Supreme Court Delivers Crushing Haymaker To The Permanent Bureaucracy

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Over the past three and a half years, I have advised clients and colleagues to cool their jets about the inevitability of globalist elites succeeding in forcing a rapid, premature transition away from an oil, natural gas and coal-based energy system to one based on subsidized alternatives like wind, solar and electric vehicles.

The reason for this advice has been pretty simple: The entire energy-transition initiative is based on politics, not on science, and the political pendulum swings, often quickly and radically.

We have already seen that happening in Europe in recent elections in Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and to the European Union Parliament. In all these elections, as well as the coming elections in places like the United Kingdom, France and Canada, overreaching energy and climate policies played a major role in what has amounted to significant voter revolts.

In the United States, the complete self-destruction by President Joe Biden in his debate against former President Donald Trump on Thursday evening signals an increased likelihood of a looming major pendulum swing come November — one that will have major implications related to energy and climate policies.

But less than 12 hours after that debate concluded, the U.S. Supreme Court published a 6-3 decision in the Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo case, one that will almost certainly become its most impactful decision in recent years.

The key element of this decision is the overturning of the so-called Chevron deference, a legal doctrine established by the court in a 1984 case involving the U.S. oil company Chevron. This doctrine directs federal courts to defer to the legal judgment of federal regulatory agencies when they claim the language in governing laws passed by Congress is vague and open to interpretation.

The result of this doctrine has been to render courts reluctant to rule against regulators, even when the regulations they have issued clearly fall outside the original intent and scope of the governing statutes.

“If the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of the matter; for the court, as well as the agency, must give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress,” Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for a 6-0 court in the 1984 opinion, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. But “if the statute is silent or ambiguous with respect to the specific issue,” Justice Stevens said that courts should defer to “reasonable interpretations” by the governing agency.

Unfortunately, unelected bureaucrats eager to expand the scope of their political powers have too often rendered interpretations that were in no way reasonable and which fall far outside the original intent of Congress.

Since its enshrinement in the legal process, the Chevron deference has been used as the major enabler of the vast expansion of the regulatory and administrative state by the Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations. Whenever we hear Trump and other Republicans refer to the vast scope of the “shadow government,” they are referring to a monstrosity whose creation could not have taken place without the Chevron deference in place.

Nowhere has the expansion of the regulatory state become more bloated than in the realm of energy and climate policy. In the Biden presidency alone, companies attempting to do business in the United States have been subjected to a withering array of complex new regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Bureau of Land Management, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other agencies that increasingly inhibit their ability to be profitable in this country.

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The left cannot achieve their socialist and totalitarian goals through legislation because that means someone has to put their name on a vote for things that the vast majority of the citizens do not want. Then, they would lose their jobs and not be able to create laws that gradually undercut the Constitution while they are skimming from vast and wasteful spending bills. So they try to tear the nation down through unaccountable agencies that carry the far left’s water.

The administrative state can no longer exist constitutionally. The bureaucracies that are unaccountable to the people can no longer institute right at carry with it the force of law. President Trump will dismantle the administrative state and those powers returned to the states.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Governments cannot operate in the complex modern world without a large specialized administrative apparatus. Like it or not, that is simply a fact.

The Supreme Court just ruled the administrative state unconstitutional skipper.

The powers confiscated by the federal government will be returned to the states where they belong.

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon

Article 1, Section 1: “All (that means, without exception) legislative powers herein granted (that means only the stuff we tell you that you can do, nothing else) shall be vested in a Congress of the United States…”

Nowhere is there the power to delegate or to empower anyone else to write code with the force of law. It doesn’t exist.

Delegation not only disempowers the people of the United States but it insulates the Congress-critters because they escape accountability and there is no one we can get back at for a rule or law we don’t like or does more harm than good.

Any excuses are dodging or bullshit; if the government finds itself unable to cope without these agencies, it’s probably something that’s none of Washington’s damn business anyway.

