Legal Expert Mike Davis: Judge Screwed Up and Would Not Allow Steve Bannon to Put Up a Defense in Court — Case Will End Up at Supreme Court


By Jim Hoft

Since Monday morning former Chief Strategist for President Trump faced a one-sided and biased court in Washington DC.  He was charged with not honoring a subpoena from the January 6 Committee. The Jan. 6 Committee is a selected group of Democrats and two Republicans who are running America’s first-ever public show trials.  No defense or rebuttals to their concocted evidence is allowed in their nationally broadcast production.
The Select Committee is an unconventional committee in the fact that Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi would only allow approved Republicans to sit on this sham committee.  Only two turncoat Republicans were allowed to sit in with Democrats — angry Never-Trumpers Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.
This week Steve Bannon was the target – as he has been since he first took the job of campaign manager for President Trump back in 2016.
The court allowed the January 6 Committee to use their concocted evidence against Steve Bannon.
But the court would not allow Steve Bannon’s team to confront his accusers or put up a defense.
This is the new America under Joe Biden and the Democrat-Socialist regime.  Only Democrats get court privileges.  Republicans have no rights.
Steve Bannon was found guilty this afternoon.
Earlier today Mike Davis and The Article III Project weighed in on the Steve Bannon case earlier today before the verdict was announced.
Davis predicted that the ruling would come out this afternoon and Steve Bannon would be found guilty.

And Davis predicted the case will end up at the Supreme Court — Americans deserve a fair trial and the right to question their accusers.  Democrats don’t like that but it is the law in the United States and has been that way since the country’s founding.


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A tragedy of injustice. Bannon was not allowed to use his defenses. An embarrassment for justice. It was nothing more than a show trial.

The appeal will reverse the courts injustice of today.

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

Bannon, recorded 10/31/20, explaining how Trump will declare victory even if he loses. “That’s our strategy. He’s gonna declare himself a winner.”

Can anyone with a functional brain wonder why he repeatedly refused to testify under oath?

President Trump invoked executive privilege. Discussion and advice given while President extends beyond the term of office.

Bannons trial was unnecessary. The rift between the DOJ and President Trump was the case that should have been decided.

Congress cannot compel testimony of conversations and advice given to the president. It violates separation of powers.

Expect more violations of the Constitution as the WEF-owned Federal Government simply invents it’s own rules and replaces our Constitution with a standard autocracy.

Abe wasn’t killed by a “nut.” He was assassinated. Expect more of that come as the WEF desperately moves forward with their “Great Reset.”

Ruler Putin and Puppet Biden have much in common, now.

Trump is not the president. Trump is a private citizen. He has no more official power or protections than a mob leader.

He’ll very likely be indicted in Georgia. A federal indictment is also possible.

Congress cannot compel testimony of conversations and advice given to the president.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Trump is the FOREVER 45th President of the United States of America.

Any attempt to indict him on this new batch of made up charges is tantamount to assassination, such as we just saw in Japan with Shinzo Abe, and is a direct act of treason against our nation.

Try that shit and see what happens…hahahaha.

The conversations happened when he WAS President and, thus, are still protected. Don’t be so intentionally stupid.

A departing president DOES NOT take any powers of the presidential office with him when he leaves. Such powers belong to the constitutional office, NOT to the person.

Actually greggie the village idiot, past presidents have the same rights as every citizen under the Constitution. He has the right of attorney client privilege and the right to be innocent until proven guilty. He has the right to a defense that is not offered under the 1-6 fraudulent hearings. There is not a constitutional office idiot. If you read the Bill of rights, it is the rights of the people and the Constitutional limits on the government. You are such an idiot!

Presidential Executive Privilege

Executive privilege is an implied power claimed by Presidents of the United States and other officials of the executive branch of government to withhold from Congress, the courts or individuals, information that has been requested or subpoenaed. Executive privilege is also invoked to prevent executive branch employees or officials from testifying in Congressional hearings.

Executive Privilege

Executive privilege refers to certain implied powers of the Presidents of the United States and other executive branch officials of the United States government.

By claiming executive privilege, executive branch officials may withhold subpoenaed information from the Congress and refuse to testify in Congressional hearings.

While the U.S. Constitution does not mention the power of executive privilege, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that it may be a constitutional exercise of the powers of the executive branch under the separation of powers doctrine.

Presidents have usually claimed the power of executive privilege in cases involving national security and communications within the executive branch.

The U.S. Constitution makes no mention of either the power of Congress or the federal courts to request information or the concept of an executive privilege to refuse such requests. However, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that executive privilege may be a legitimate aspect of the separation of powers doctrine, based on the constitutional powers of the executive branch to manage its own activities.


Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

MUST SEE: Steve Bannon Joins Tucker Carlson following the Show Trial and Guilty Verdict in DC Court

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

He will win on appeal, since he wasn’t allowed to put up a defense..this violates his rights to a fair trial…….I doubt he will serve any time in jail at all…….

No one said they did. There ARE protections, however, and everyone from Obama to Hillary has used them to obscure investigations.

If Gen Milley can openly admit to committing Treason with out largest adversary during Trump’s term, I’m afraid the precedent you’ve set means you would NEVER seek to concoct false charges on Trump and claim he has to talk about things he didn’t have to talk about in office.

If that’s true, we get Obama in the chair, Bush, and the rest to answer up for some things they did in office.

You’re a old fool who should be put out to pasture, like Biden. Thank God no one in America thinks as stupidly as you on matters such as this.

Democrats and the deep state waged a 4 year coup against our duly elected president Trump.

They’ve lied, retracted, invented, and colluded so much that NO ONE believes anything they say, at this point.

The election was rigged. It’s impossible for an unelected Biden to get anywhere near Trump’s historic most votes in history.

The video evidence, the testimony, the stats…it was rigged. Clearly.

Trump and the GOP were under NO OBLIGATION to accept the results of such an intentionally tampered with election. The FBI/CIA was in on the coup, and they simply used the protestors by opening doors and using people like Ray Epps to give the false-narrative of an “insurrection” to hide the fact they were waging ones themselves.

Anyone too stupid to see what happened is the standard uneducated hick the Left relies on for it’s false elections.

Very sad.

Jailing political opponents is just going to accelerate the American People abolishing the Federal Government and re-forming one legitimately, and Constitutionally.

Local, State, then the weak and small federal government.

That’s the mission of the Founders, and they were right to arm us with the tools to resist tyrants at the Federal Level, weak and unaccomplished bureaucrats with their lobbies and companies essentially usurping our country.

That ends now.

The Left rigged the election in 2020. I hope they try that shit again this year and see what happens.

So Bannon BS’ing is illegal how? Speech is illegal now? Odd you should mention functioning brain. Whatever brain you have left is not doing well. Go take your meds.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mully

Considering the fact that he WAS the winner, what’s wrong with that? And didn’t Gore, Hillary and Abrams do the same thing?

Trump is such a threat to the establishment, the deep state and the “fundamental transformation” of the United States from a Constitutional representative democracy to a single party totalitarian police state that he must be destroyed. That cannot be accomplished if due process and the Constitution is respected.

Conviction of Bannon and the rejection of his argument, though, doesn’t mean the end of executive privilege. It only means that the left gets to decide, on their own, all by themselves, when it is applied. Of course, when for instance Holder and Obama are running guns to Mexican cartels to try and undercut the 2nd Amendment, executive privilege is unimpeachable. When the left needs it to hide behind, it will most definitely be there. For THEM.

Democrats have done such disgusting things to our country that it makes you want to retch.