Joe Biden Slams Pro-Life Senator: “It’s Just Bizarre” to Oppose Taxpayer-Funded Abortions


by Steven Ertelt

Joe Biden is slamming a pro-life senator who is blocking over 200 military nominees because of the Pentagon’s new illegal policy funding abortions.

Senator Tommy Tuberville continues to stand strong against the Pentagon’s illegal abortion funding — to the chagrin of pro-abortion Democrats who want him to give up his fight to protect babies and support pro-life Americans.

The new Department of Defense policy requires taxpayers to pay travel costs and paid time off for military service members and their families to abort their unborn babies. As a result, Republicans estimate approximately 4,100 more unborn babies will be killed in abortions every year — and partly on the taxpayer dime.

But opposing taxpayer-funded abortions, a stance that most Americans have taken for decades, is “bizarre” to Joe Biden. And he slammed Tuberville for holding up the nominations until the pro-abortion policy is changed.

Biden said during a fundraising event for affluent donors in California’s Silicon Valley, “It’s just bizarre. I don’t remember it happening before, and I’ve been around.”

Earlier on Monday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuberville’s hold is “hurting our national security.”

“It is dangerous what is he, what he’s doing, and it is unacceptable,” she said. “We’ve been very, very clear about this. It is important to move forward with the president’s DoD nominations as they relate to our national security, as it relates to military safety, as it relates to what we need to make sure we’re providing for our military force.”

But the fault of the holdup is on the Pentagon and the Biden administration. Tuberville will immediately release the hold on the nominations as soon as the abortion funding policy is withdrawn. Or the Senate could vote one at a time on the most important nominations — but for months Democrats have chosen not to vote on any nominees and the Biden administration refuses to withdraw the illegal policy.

To resolve the impasse, the Biden administration has offered a committee vote on a bill to overturn the Pentagon’s abortion funding policy in exchange for his commitment to allow votes on its nominees. But Tuberville is not taking the bait because he knows that the bill will likely be defeated in a Democrat-controlled committee, and would likely be filibustered by Democrats on the floor and will never become law. Thus, he would give up his leverage for nothing in return.

Tuberville said the Biden administration and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin are the ones to blame for putting their pro-abortion politics ahead of military promotions.

“This is about a tyrannical executive branch walking all over the United States Senate and doing our jobs,” he said. “This was Secretary Austin’s choice. [He] thought abortion is more important than his highest-level military nominations.”

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I’m not surprised idiot Biden is confused by someone actually standing up and supporting the law. Using taxpayer money for abortions is illegal. Idiot Biden and Democrats are more used to just doing whatever they want to do and F**K the law. Plus, killing babies is great fun.

Trump silent on abortion as 2024 campaign pushes forward

…Party leaders concede that the GOP’s stunning success in persuading Trump’s remade Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade last June ultimately triggered a fierce backlash that boosted Democrats in November’s midterms. And while the 2024 political landscape is far from settled, leaders in both parties acknowledge that few issues may be more significant in the election of the next president than abortion.

Meanwhile, abortion access is disappearing across America.

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe just nine months ago, 24 states have banned abortion outright or are likely to do so, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Other states with Republican-controlled legislatures, including Florida, are moving toward restrictive laws that would ban abortion as soon as six weeks of pregnancy.

The next step, according to anti-abortion leaders already playing a vocal role in the GOP’s 2024 presidential primary, is to adopt a federal law that would force abortion restrictions upon every state…

The backlash in 2024 will be even more brutal than it was in 2022. The GOP may not survive.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

What happened to the 2022 red wave?

Last edited 8 months ago by TrumpWon

11/07/23 – Ohio voters enshrine abortion access in constitution in latest statewide win for reproductive rights

…Ohio became the seventh state where voters decided to protect abortion access after the landmark ruling and was the only state to consider a statewide abortion rights question this year…

This is what happens when the decision is up to the will of the people, rather than to the will of a republican-majority state legislature.