At least 80% of official Washington could be fired tomorrow and their departments abolished and hardly anyone would notice.

That’s what people who don’t think they can survive without mother government holding their hand believe. Fact is, most of the “administrative state” is designated to weaken and transform the constitutional republic into the fascist socialist totalitarian police state.


Dumb ass!

Heritage Foundation working on election legal challenges in case Biden pulled from DNC nomination

06/29/24 – A major conservative activist group is preparing for legal battles in case the Democratic Party chooses to pull President Biden out of the running before or after he becomes the nominee.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the United States’ most prominent and well-connected conservative activist groups, is laying the groundwork in case a sudden switch-up in the Democratic roster sparks a legal war.

“We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before the election, and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated,” Executive Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project Mike Howell said in a statement. “We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed.”

Heritage has already identified multiple states in which a switch away from Biden before or after the nomination could mean serious trouble for the Democratic Party.

In a separate statement, the Oversight Project warned, “If the Biden family decides that President Biden will not run for re-election, the mechanisms for replacing him on ballots vary by state. There is the potential for pre-election litigation in some states that would make the process difficult and perhaps unsuccessful. 

“Given the expected intensity of election integrity concerns in this election cycle, policymakers and the public should be educated and aware of the contentious path ahead,” it added.

Heritage points out that many states — including swing states such as Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin — might not allow a replacement on the ballot.

Wisconsin does not allow a candidate’s name to be withdrawn from the ballot except due to death. Nevada allows changes to its ballot up until 5:00pm on the fourth Friday of June in the election year — it also allows special consideration for if nominees die or are determined to be mentally unable to proceed…


joe will be made to stay on the ticket. If they pull him the democrats automatically forfeit Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin. Go ahead and pull him.

So you think the deadline for adding a major party’s presidential candidate to a state’s ballot should pass even before the party’s national convention?

If Trump were to choke on a cheeseburger, he’d have to remain as the republican candidate?

I quote your previous response:

Wisconsin does not allow a candidate’s name to be withdrawn from the ballot except due to death.

So if Mr Trump should meet his end that way, they would proceed accordingly — AS PER THE LAW.

Not that such considerations trouble Democrats, of course. Trump’s biggest danger is from either some unknown whackadoodle who likes to shoot at Republicans at baseball games.

Biden’s greatest external danger is from Dr Feelgood getting the potion wrong before the next public appearance.

…..not that I want to give them any ideas for getting out of this jam…

Take that up with the states who have passed laws in their states constitutionally. Either you stick with joe or the democrats forfeit those states. Sorry, not sorry.

Remember how the Democrats respected state election laws in 2020?

Remember how Republicans made death threats against their own party’s state election officials?

Your fucking problem is that everything WAS done in accordance with state laws and court determinations—all of which went against your cult leader. YOU’RE the people who attempted to overthrow the lawful results and processes.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Nope. Wrong answer. Very little was done in accordance with state laws and the Constitution. For example, voting law was changed by the secretary of state and the state supreme court which directly violated the Constitution of the United States.

Moreover, hardly any cases were decided on actual merits. Most were tossed on technical grounds or with the excuse of “standing” which is just an excuse to run and hide.

I’d like to know once and for all how all of those “insurrectionists” were expected to take control of the government having left ALL THEIR WEAPONS AT HOME. Are you really that delusional? Their demand was to audit the results, the answer was “fuck you,” and 1/06 was the result.

As usual, you’re LYING.

Your cult leader is the liar. More than 30 lies told, just during the course of the debate. EVERYBODY knows he’s a liar.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Keep pushing your bullshit, Comrade Greggie. Only CNN (radical left) claims Trump “lied” 30 times but senile Joe only lied 9 times.
That’s bullshit. Biden lied every time he opened his mouth, mostly about Trump. Even left wing fact checkers have said that Trump didn’t say what Biden claimed.

