Merrick Garland announces new program to take guns from conservatives



It was not authorized by Congress. Rep. Thomas Massie had this to say

What the hell is this evil? A Federal Red Flag center;

We did not authorize this.

Announced, of course, just hours after the omnibus passes.

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Just another leftists Scumball seeking ways to Bring America Down Garland and his fellow Globalists will use any excuse and we have more reasons to vote out Biden and his entire cabinet they all belong in prison

 Congress. Rep. Thomas Massie had this to say

What the hell is this evil? A Federal Red Flag center;

We did not authorize this.

Announced, of course, just hours after the omnibus passes.

Therein lies the problem with passing a bill before you read it.
Maybe you did authorize it.


Go take hike in the Forests with Greg when the Grizzlies come out of Hibernation

He wont have to they defund the police, disarm citizens theres nothing to stop the criminals from having their way with him and his stuff. Looks like he loves it.
He certainly isnt man enough to stop anyone.

Last edited 4 months ago by kitt

Hey, Big Chris! What’s hanging lower today—your saggy tits or your droopy scrotum?

You always add such intellect and depth to this site.
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Last edited 4 months ago by kitt

So when you pile on the ad hominem attacks, are you a twatwaffle, as well?

How have you added to this thread? Your childish foolishness.

He has provided the viewpoint from the uninformed ignorant.

Ignoramus is the word for Greggie.

It must be a true quote. It says “A true quote” at the top of the meme.

Its a meme one of little intellect
Her official campaign platform also specifically mentioned the Second Amendment. The congresswoman argued that the United States could ban assault weapons and strengthen gun-control laws without “running afoul” of the Constitution: Shall not be infringed must be the part missing.

Its a meme 

I know. That’s why I mentioned it was a meme in my own comment.

Again graced with your vast knowledge, doesnt add anything to the conversation.

Its sawdust for Brains Nit-Wits who read nothing but the NYT,s and WP Watch CNN and MSNBC WHO can be this stupid

Ever since this Dumb Cluck has been in office people quit telling Blond Jokes

With a walnut sized Brain you must have your certainly stupider then a Rock

If you say so, Professor.


Some people should not be allowed to have guns. Is that not totally obvious?

Last edited 4 months ago by Greg

No it isnt obvious who should not have the right of self defense, hunting or sport shooting. In fact it was a liberal Judge that said illegal aliens of dubious unknown backgrounds that should not be disarmed.

“Democrats in the Judiciary Committee just voted against notifying ICE when an illegal alien fails a background check to buy a gun.
Who decides who can own a gun? Are they sane?

Somehow or other, a variety of countries are able to limit access to guns without having gun-toting criminals overrun society. Are you saying that they’re better than the United States?

Well the UK for a long time banned guns, then the invasion began and now its knives so nope no better off. The Criminals are not targeted by laws genius, they are the one that ignore them.
Where are your examples that strict gun control works? Chicago? DC? Big cities in California?

now its knives so nope no better off

Bullshit. Absolutely better off. A single knife-wielding attacker simply cannot kill as many people as quickly as a single person with a firearm can—and they can’t kill people from a distance. So much better off.

People are always going to kill other people, but we don’t have to make it as easy for them as possible.

Where are your examples that strict gun control works? Chicago? DC? Big cities in California?

All those countries that have strict gun control and a minuscule fraction of the number of firearm deaths we have.

then the invasion began

You know what’s invading the U.S.? An insane veneration of guns as the solution to all problems.

The Criminals are not targeted by laws genius, they are the one that ignore them.

You have to start somewhere. You can’t just throw up your hands and say “Welp, tens of thousands of deaths each year seems like a reasonable price to pay for the freedom to indulge my sick obsession!” (Obviously, that is something you do, but I’m referring to sane people.)

Gun-owners are more deadly than drag queens, yet you people are always blathering on about drag queens.

Side note: you know who grooms and sexually assaults more kids than drag queens? Priests. Pastors. Assorted religious professionals.

Last edited 4 months ago by Michael

Groomers are attracted to where children are there isnt a day that goes by some teacher isnt exposed.
Oh dont have an obsession with guns mine lie quietly waiting for me to sport shoot. I personally dont hunt but I carry when walking the little dog at camp.
The assholes dont apply the laws they have already passed, most dont even know about the laws.
Oh we need a law about guns and domestic abusers,its been on the books for many years.
You dont have to have a gun.
How many times do you hear of a conservative or NRA member shooting up a place?
Put criminals in jail the no bail shit is STUPID early release, put to death murderers why feed them for ever over crowding the prisons.
Stop with drugging the kids.
UK used to be a safe peaceful place to be a tourist until they were invaded, they did not have to outlaw cutlery.
Diversity does not work.
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Last edited 4 months ago by kitt

People are always going to kill other people, but we don’t have to make it as easy for them as possible.

How about making it possible for people to protect themselves and their families? In Democrat cities, they have orchestrated conditions where crime is rampant but it is difficult for citizens to protect themselves. Tell me what part of that makes sense.

