Joe Biden Used Fake Name To Exchange Over 50 Private Emails With Hunter Biden’s Business Associate, Docs Show


By James Lynch

Then-Vice President Joe Biden used a pseudonym to exchange more than 50 emails with one of Hunter Biden’s business associates, newly released emails show.

Joe Biden sent 54 private emails to Hunter Biden’s close business associate and accountant, Eric Schwerin, by using the “Robin Ware” alias, according to an email search released Tuesday by the House Ways and Means Committee. The email data was provided to the committee by IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler, who testified Tuesday behind closed doors alongside IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley. 

The Ways and Means Committee released 56 new pages of documents Tuesday including the email search. Back in September, the committee released more than 700 pages of documents to support Shapley and Ziegler’s initial testimony accusing the Department of Justice (DOJ) of giving Hunter Biden special treatment during its ongoing investigation.

Witness testimony from DOJ, FBI and IRS officials has confirmed key aspects of the IRS whistleblower testimony, House Republicans laid out in a report released Tuesday morning.

Burisma paid Hunter Biden more than $80,000 per month to be a board member of the company despite his lack of experience with Ukraine or the energy sector, bank records show. 

The House Oversight Committee subpoenaed Schwerin in November to have him appear for a closed-door deposition to discuss Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings. He visited the White House on at least 27 occasions during the Obama administration, according to archived visitor logs first reported by Fox News.

Archived emails show Schwerin coordinated with then-VP Biden’s office to handle media strategy ahead of a trip Joe Biden took to Ukraine in December 2015. The Oversight Committee wrote a letter to NARA in September demanding access to those communications and other correspondence between Joe Biden’s vice presidential office and his son’s business associates.

Schwerin handled the finances for Hunter Biden and his family before the pair had a falling out, the New York Post reported based on a memoir written by Kathleen Buhle, Hunter’s ex-wife, with whom he has three children.

Hunter Biden once described Schwerin as a “close confidant” in a February 2014 email exchange from his abandoned laptop archive.

“Suspiciously, email traffic between Joe Biden and Schwerin would routinely increase before and after the Vice President’s various trips to Ukraine. In the days before Joe Biden’s June 2014 trip, he and Schwerin exchanged five emails. After that trip and before the Vice President’s November trip back to Ukraine, he and Schwerin emailed an astonishing 27 times,” Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith said in a statement.

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But, but, but, he told Americans he knew nothing about his sons money from foreign entities;

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Thursday denied any unethical behavior related to his son Hunter Biden under questioning at the second presidential debate with President Trump.

Trump went on the offensive, as he had telegraphed, over allegations that Joe Biden was aware of his son’s foreign business dealings.

“I have not taken a penny from any foreign source, ever, in my life,” Biden said.

Asked by moderator Kristen Welker if it was inappropriate or unethical for Hunter Biden to pursue business interests in Ukraine and China while Joe Biden was serving as vice president, Biden refuted the notion.

“Nothing was unethical,” Biden said, citing testimony during Trump’s impeachment hearings where witnesses said his son’s work did not influence U.S. policy.

Biden also disputed that his son made money doing business in China,

Why aren’t they showing the content of the emails? Why have they redacted the subject lines?

Any clues about that, Sherlock?

“It’s a Bunch of Lies!” – Joe Biden Snaps After New York Post Reporter Asks Why He Interacted with Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Associates (VIDEO)

The only lies are the ones he has repeated hundreds upon hundreds of times. biden bought his Delaware beach house $2.775 million in cash. Where did the cash come from?

Millions of dollars from China were funneled to Hunter Biden’s investment vehicle Owasco.

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“Payments from Hunter’s business entity are now a part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefitted from his family’s influence-peddling schemes,” Chairman Comer said.

Chairman Comer also uncovered a $200,000 direct payment to Joe Biden after he received James and Hunter’s subpoenaed documents.

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How many millions of dollars did biden launder through his crack head whore chasing piece of shit son? And to what degree has he compromised the security of our nation?

12/04/23 – Comer mischaracterizes Hunter Biden car payment reimbursement to his dad

…In an email to reporters, a spokesperson for Comer claimed that the House Oversight Committee, which is investigating Biden, had obtained bank records revealing that Hunter Biden’s law firm, Owasco PC, which had received payments from Chinese-state-linked companies and other foreign companies in the past, made direct monthly payments to Joe Biden. The email claimed the payments “are part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in and benefited from his family’s influence-peddling schemes.”

The three payments of $1,380 that occurred in September, October and November 2018 — nearly two years after Biden had left the vice presidency — were actually for a 2018 Ford Raptor truck Joe Biden had purchased that Hunter Biden was using, according to an email verified by a Washington Post forensic analysis…

It was your cult leader who made hush money payments to a porn star he’d had a adulterous rolls in the hay with with—to keep the voters from finding out right before an election, as I recall. Then he fraudulently concealed the source of the funds.

Because it was an investment vehicle, which pools and invests other people’s money. Investors put their faith in the Biden name, not realizing they were trusting a drug-addicted scammer.

Comer has yet to show anything establishing that the father was complicit in his son’s scams. He wants to so badly he almost wets his pants.

Millions of dollars from China were funneled to Hunter Biden’s investment vehicle Owasco.

That is some funny shit.

Almost as funny as this.

They “waited 2 years” because the criminal justice process couldn’t be initiated while he was hiding behind the presidential desk.
Last edited 3 days ago by Greg

That’s the reason they had to delay investigating and prosecuting the son-of-a-bitch.

This should be a Impeachable offence if it already isn’t its also should a Act of Treason

IRS Whistleblower: Hunter Biden Got $4.9 Million From Hollywood Lawyer and Biden Donor

Hunter is indicted in California. As we all know, that means he is guilty.