Joey Sneakyfingers Biden: No, I Had No Idea About Any Investigations Into Michael Flynn…Wait, You Have Evidence I Was Present at Obama’s “By the Book” Meeting?…Oh, Right. I Meant To Say I Didn’t Know Anything About a Prosecution.

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Either lying or senile, and let’s not rule out Senile Lying.

Note that he immediately goes to the talking point that obese effeminate propagandist Brian Stelter is already repeating a hundred times a day– that we cannot even talk about Michael Flynn because it’s a distraction from coronavirus.

Weird, impeachment wasn’t a distraction from coronavirus as it was spreading around the world.

But all the things the Democrats don’t want to talk about are now, yes, “distractions.”

During an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Biden was pressed by George Stephanopoulos over what he knew about the Obama administration’s moves to investigate Flynn, and whether there was anything improper done.

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn,” Biden initially said, calling the topic a “diversion” from the coronavirus pandemic.

Stephanopoulos, though, pressed Biden again, questioning whether he attended an Oval Office meeting on Jan. 5, 2017–during the presidential transition period–where Flynn apparently was discussed.

“No, I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted,” Biden said. “I’m sorry.”

“I was aware that there was–that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it, and I don’t think anything else …”

Good Morning America chooses to give this clip the headline, Biden pushes back on Trump’s testing claims, labels coronavirus response ‘incompetent’, instead of something more accurate, such as Biden first denies, then admits, knowledge of Flynn investigation.

That’s the news here. It’s routine and obvious that he should criticize Trump as “incompetent.” That’s his entire campaign.

What’s new and novel is that he first lied about knowing about the Flynn probe, and then admitted it when pressed.

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Biden seems to think it is important to reinforce the notion that he is an idiot. He is a senile liar. He lies then he can’t remember what the lie was or what he lied about.