You have to start somewhere. You can’t just throw up your hands and say “Welp, tens of thousands of deaths each year seems like a reasonable price to pay for the freedom to indulge my sick obsession!” (Obviously, that is something you do, but I’m referring to sane people.)

You know what you could do? You could target criminals. Make penalties for crimes with guns more harsh, instead of refusing to prosecute crimes. Enforce laws. More guns do not equal more crimes; more CRIMINALS equals more crime and excusing minor crimes encourages MORE crimes and crimes becoming more serious. Punishing the law abiding only further emboldens the criminals, which is all you Democrats do.

And allowing THIS government to institute policies to decide who can and cannot own a gun is fertile ground for serious abuse. Sorry, but your representatives have made the government totally untrustworthy with any citizen’s rights. As with every aspect of the rise in crime, blame yourselves.

Sexually abusing children can be worse that death and, often, leads to suicide. But, you really don’t care about that, do you? Sexually abusing children is one of your self-proclaimed “rights” while “shall not be infringed” means nothing.

Like Russia?

Like those terrorists who killed so many in Russia yesterday.
Their guns were ILLEGAL.
All the people they killed were unable to defend themselves because they were law-abiding people who cannot own guns.

Why does Utah have no terror attacks like that?
1/3rd of all people hear legally and openly carry their guns in public.
“Don’t leave home without it,” is our unofficial state motto.

Because the population density is only 37 people per square mile? Moscow has 13,200 per square mile.

Why does Utah have no terror attacks like that?

Last edited 4 months ago by Greg

How about illegal immigrants? Should they be able to buy and carry firearms here?

Micheal and Greg are way too stupid to understand anything past crappy Liberal Comic Strips like The Boondock’s and Doonsbury

…And you’re too stupid even to understand those.

As long as it is a right they don’t think applies to them, they don’t think it should be respected. But, violate the “right” to murder a baby because it is inconvenient to be pregnant, it’s a travesty.

People like Career Criminals and Hollywood Pinheads who make violent movies then call for Gun Control/Confiscation idiots like Jim Carrey come to mind

Let me guess… illegal immigrants CAN’T BE FLAGGED. You know what would help protect citizens from gun violence? Securing the border, supporting law enforcement and prosecutors that prosecute crimes. THAT might help, you stupid, idiotic, braindead, incompetent, gutless, lying F**KHEADS.

Estimates show that 82,880,000 people own at least one firearm in 2023. Women’s firearm ownership increased by 177.8% in the past years. 
Over 393 Million (Over 98%) of those guns are in civilian hands, the equivalent of 120 firearms per 100 citizens. In 2024, the number of firearms in America is likely over 466 million due to record breaking sales during the pandemic. 
Geeze if women felt safe maybe they wouldnt be at the range practicing. Way to bad Laken was’nt packing.

THAT might help, you stupid, idiotic, braindead, incompetent, gutless, lying F**KHEADS.

You seem too hot-headed and easily-triggered to be a safe gun owner.

(Yet oddly afraid to type the word fuck.)

Last edited 4 months ago by Michael

Triggered bwahahahaha why use a gun term?
Im sure Spur has excellent trigger discipline.

Last edited 4 months ago by kitt

You seem to be having reading comprehension problems, Oh Withered Vag.

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Yeah, well something about fascist socialist totalitarians trying to steal my Constitutional rights kind of pisses me off, as does trying to make idiots that have no idea what they are talking about understand the actual problem.

…And you do understand the actual problem?

Yeah, I do. YOU don’t, even though I explained it to you earlier. In essence, YOU are the problem and you are in no way capable of solving the problem.

YOU don’t, even though I explained it to you earlier.

Then you must not have done a very good job of explaining.

No, you simply didn’t read it. That’s why you remain stupid.

Completely unconstitutional.

Make no mistake, it’s all about disarming the white population in this country.

Were you to read the Bill of Rights, you will read how the government shall NOT abridge, prohibit, infringe, et cetera, the rights of the citizenry; this is because the U.S. Constitution recognizes the existing Natural Rights of the populace, it does NOT grant rights to the populace. In other words, American philosophy dictates that government does not decree rights but is restricted to infringe upon thereof by the U.S. Constitution.

A Republic is defined as: “A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.” The Second Amendment ensures that the United States of America is not merely a de jure Republic but also a de facto Republic; a Republic in practice.

In practice, your rights are whatever a tougher person or group allows you to have.

The Constitution is a document written by plain old human beings. It’s an interesting glimpse at the thought processes of that particular group of guys at that particular point in the eighteenth century.

So that is why they want the guns. The same reason the Brittish wanted the guns. So they could make us slaves to the regime. You are such a twatwaffle slave.

In practice, your rights are whatever a tougher person or group allows you to have.

Really, so you don’t believe in natural rights? What you are saying is that if I own a car but it is stolen from me, I no longer own the car. Silly dumb groomer, do you not knows natural rights can never be cancelled, only blocked by someone who persecutes you because of those rights?

The Constitution is a document written by plain old human beings.

There was nothing plain about the Founding Fathers. They had more intellect in their little fingers than is contained in your whole empty head.