Remember this; it is YOUR party that is screaming for Biden to drop out of this race, not Republicans.

Trump is a liar, a libertine, and an oath breaker, and every honest person knows it.

Remember this; it is YOUR party that is screaming for Biden to drop out of this race, not Republicans.

We’ve got Ashley’s diary and Hunter’s laptop that say otherwise.

We’ve got that dipshit blaming his first wife’s fatal car accident on a drunk truck driver, a truly scumbag thing to do.

We’ve got him having his kids mug for the camera from their hospital beds for his inauguration in 1973.

We’ve got him as a serial fabulist and plagiarist. We’ve got him inventing stupid stories about some neighborhood figure called “Corn Pop” for no obvious reason.

We’ve got him and Ted Kennedy turning confirmation hearings into circuses and dumpster fires. We’ve got 50 years of him behaving like a careless and stupid demagogue.

You’re the last person around here who needs to be talking about “honest people.”

No you don’t. You’ve got a line from a young girl’s diary which was procured by thieves, and your own imaginations. You totally ignore what she herself has said about it as an adult.

I haven’t seen anything from Hunter’s laptop that relates to his sister’s childhood diary entry. Maybe you could share the details? Or maybe not.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Fucking pathetic.

I suppose that’s easier than explaining what isn’t true about it.

You think she wanted to put a diary entry every time it happened?

Of the 10 states with the highest rate of gun deaths, 9 voted for Trump.

According to data from the CDC, these are the states with the
highest firearm mortality rates per 100,000 in 2021:

1. Mississippi had a firearm mortality rate of 33.9, making
it the state with the highest rate in 2021. The state also used
its electoral votes to vote for then President Trump in the 2020 election.
2. Louisiana had a firearm mortality rate of 29.1 and voted
for Trump.
3. New Mexico had a firearm mortality rate of 27.8 and voted for President Biden.
4. Alabama had a firearm mortality rate of 26.4 and voted
for Trump.
5. Wyoming had a firearm mortality rate of 26.1 and voted
for Trump.
6. Alaska had a firearm mortality rate of 25.2 and voted for
7. Montana had a firearm mortality rate of 25.1 and voted
for Trump.
8. Arkansas had a firearm mortality rate of 23.3 and voted
for Trump.
9. Missouri had a firearm mortality rate of 23.2 and voted
for Trump.
10. Tennessee had a firearm mortality rate of 22.8 and
voted for Trump.

Go back when they actually reported crime, or convicted rather than setting them free.

Blue states are not reporting their statistics. This has been established. Blue states are crime-riddled shit holes because Democrats run them.

Boy, you got THAT right. No one issues weak bullshit like Greggie.

Denon-Rats want Higher Taxes and tax everything from Big Macs to Handgun Ammo to pay for their pet projects

 You’ve got a line from a young girl’s diary which was procured by thieves, and your own imaginations. You totally ignore what she herself has said about it as an adult.

Really? And Ashley Biden went into rehab, where she started writing her diary when? She was not “a young girl” as you describe her, she was a full grown woman who was, at least, in her late 20’s.

And why would there be anything on Hunter’s laptop, which you claimed was Russian disinformation, about his sister’s diary,

You’re such a f*cking liar

Every bit of it paid by the little people not the rich.
Gas tax, income tax, fees on utilities, quit kidding yourself.

Trump is a liar, a libertine, and an oath breaker, and every honest person knows it.

More of the left accusing Trump of what they do. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a liar, traitor, pedophile and is corrupt. It is clear and obvious to everyone.

Here’s just the biggest ones from Pinocchio Joe.
Another look here.

How Did The Army Of Debate ‘Fact Checkers’ Miss This Biden Whopper?

Last edited 7 months ago by Mully

Just 30? I’ve seen counts of 50 and 74. I don’t think you leftists know what a lie is, you believe and tell so many.

