Kamala Harris Is Far Worse Than Hillary Clinton

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Making someone as extreme as Kamala Harris a president-in-waiting is a bone-chilling prospect. No conservative or moderate should support it.

I company with some of my colleagues in that I don’t find Kamala Harris personally irritating. She’s attractive, youthful (she looks 15 years younger than her actual age, which is 55), and presentable. Her voice is neither a hectoring Midwestern drone (like Hillary Clinton’s) nor does it have the prissy professorial condescension of Elizabeth Warren’s. Her voice is fine, albeit a bit nasal.

It’s Harris’s policies that repel me. While I tend to view “Flight 93” thinking as hyperbolic, she does present a major threat to the constitutional order, to the economy, and to established norms. Moreover, she stands an excellent chance of succeeding Biden to the presidency should their ticket be elected in November. Kamala Harris poses a far greater danger to the Republic than Hillary Clinton. Anyone who calls himself a conservative should recognize this.

Harris’s platform is so far to the left of the mainstream that she makes Mrs. Clinton, a hero to the Left for several decades, look moderate. Clinton, for instance, said that illegal immigrants should be allowed to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare exchanges but without subsidies, which is Joe Biden’s position (according to his platform, though Biden himself often seems confused about this when publicly discussing the issue). Kamala Harris backs a single-payer federal health-care plan and did not equivocate when asked whether illegal immigrants would be covered: “Let me just be very clear about this. I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health, period.” This would mark an end to the distinction between people who are here legally and illegally and would signal to the world’s poor that it’s time to make their break for the United States. Harris also compared Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers to the Ku Klux Klan and said we should decriminalize unauthorized border crossings. (“I would not make it a crime punishable by jail. It should be a civil enforcement issue but not a criminal enforcement issue.”)

So: a parking ticket for coming in illegally? How is that to be seen as anything other than an engraved invitation to would-be migrants? In a Senate hearing, Harris suggested ICE should be more of a welcome wagon than an enforcement agency: “Are you aware,” she said to Ronald Vitiello, acting director of ICE, “that there is a perception that ICE is administering its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidation, particularly among immigrants? And specifically among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America?” Neither the culture nor the federal fisc is prepared for the massive disruption likely to be unleashed if an American president so encourages illegal migration. Way back in 1994, when the Democratic Party was still concerned with what the center of the country thought and felt, Mrs. Clinton said in a House hearing that her Hillarycare plan would not be available to illegal entrants: “We do not want to do anything to encourage more illegal immigration into this country,” she said, adding that “we know now that too many people come in for medical care, as it is.”

Kamala Harris laughed uproariously at Joe Biden’s suggestion that a president is constrained by the Constitution from ruling by executive fiat. This clip ought to nauseate any constitutionalist: Even Hillary Clinton would not have gone so far as to treat the Constitution as a joke. Harris, moreover, has the most extreme position on abortion imaginable. And when an undercover journalist, David Daleiden, made the abortion lobby look bad by accurately exposing the inner doings of Planned Parenthood executives, she brought the full force of the state down on his head, raiding his home and launching a vendetta that would result in nine felony charges against him. Former Obama speechwriter and leftist pundit Jon Favreau calls it “hilarious” that anyone thinks Harris is a moderate because “she has one of the most liberal records in the U.S. Senate.”

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When Obama said in a SOTU speech that illegal immigrants could not get Obamacare benefits, he was called a liar… which he was. The Democrats have always had the intent to use taxpayer-funded health care (among other inducements) to promote more illegal immigration with the hopes of creating a new voter bloc for themselves.

While she tried to pull heart strings to justify her intent to trample the 2nd Amendment, has she spoken out about her BLM/ANTIFA colleagues openly carrying AR-15’s and AK-47’s and making open threats against white people and the police? Well, she DID call them “heroes”. I also don’t remember any of her comments denouncing the murders of people in CHOP, Chicago or anywhere else by the leftist terrorists.

The fact that the left wing propaganda arm of the DNC comes out and proclaims Kamala a “moderate” should be warning enough.

She isnt worse than Hillary she even got the same plastic surgeon, she is cut from the same cloth. Hey She tries to be worse but ol Stinky many years seniority ahead of THOT on corruption and disdain for the American people.


let us be honest, they are both whores. would not suprise me if kamslut is’t BI

@MOS #8541, #3:

Maybe you can have Jerry Falwell Jr condemn her from the pulpit as a harlot and a Hindoo Devil Worshiper. Just remind him to zip up his pants first.

Kamala Harris is a Baptist. She’s a member of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco. She’s been married once. Her husband is Jewish.

@Greg: She’s a lying skank.


Wonder if anyone will ask Comma-la about Larry Wallace and Bob Filmer. What did she do with that nice BMW that Willie Brown bought her when she was servicing his sexual needs. Never the two tony committee assignments Willie Brown secured for her that both paid nice five figure $$.

You might want to consider climbing up out of the septic tank. The smell tends to attach itself to those who go down there to throw the contents at others. One of the things most Biden supporters want is a return to dignity and decorum.

@Greg:Sure is hard to face those bitter facts, ain’t it?


One of the things most Biden supporters want is a return to dignity and decorum.

Then they should have picked someone other than Bargain Basement Joe in the Democrat primaries.

@retire05: Could we have a more beautiful and dignified first lady?
Trump having to rehab the White House after 8 years of abuse and neglect, including broken toilet seats, mice, roaches and ants says so much about those previous residence.
The Rose garden now being restored, no poorly house broken dogs crapping on beautiful antique carpets, no more poorly housebroken marxists and terrorists sullying the grounds. Better cleaning and maintenance real care for the historic house of the President.


One of the things most Biden supporters want is a return to dignity and decorum.

Because nothing says “dignity and decorum” like being a racist and using a token “black” lady with a disqualifying history as a running mate…while supporting jackbooted fascists bent on killing cops.

The smell of desperation has seemed to attach itself to your increasingly hollow and silly posts.


One of the things most Biden supporters want is a return to dignity and decorum.

Is that why they support destroying the police and nightly riots? Is that your idea of dignity and decorum? Cmon, MAN!

@Greg: Sure. We see what that looks like now in places like Portland or Seattle. Lots of peaceful decorum on display.

Seattle Becomes A Warzone Over Night As #BlackLivesMatter Hurl Explosives At Police…