica article is a pseudoscience website that promotes fringe theories and conspiracy theory. The article in question is intentionally deceptive. The most obvious clue that this is so is the fact that there’s absolutely nothing in the article that supports the conclusion stated in the article title; namely, that 90 Percent Of The World’s Glaciers Are GROWING. Instead, we’ve got the following nonsense:
No, they “admit” no such thing. That sentence says NASA acknowledges that Antarctic ice growth is reducing sea-level rise, NOT reducing sea level. In other words, if you’re getting more ice accumulation in Antarctica—which isn’t even an established fact over the long term—that only reduces the rate of sea level rise. It’s still rising, but not quite as fast as it would be if there weren’t an increase in Antarctica.
It gets even worse:
No. It would not mean that. The Antarctic ice sheet is not a glacier. Antarctic glaciers comprise 29,730 square miles of glacial ice. The Arctic Islands, not including Greenland, have over 3 times as much glacial ice as Antarctica—106,371 square miles. There’s actually more glacial ice in Central Asia than in Antarctica. His 90 percent statement is ridiculous. Either he doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about, or this is deliberate disinformation.
The volume of sheet ice at both poles varies greatly with the changing seasons. Those seasonal variations aren’t the long-term indicator that glacial ice volume change is.
Where are glaciers located?
@Greg: We can go back and forth that doesnt change the facts that climate changes, we are in a cycle, tax and spend BS isnt going to have an effect on. The fact that humans adapt and survive.
We shouldnt crap up the planet, ie liberal metro areas shipping their plastics to Asia where it gets washed into the ocean. They should get plasma burners and dispose of what they cant sell to be recycled here in the USA.
Bring back easily recycled glass.
@Greg: It would appear to me that those who predicted all the glaciers would have disappeared, the polar ice cap gone, the sea coasts swamped and islands gone are those who are psuedo science. But, you know, that’s just from someone that relies on facts and empirical evidence.
@Deplorable Me: He claims sources that dont push junk/altered data are fringe, Galileo had to deal with a world of Greg types, science fact that disagreed with their religion.
@kitt: Maybe believing people living off of government grants to promote global warming isn’t the best way to use one’s trust. But, they tell Greg what HE wants to hear, so they are “honest” even though they’ve been proven to be liars.
@Greg: Quote from
The extra snowfall that began 10,000 years ago has been slowly accumulating on the ice sheet and compacting into solid ice over millennia, thickening the ice in East Antarctica and the interior of West Antarctica by an average of 0.7 inches (1.7 centimeters) per year. This small thickening, sustained over thousands of years and spread over the vast expanse of these sectors of Antarctica, corresponds to a very large gain of ice – enough to outweigh the losses from fast-flowing glaciers in other parts of the continent and reduce global sea level rise
But you know fringe conspiracy etc etc.
Dude you are dissing has a masters degree, worked for NOAA as a climatologist, I know NOAA a pile of fringe scientists.
@kitt, #16:
If my brakes fail and my car is accelerating down a steep hill toward a tree, opening the door and putting my foot on the payment may reduce the rate of acceleration. While that’s entirely true, it’s not going to have much effect on the final outcome. I’m still rapidly picking up speed and heading for a tree—just not quite as rapidly. (And my shoe will probably catch fire. )
A net gain of ice in Antarctica is only part of the overall picture.
Yet the facts are in direct contradiction to climate alarmist predictions or assertions. THAT is the overall picture.
Poor analogy.
Let’s face it; the earth has been warming, and cooling, since time began. The weather for tomorrow can’t even be predicted with much accuracy, what makes you think anyone knows what is going to happen in the next decade much less 100 years from now?
If we are all going to die in 12 years, I suggest you start having fun now. But then, the left has recently been told to stop referring to climate change and start calling it a climate “crisis.”
If it wasn’t for scare tactics, the left would have nothing to campaign on.
The facts ARE NOT in direct contradiction with what climatologists are actually predicting.
Disinformation does not represent the actual facts. Claims attributed to people being used as straw men by denialists are not the actual predictions or time frames being put forward by the world’s climate scientists. To wit:
Manmade global warming, AGW, climate change, or whatever they are calling it these days is nothing more than a Marxist scam to gain control of everyone’s lives in order to redistribute wealth as they deem necessary. From AOC’s GNDers to the Marxists before them, they’ve been pushing junk science to advance their agenda going all the way back to Marx himself when he used agriculture as an excuse to implement his manifesto. Since we are all supposed to die in 12 years, perhaps they should make the most of their short lives and try enjoying themselves if that’s even possible given how miserable the average lefty is.
@another vet: Greg has no credentials to even understand what the papers are describing. The world has been warming and cooling many times since NY City was covered with 2 miles of ice. Glaciers are and never have been static. The grow when it snows and recede when it doesn’t snow. Climate has historically been changing before man and after man populated the Earth. Trying to change climate is like pissing in the ocean to raise the ocean level 1 foot. There are not enough people urinating in the ocean to make any detectable difference.
When the Sun goes into a minimal out-put, the Earth gets cooler. This is factual. Check the temperature of the Earth during documented minimums. Greg is as ignorant as the so called scientists who are getting all of the big money grants from foundations controlled by the left. Under Obama, the EPA was a money tree for “climate scientists”. That source has been closed down.
The Kyoto protocol was an effort to spread the wealth of the World “western countries” around. Many of those supporting Kyoto admitted that. Subsequent accords were designed where western countries paid into a fund to support poorer countries. They blamed CO2. In fact, CO2 warms the troposphere, not the Earth. The primary warming chemical is H20 vapor. Maybe we should ban water.