Remember how Republicans made death threats against their own party’s state election officials?

No. I don’t. But I do remember all the Democrat election fraud that put piece of shit Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden in office.

The Supreme Court rules on Trump’s immunity from criminal prosecution Monday.

They rule on a Presidents immunity pal all of them.

Freudian slip from Greg. He thinks a decision only affects Trump. He believes Democrats have inherited immunity from any crimes they wish to commit and all the DoJ is for is to organize lawfare against political opponents.

The same laws apply to everybody. If you’ve got credible evidence, prosecute.

Four separate state and federal grand juries agreed there was sufficient credible evidence of Trump’s crimes to prosecute him. The one trial that Trump’s lawyers weren’t able to delay resulted in unanimous guilty verdicts on all felony counts. He’s spent tens of millions delaying the other three using every legal maneuver possible. He knows if he goes to trial he’s done for, because the evidence is there to convict him.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

If you actually believe that, why was Hillary not prosecuted for FEC violations, perjury, mishandling classified documents and obstruction of justice? Why weren’t the Podesta’s prosecuted for FARA violations? Why isn’t Hunter prosecuted for FARA violations? Why wasn’t Hunter prosecuted for tax evasion? Why isn’t Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden held accountable for violations of the Espionage Act? Why aren’t Clapper and Brennan prosecuted for perjury? Why aren’t Blinken and Morell prosecuted for election interference? No, you don’t believe this bullshit. You are smug and satisfied that there is a two-tiered justice system that ALWAYS favors the left.

What was the crime all 12 jurors unanimously agreed upon, as prescribed by the Constitution, that Trump was guilty of that turned a bookkeeping “error” into a felony?

The same laws apply to everybody

35 million illegal aliens say otherwise.

Moreover, working up charges about irrelevant paperwork from misdemeanors to felonies in a hostile jury pool without clearly defining the crime in a courtroom run by an openly hostile judge all say otherwise too, so fuck you and your “no one’s above the law” bullshit.

Last edited 7 months ago by Brother John

Had we all not told you that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden was an incompetent, corrupt, treasonous pedophile before you voted for him in the primary? You and all the other morons got exactly what you voted for. Now, live with it.

Well, if they hadn’t foisted this softheaded, crooked old fool on us in the first place, they wouldn’t be in this position, now, would they?!

This will be the third time in three successive cycles that the party apparatchiks play fuck-fuck games in defiance of their own primary voters in order to secure their own power and position, but none of you seem to care because Orange Man Bad™, amirite?

Never forget that Trump is a crook.

Uhh — he’s not been in on the take since 1972 unlike Pedo Pete. He’s the most investigated man in Washington history and all the “crimes” attributed to him were either made up bullshit or actually true of a Democrat.

I’ve told you before, shithead — if you don’t like the way you get spoken to around here, stop all the goddamn LYING.

Never forget that it takes evidence to prove that and you have none. However, we have huge quantities of evidence proving Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is corrupt, treasonous, incompetent and, of course, a pedophile.

Never forget He was never suppose to win, but they put up a skinky hateful drunk.

Rules. Laws. You are supposed to follow them.

“Except for death”, huh? Hmmmm….

Surprisingly, a decent, well thought post from Comrade Greg.

Does anyone at all understand the case that overturned Chevron? Because the facts there are pretty damning and show why federal bureaucrats can’t be trusted to interpret and enforce their own rules.

Basically, the really short version of what happened was this — a family fishing business sued because they were paying $700 a day to have federal regulators oversee their business. The statute governing the National Marine Fisheries Service says nothing about making their business pay for the cost of their own regulation, and it was just decided along the way that businesses would have to foot the bill for the NMFS’ own enforcement.

Because of Chevron, which grants overly broad powers to bureaucrats to interpret the law, the idea that federal agencies could essentially make their own regs and make people pay if they didn’t have the budget to enforce them was tolerated.

