Investigators Subpoena Bank Records Of Hunter, James Biden After Uncovering $20 Million In Foreign Payments



House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer followed through on his pledge to “continue to follow the money” on Thursday when he issued three subpoenas for the bank records of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and brother, James “Jim” Biden.

The latest round of subpoenas is part of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into the president and, according to Comer, will “help the Committees determine whether Joe Biden abused his office by selling access and/or by receiving payments or other benefits in exchange for official acts.”

The records should shed more light on the Biden family’s practice of selling access to Joe, their family’s “only asset,” in an attempt to line their own pockets.

The records could also aid Congress in its “investigation of a systemic failure to protect against potential malign foreign interactions with family members of senior elected officials.”

“Specifically, the Committees are concerned that foreign nationals and foreign companies appear to have sought access and influence by engaging in lucrative business relationships with high-profile political figures’ immediate family members,” Comer wrote in a letter accompanying the subpoenas.

Previous financial record subpoenas issued by the GOP yielded evidence that Hunter and his associates made bank from shopping out access to then-Vice President Joe to foreigners including a high-profile businessman in Romaniaa Chinese Communist Party-linked energy company and other Chinese nationals, Ukrainian businessmen, and a Russian oligarch. While Hunter was wheeling and dealing, Joe made a point to rub elbows or speak on the phone with his son’s foreign clients, allegedly more than 200 times.

A Biden family influence-peddling timeline released by the House Oversight Committee details exactly how and when “the Bidens and their associates have received over $20 million in payments from foreign entities.” Records, communications, and other documents belonging to the Biden family suggest they regularly and repeatedly traded their patriarch’s political standing to enrich themselves and then tried to cover up the profiteering with a myriad of complicated transactions and accounts.

“This review uncovered a pattern of financial complexity,” Comer warned.

At least nine Biden family members including Hunter, Jim, Jim’s wife, Hunter’s ex-girlfriend who is also his brother Beau Biden’s widow, Hunter’s ex-wife, Hunter’s current wife, and at least one grandchild and a couple of nieces and/or nephews profited from the funneling of funds.

The House Oversight Committee, the House Ways and Means Committee, and the House Judiciary Committee, Comer noted, “are also concerned about the national security implications of a President’s or Vice President’s immediate family members receiving millions of dollars from foreign nationals or companies without any oversight.”

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Are bank records accurate details of financial activity? Representative Clay Higgins thinks so.

Especially HIDDEN bank records.

Bank records do not lie.

Nor do SARS reports of which there are more than 170 such reports.

Most people never even get one in their entire life.

Last edited 9 months ago by TrumpWon

‘Ultra Right’ Beer Featuring Trump’s Mugshot on Track to Become ‘Most Sought-After Collector Beer Can in American History’

09/29/23 – First defendant in Trump Georgia case pleads guilty

A co-defendant in the sweeping Georgia election interference case involving former President Trump has become the first to plead guilty in the case.

Scott Hall, a bail bond business owner, after reaching a plea agreement with prosecutors pleaded guilty to five misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with the performance of election duties before Judge Scott McAfee at an impromptu hearing Friday afternoon…

They don’t have bank records. They didn’t even issue subpoenas for them until this past Monday. The clowns are claiming the subpoenas are evidence.

09/27/23 – House Oversight Republicans say new bank subpoena shows Hunter Biden listed father’s Wilmington house in wires with China

Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden should be scrambling to provide every document and record he has to show how totally above suspicion he is. The fact that everything is hidden in 20 shell companies and he has NARA, the IRS, the FBI and the DOJ shielding and stonewalling for him tells the story pretty accurately.

Meanwhile, back in reality: 4 pending criminal trials featuring 91 felony counts, and a $250 million civil fraud trial beginning Monday. They HAVE evidence, and are prepared to present it in the courtroom.

That’s not reality; that’s leftist lawfare fantasy. They have NO evidence. But, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a corrupt traitor that forced his young daughter to shower with him. THAT is confirmed.

Well, of course not. While bombshell information about Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden corruption and obstruction of justice, it might hurt the Democrats, so they just buried it. Real journalism.