If Greg was truly capable of understanding scientific principles, he would have looked at the paper that he quotes that “97% of climate scientists declare that man is responsible for global warming”. In reality, the author of that paper looked at 12,000 papers that he selected and determined that because 97% of the authors wrote those papers believed that there was global warming, then he published the debunked statement that “97% of the worlds climate scientists believe that man is responsible for warming the Earth. What about all of the other scientists who didn’t write a paper, or whose paper was not used by Cook? The 97% statement is fake news. Anyone who believes that statement is not ignorant, but incredibly stupid! Others who support that statement have become incredibly rich at the expense of the stupid people.
Greg has been challenged to produce his credential in any science based program or institution. As usual, he just is all blow and no go!
@Randy: Yeah, basically 97% of those that believe in global warming believe in global warming. Anyone that can see the lies, disinformation, manipulation and suppression of data SHOULD have doubts about their beliefs and at the very least begin a critical assessment of the religion. They would then, as I did, realize that anything that has to be lied about and supported with subversion is not what it is supposed to be.
Given how long ago that statement was debunked, in addition to incredibly stupid, lying also plays a big part. But then again, that’s what the left relies on when making their “case” regardless of topic- lies. Has anyone ever noticed that the one common denominator in all of the left’s “fixes” is that they be given unchecked power to control everything?
That’s only one item on a long list of conspiracy theories subscribed to by the political right. Most fall into two subcategories of conspiracy theories taken as a whole, though you’ll also find popular items under the headings of Economics and Medicine.
Government, politics, and conflict
Science and technology
The typical response to an observation such as this will be to discredit any person who points this out, and the source that has compiled the list.
@Greg: Predictions by climate nuts had us dead already. No rising seas, no warming, no disappearing ice, no more and stronger storms. Only fools treat this as their religion and want to dedicate hundreds of trillions of dollars to “solving” it.
Well, Greggie Goebbels doesn’t quote anything that disagrees with his Socialist dogma, i.e. global warming. Point out that Texas was once covered in oceanic waters, he will ignore that.
I noticed he also has not mentioned that the Canadian court has dismissed Michael Mann’s case against Dr. Tim Ball (Ball is referred to by the left as a climate “denier”). Mann was ordered by the Court to produce the documents supporting his “hockey stick” warming claims. Mann ignored the court order and the Court dismissed his case against Ball, as well as awarding Dr. Ball restitution for court costs and legal fees.
Now, the question arises; if Mann is so secure in his hockey stick theory, which much of this hysteria is based on, why would he not produce it in court in order to win his case against Dr. Ball? Instead, he refuses the court order and now is liable for thousands and thousands of dollars.
You have to wonder also if those like Al Gore are so concerned that sea levels are going to rise to intolerable levels, why does he a) travel by private jet and b) own ocean front property? Or is pushing a scary premise a money making project?
Those who control our energy, also control us. Every aspect of our lives. (i.e. central planning due to the climate “crisis”)
American conservatives are still clueless about the 97% expert climate consensus
Here’s a link to the handbook as a pdf, in the event anyone wants to know exactly how full of it the denialists’ favorite arguments against global warming really are.
The Debunking Handbook: now freely available for download
Assuming that the planetary-scale industrial and agricultural activities of 7.7 billion human beings can’t negatively alter the closed biosphere that they live in is just plain stupid.
Assuming that any ONE nation can really make an impact on what you believe is happening is a fool’s errand.
Not one of your Democrat hopefuls mentioned China which is the biggest polluter on earth. NOT ONE.
And to think humans can impact the Earth or change warming and cooling cycles that have been happening since the Earth was created shows just how arrogant the left is. Here is a hard truth for you; it’s not about a climate “crisis”, it’s about control of people. And the fact that when ever it is needed, the left changes the terminology; from global warming to climate change to now the two terms most used by the left, a climate “crisis” and an “existential crisis.”
The “existential crisis” we, as a nation, are facing is a select few wanting to control every aspect of our lives from what we drive, to how we travel, to what we eat. That, Greggie Goebbels, is pure Socialism and is the reason you support a premise that is build on false data from hucksters looking to make a quick buck, i.e. Al Gore.. And that, Greggie Goebbels, is why Mann would not produce his study to the Canadian court.
@retire05, #29:
We used to think of the United States as a leader among nations. We used to be up to tackling and overcoming any challenge. We used to believe we could accomplish anything we set our minds to.
It’s arrogance to imagine that humanity is somehow magically protected from the awesome power of its own collective stupidity.
Remember, we’re the monkeys who built hydrogen bombs and then had the wisdom to mass produce the damn things, giving us the power to render the planet unfit for our own habitation in a matter of a few days.
Well, you’re right about that. We did. That is until a bunch of Democrats in D.C. decided that there was no way to win a war against Communism in South East Asia and did everything they could to not only end that war but to end with a loss.
Remember that, Greggie Goebbels. The “can do” philosophy of the United States was crushed by one party, the Democrat Party.
How warped you are. Our collective “stupidity” gave us cures for diseases that had plagued mankind; put a man on the moon, made scientific advances that were, until then, considered Jules Vern fiction. With that one comment alone, you show what hatred you have for your fellow Americans. Just like the rest of the Socialists in the Democrat Party.
No, “we” are not. The hydrogen bomb was the goal of a Democrat president who wanted to show Russia that Russia could not defeat us in the arm’s race throwing us into the age of MAD.
All the things you whine about lead back to the leadership of one party, YOU”RE party, the Democrat Party. But being the brain washed Socialist you are, you will never admit that.
File under Who knew what, and when?