That’s insane. Imagine if your local cops decided they needed a bigger budget — gotta keep the town safe! — and started stopping your car at checkpoints all over town to make you pay up. And the mayor and no one else in town could stop them from doing this because only the cops were allowed to determine what was legal.

That’s essentially what the feds were doing here under Chevron. It was outrageous, and the fisheries service’s abuse of power was hardly an isolated instance of federal overreach defended by Chevron.

It was corrupt and needed to end.


We are Here.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Well, were it not for Democrat hacks and apparatchiks making up bullshit charges, only half of this would be true.

No, we aren’t. Trump will have all his cases reversed because they are all rife with unconstitutional violations of Trump’s rights and absolutely missing any evidence of any crime anywhere. About time you came around on the dereliction of Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, the corrupt, treasonous, incompetent pedophile.

“The best protection against propaganda of any sort is the recognition of it for what it is. Only hidden and undetected oratory is really insidious. What reaches the heart without going through the mind is likely to bounce back and put the mind out of business. Propaganda taken in that way is like a drug you do not know you are swallowing. The effect is mysterious; you do not know afterwards why you feel or think the way you do.”

~Mortimer Adler (December 28, 1902 – June 28, 2001)

Delusional Joe Biden Makes Laughable Claim About Debate at Posh Fundraiser in New Jersey While Smearing President Trump

Gateway Pundit: your favorite right-wing propaganda teat…

Propaganda? Please elaborate skipper.

The Gateway Pundit’s founder, Jim Hoft, fumes over his failing bankruptcy planThe right-wing conspiracy theorist is seeking bankruptcy protection in the face of multiple defamation lawsuits. And his efforts aren’t going as planned.

At the center of every conspiratorial enterprise, you’re almost certain to find someone using it to make money. We’ve seen that with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense organization, Alex Jones and his Infowars organization and Rudy Giuliani’s … entire political career.

This week, it was far-right blogger Jim Hoft’s turn to flaunt the lifestyles of the rich and truly shameless at a bankruptcy hearing for his website, The Gateway Pundit.

The site has been one of the most relentless platforms pushing Donald Trump’s false claims that widespread election fraud led to his 2020 loss to Joe Biden. Doing so has spurred multiple defamation lawsuits against the outlet, including one filed by former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.

Hoft has tried, and failed, to have the suits dismissed. And now he’s seeking bankruptcy protection.

That’s how we arrived at Tuesday’s bankruptcy hearing, at which Hoft revealed the lavish lifestyle he’s been able to afford on The Gateway Pundit’s dime.

According to Business Insider:

Tuesday’s bankruptcy hearing shed some light on how Jim Hoft managed the company’s finances. He used the company to give himself an $800,000 loan to purchase a condo in 2021 in Jensen Beach, Florida, he said. To date, none of the loan has been repaid, according to a recent filing, which also lists the condo as the company headquarters.

The company also owns a 2021 Porsche Cayenne worth about $54,000, according to a recent filing. Hoft said he has used it as a “company car” when he’s in St. Louis, where he is originally from and still spends a portion of the year.

That is all on top of a salary of $17,000 a month that Hoft pays himself, he said at the hearing.

The lavish expenses are certainly under federal scrutiny. Business Insider reported that at the end of the hearing, a lawyer for the U.S. Trustee Program, which oversees bankruptcy cases, “warned that his office may seek to have the bankruptcy dismissed — exposing the Gateway Pundit to the defamation lawsuits it was trying to avoid — or put someone else in charge of the company.”

True to form, Hoft responded with a conspiratorial screed on his website, headlined “The Department of Justice Is Targeting The Gateway Pundit in Their Hopes to Ruin Us — Secretly Injected Itself in Chapter 11 Case – Why?” The blog post, which doubled down on false claims about Freeman and Moss, ended with a plea for donations.

