Inside the Investigation: How the Biden Administration is Linked to a Guatemalan Child Trafficking Scandal

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by Robby Starbuck

There’s a scandal going on in Guatemala that everyone needs to know about. The Attorney General in Guatemala is investigating child trafficking at the US border and it appears that the Biden Admin is retaliating.

The interview you’re about to hear is apparently so dangerous that the Secretary General of Guatemala says he was warned by someone claiming to carry a message from the US Embassy that he was “playing with fire” if he took part in the interview.

In my interview with the Secretary General of Guatemala, we exposed:

• That they’re investigating child trafficking at the US border and how the Biden Admin may be tied to it.

• US taxpayers paying $125,000 for shamans, nearly $500,000 to support gender ideology in Guatemala + $500M in grants.

• He tells me the US is harboring murderers and child rapists on the run from justice.

• He tells me someone threatened him with a message from the US Embassy that he was “playing with fire” by doing this interview.

• Biden’s Secretary of State then came to Guatemala 2 days after we filmed this to meet with Guatemala’s President and days later the President announced a plot to have the Attorney General and Secretary General removed from their positions.

Last week they raided an NGO named Save The Children. Jill Biden used to be the Chair of STC’s board. Investigations into NGO’s like this are a part of Guatemala’s overall investigation as they search out who’s doing the trafficking and where the money’s coming from. Now let’s talk about $$$…

Before doing this interview I reached out to @Oilfield_Rando @RandoLand_US for a report on $ the US gives Guatemala. He found over 80 payments to individuals in Guatemala where the names are redacted. Many range from $20,000 to $40,000 per transfer. That’s a LOT of money in Guatemala. Who are they paying and why?

Overall the Biden admin has spent over $500M in Guatemala. Why? US taxpayers are paying $125,000 for indigenous “healers” (shamans) in Guatemala and nearly $500,000 to support gender ideology there. Why?

One things clear about the Biden Administration: You can’t trust them with money. That’s why @GoldCoPM is sponsoring this interview. Since Biden took office, many Americans are worse off. This is not the beacon of prosperity we grew up in. Click here to learn about an IRS loophole thousands of Americans have used to safeguard their money

Guatemala’s Secretary General also admitted the US is harboring illegal alien pedophiles and murders. These are people Guatemala WANTS to put in prison but Biden’s Admin is protecting them instead of cooperating. As you’ll find out, it’s clear the AG and SG are being targeted. Guatemala’s President recently met with Sec of State Tony Blinken and Joe Biden.

After this interview he announced a plot to remove the AG.

If it feels like you’ve seen this movie before… It’s because you have: In Ukraine when Joe Biden forced the firing of a prosecutor who investigated his family.

Watch here

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• Biden’s Secretary of State then came to Guatemala 2 days after we filmed this to meet with Guatemala’s President and days later the President announced a plot to have the Attorney General and Secretary General removed from their positions.

Shades of Burisma. It would not be surprising to find Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden directly responsible for human trafficking at the border. After all, they have enabled every cartel in Mexico to rake in fat stacks trafficking illegal immigrants, so why wouldn’t someone as corrupt, amoral and greedy as Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden not get HIS share?

We are supposed to be sending aid to these impoverished countries to help them support their own people. Instead, it gets wasted on shamans and gender stupidity. This is infuriating.