Iran’s Ayatollah Sends New Letter to Obama Amid Nuclear Talks

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Both the White House and the Iranian mission at the United Nations declined to comment on the report.

Khamenei said this week he could accept a compromise in the nuclear talks and gave his strongest defense yet of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s decision to negotiate with the West, a policy opposed by powerful hardliners at home.


Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is due to address the U.S. Congress on Iran on March 3 – to the annoyance of the Obama administration – has vowed “to foil this bad and dangerous agreement.”

One wonders if In all these secret negotiations Obama told the Ayatollah…

‘I can be more flexible after the election’ Obama to Medvedev.


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Benjamin Netanyahu should not given the power to veto U.S. foreign policy decisions.

Nor should he be put in a position where he could essentially decide that the U.S. will go to war with Iran.

@Greg: @Greg: Sounds like you’ve got a fly on the wall in the White House when Obama read that letter from Khamenei.


Benjamin Netanyahu should not given the power to veto U.S. foreign policy decisions.

Have you gone off the deep end in your hatred of Bibi? Explain your theory where this “power to veto” would come from?

Nor should he be put in a position where he could essentially decide that the U.S. will go to war with Iran.

Explain your theory where this mythical power to “decide that the U.S. will go to war with Iran would come from?

Iran has an imbedded native born citizen as the chief adviser and lobbyist whispering into our president’s ear day after day and influencing his decisions, yet you seem to have no problem with a possible conflict of interest in such a highly placed Iranian. That this doesn’t concern you, is rather peculiar, given your fear of Netanyahu’s simply giving a speech to Congress, (who does not in fact “create” the foreign policy, but only votes yea or nay on treaties) Yet Obama’s refusal to even meet the leader of Iran’s avowed enemy (and our ally) Bibi does not make you at all curious or raise concern? Meanwhile, the administration releases information to create friction between Egypt and members of OPEC, yet meets with leaders of the Muslim Brother hood (who want’s to oust the President of Egypt.) Explain this unprecedented favoritism of treatment for our enemies and known perpetrators of terrorism, over our ally.

You also protest that Bibi should not be allowed to speak to congress and also excuse Obama for refusing to meet with Netanyahu to get a political ally’s input in talks (regarding the threat a nuclear Iran poses to the Middle East region over all and more specifically to Israel,) because you claim it could interfere with the Israeli elections. But yet, Obama and Biden did meet with Bibi’s political opponent and members of Obama’s political campaign team have been sent to Israel to interfere in the Israel elections in support of Bibi’s political opponent. Explain why you don’t see the hypocrisy by the administration.

@Greg: Is it OK if he voices his opinion that what we are doing is extremely dangerous to him and the rest of the world? Or is the infallibility of His Wonderfulness not to be questioned?