It’s an interesting glimpse at the thought processes of that particular group of guys at that particular point in the eighteenth century.

How so?

His daddy is the government it tells him what to do, wear, eat, think. Hes a big tough government that is gonna tell us all what we can do.

What you are saying is that if I own a car but it is stolen from me, I no longer own the car.

That’s exactly what the left believes, while they hold power. When they are not the party in power, the Constitution restricts everything anyone else wants to do that they don’t like.

Really, so you don’t believe in natural rights? What you are saying is that if I own a car but it is stolen from me, I no longer own the car. 

No,I don’t. In the situation you describe, you’d have a bigger, tougher group on your side—the police and the prosecutors. If you didn’t, and someone bigger and tougher than you stole your car, what would be the practical distinction between still “owning” the car and not owning the car? Nothing. It would be just as gone either way, whether or not you have a natural, God-given right to own a car.

They had more intellect in their little fingers than is contained in your whole empty head.

No doubt.

How so?

We get to see what they believed was important and what wasn’t. Chattel slavery was permitted under the Constitution. Involuntary servitude is still explicitly permitted today under the Constitution, in certain circumstances.

The Framers made no provision for the full participation of women in public life, because they didn’t think it was important to do so. That was a battle that wasn’t won for over a hundred years.

The Constitution is an historical document. Like many historical documents, it gives us insights into what people of the time thought was important.

In practice, your rights are whatever a tougher person or group allows you to have.

I’m going to take a wild guess and say you don’t teach civics or government. What you describe is fascism, and the fact that that’s what you believe doesn’t surprise me. Our rights are spelled out in the Constitution and they are inherent in Man.

The Founders were anything BUT “plain old human beings”. They and their beliefs were unique in the world at that time. You and your ilk take our rights for granted (and you could care less about the rights of others) until they are lost forever.

They and their beliefs were unique in the world at that time.

No, they weren’t. They were building on the ideas of many other Enlightenment thinkers, from their own time and earlier. They were also simply looking around themselves to see what wasn’t working under the Articles of Confederation. That part wasn’t rocket science.

A lot of them were intelligent and analytical, no doubt, but they just happened to be the guys on the scene when something needed to be done.

We’ve had to add to or undo their work twenty-seven times so far. Surely if God or some other Divine power had had some hand in the process, that wouldn’t be the case.

Last edited 4 months ago by Michael

No, nowhere else did citizens have rights that were inherent in man, ordained by God, as it were. No where else was the government considered to serve the People, not vice versa.

Thus, they knew it was important for citizens to be able to protect themselves… from anything. They probably weren’t so insightful as to imagine a time when government would actually do all they could to endanger the lives of citizens, but nevertheless, it was genius to include the 2nd Amendment.

Do you agree with the Illinois judge that illegal immigrants have a right to own and carry a gun?

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Undocumented Immigrants Have Right to Own Guns, Judge Rules
Let that sink in…Immigrants Have Right to Own Guns

Ajudge this month dropped gun charges against an illegal migrant in Illinois, sparking further debate about the rights associated with the Second Amendment.

U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Coleman of the Northern District of Illinois referenced lower court rulings in dismissing firearm possession charges against Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, who was illegally or unlawfully in the United States when he possessed a handgun in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago on June 1, 2020.

“The Court finds that Carbajal-Flores’ criminal record, containing no improper use of a weapon, as well as the non-violent circumstances of his arrest do not support a finding that he poses a risk to public safety such that he cannot be trusted to use a weapon responsibly and should be deprived of his Second Amendment right to bear arms in self-defense,” Coleman, who was appointed under President Barack Obama, wrote in her eight-page ruling filed March 8.

Carbajal-Flores was charged under Title 18 of U.S. Criminal Code, which legally disallows undocumented individuals to possess firearms and ammunition “or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.”

From the case:

“At 11:06 p.m., Defendant stepped into the crosswalk. A white car drove through the intersection in which he stood, without stopping. Video surveillance footage shows the car swerve slightly to its right, which Defendant says he interpreted as an attempt to hit one of the neighborhood watch. Defendant has never contended that the car [intended] to hit or strike him, or that its occupants possessed guns or made verbal threats to him. Defendant pulled the firearm from his pocket and fired seven shots at the vehicle, which Defendant contends were in warning. At 11:41 p.m., Defendant again pointed the firearm at another vehicle as it drove past but did not stop or swerve. He pulled the trigger of the gun repeatedly, which did not fire. Defendant attempted to unjam the gun and shoot again but was unsuccessful. Two minutes later, officers placed Defendant under arrest.”

Other than that… a Model Newcomer…

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There is so much wrong with this that it is difficult to know where to start. I wasn’t aware this wetback was going all rootin’ tootin’ wild west in the middle of the street. Yet, the ideologues that hate guns and deny citizens their right of self defense will excuse firing “warning shots” all over the place simply to keep from deporting an illegal immigrant? Well… that’s the left for you.

Instead of a trial, this clown should have been deported immediately.

Sounds like we need to all increase our uninsured under insured coverage.