Hoft’s bankruptcy gambit doesn’t seem to be working. It has, however, given us a window into the luxurious lives that today’s right-wing conspiracy theorists are able to afford on the backs of their shameless lies.

A felon until his convictions are overturned on appeal.

Greg I told you a while back there were T-shirts hats and mugs, we are going to own this.
Just like Hillarys name calling brought out Mugs Ts and hats we all owned Deplorable.
And his polls keep improving.
Speaking of cashing in How do the Bidens afford 4 mansions? His multiple loans are drawing attention, are they legal? Keeping up with the Obamas must be tough for Jill.

Hey what is Smith going to do now that his charges are unwinding like cheap rope?

What does any of that have to do with the content of the article? GP has credibility; they don’t lie with every article they issue, as your favorite leftist propaganda sites to.

72 percent want Biden to quit.

NBC is fully invested in Biden quitting.

WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Claims Trump, Not Biden, is the Candidate with Dementia Before Having a Senior Moment of Her Own

Donors put blame on Jill Biden.

The true followers of Jesus strike back…

NY Times — Biden family urges Joe to stay in the race. Hunter is the strongest voice.
‘Joe is not dropping out, looking for comeback options.’
Knives come out for Anita Dunn and Ron Klain.

Keep in mind, this is the Biden Crime Family. If (when) Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden loses, they are toast.

Last edited 7 months ago by Just Plain Bill

If joe isn’t staying on the ballot he better grant pardons to all his crime family.
I noticed his family is insisting on keeping the campaign money IF he can be convinced to drop out.
But, if that happens, he isn’t replaced on many state ballots.
Only his death or the 25th Amendment can do that.
Can you imagine taking anything Hunter says as good advice?

Maybe Joe should stay on the ballot with Michelle Obama as his running mate. That could work.

And boot the ho, how would that look?
Big mike has no political experience other than a bloated staff at the WH.

It might look like a way to deep six Donald Trump.

I doubt she would. But Trump has made this a strange time.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Maybe Joe should stay on the ballot with Michelle Obama as his running mate. That could work.

Except she hates Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s guts.

Jesus would not approve of pedophilia. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a pedophile.

He probably wouldn’t approve of you bearing false witness—but no worries, since Trump has replaced Him in your hearts and minds.

Jesus would not approve of pedophilia. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a pedophile.

There may be a spiritual millstone waiting for Joe.
No one has debunked the diary written by a very troubled woman who fights addiction and in her words, inappropriate sexual arousal.
Her diary was not stolen she left it behind and another addict discovered it in a rehab facility.
All they had to do was ignore it sending the DOJ after the journal just confirmed it was his daughters.
Sorry tossing in faith or religion makes you look like a desperate fool.

You really should quote the girl’s diary entry exactly, since it’s the basis of one of your most important conspiracy theories.

comment image
read it yourself it has been out a long time.
Why must we spoon feed you cant you do any research?

Another bite, open wide here comes the choo choo.

comment image
Fact checked

Last edited 7 months ago by kitt

I guess I just don’t read this the way you do. She’s a troubled young woman with vague memories from decades in the past. There are thoughts and speculations she recorded believing that no one but herself would ever see them.

The diary was stolen and sold to Trump’s skunk-works operatives who immediately set about weaponizing the contents to use against her father.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

It was not stolen, like the laptop from hell, it was discarded and left for whom ever might stumble across it. It was not in Ashley’s possession. Possession is 9/10 of the law. And, it was not sold, that is a lie.

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon

Well, I read it like it is written: an perverted father forced his young daughter to shower with him. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is, by every definition, a pedophile, plain and simply. The only way to accept him as a leader is to accept pedophilia.

She wasnt so young, when she wrote this 38 years old. Again she left it behind, if they just would have ignored the journal it would not have been considered authentic.

It wasn’t stolen, it was carelessly abandoned just as the laptop was by her dissolute crack-addick half brother.

LYING AGAIN, asshole.

You think Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden hasn’t lied?