Well, this puts things in perspective.
Over the weekend, members of the Brown family engaged in a violent street brawl over the selling of Mike Brown tee shirts and other merchandise.
Saturday night, October 18th in the parking lot of Red’s BBQ just blocks from where Michael Brown was shot and killed, Brown`s Grandmother, Pearlie Gordon, along with Brown`s Cousin Tony Petty were selling t-shirts and other Michael Brown merchandise.
Apparently that didn’t sit well with other members of the Brown family. According to police, a car pulled up with several people in it, allegedly including Brown’s mother Lesley McSpadden. A witness described McSpadden yelling ‘You can`t sell this s%$&”, where upon of the relatives who was selling, reportedly demanded McSpadden show a document proving she had a patent.
More at Joshua Pundit
Patented T shirt? Does it keep your hands up in the air?
All the family sees the writing on the wall.
Like Satan, after being thrown down to the vicinity of earth, they know their days are numbered.
Too bad they can’t all make hay while their sun shines.
What a disgusting spectacle. A couple of so-called “parents” committing violence against each other over “making a buck” from their dead thug.
Let this be what the civilized world remembers in regard to this dead thug. That, and the fact that few, if any, of Brown’s family members actually carry the name “Brown” say much about this dead thug and these uncivilized family members of his.
It’s all about the dollars.
The police should not have responded, or left as soon as they realized who they were dealing with. That family chose to start the war with the police, they have no right to any protection… screw them (said with great restraint).
@Scott+in+Oklahoma: The police should have arived and just raised their hands.
Did I miss where Holder and Obama came out with a statement asking everyone to respect the rule of law, calm down and be peaceful?
Wonder what that Costello woman will have to say about this? Wait a minute – this was a week ago — nice job of covering there MSM
Where is the idiot pres. with a picture of brown as a son he would want to have? The back of the shirt would picture brown and the pres. high on grass smoking in the obama van.
Has to be whitey’s fault!!
Didn’t the great Rev. Sharpton cancel his fund raiser for Martian, after his mom trademarked his name ??