Hunter Biden’s trial is just a political ploy to protect Joe — and the compromised DOJ

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By Benjamin Weingarten

Don’t see the Hunter Biden gun case as an effort to hold the president’s prodigal son to account, but as a political maneuver aimed at protecting the prosecutors, perhaps the defendant, and certainly his father.

This sideshow diverts the public’s gaze from far larger corruption: Felony gun charges are piddling when weighed against the selling out of our country, not to mention the leverage Hunter’s dubious dealings and debauchery might have provided our enemies in the way of kompromat.

Yes, it features many “shiny objects,” some juicy, and others genuinely newsworthy, from the riveting trainwreck that was Hunter Biden’s life at the time he committed the alleged offenses — lurid details of his drug abuse, relationships and recklessness — to the vindicating-for-The-Post-but-still-unbelievable Justice Department decision to enter the “laptop from hell” into evidence.

Yet while special counsel David Weiss and, by extension, Attorney General Merrick Garland will play this as the Biden Justice Department’s pursuit of even the president’s son without fear or favor, it’s no such thing.

First, Hunter may well be found not guilty, or at least get a hung jury. His team is tugging at the heartstrings of jurors hailing from a state in which the Bidens are royalty.

The defense is diving deep into the tragedies that have befallen their royal family and Hunter’s harrowing struggles with alcohol and drug abuse — struggles with which many of the jurors are likely to sympathize, based on their own experiences.

Biden-friendly media have reported that Joe Biden is concerned about the case, making this a story about a father’s love for his targeted son as well — turning the Bidens not only into potentially sympathetic characters, but victims.

Even a guilty verdict may lose on appeal, gobsmackingly enough, by using as a defense a pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court ruling that Joe Biden has panned.

Yet this case — involving offenses at a remove from Hunter Biden’s father, heard in the most favorable venue for the Bidens that any case could have been brought — was never supposed to happen.

It inadvertently serves as an indictment of prosecution and defense alike.

Recall how we got here: For years, key players at the Justice Department and FBI systematically sabotaged the real case against Hunter Biden.

Prosecutors and investigators ignored or declined to pursue evidence of his serious, compromising, and national security-imperiling misconduct — ranging from alleged violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act to tax evasion connected to the Biden family’s international influence-peddling business.

Most egregiously, prosecutors let the statutes of limitation lapse on material offenses most closely linked to then-Vice President Biden’s policy portfolio.

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This whole case against Trump is a Scandal the SCOTUS should totally overturn the whole thing and dismiss all charges against Trump

Going back even further, the USSS that were trying to keep Huner out of trouble went to the gun shop and tried to bluff the shop owner into surrendering the 4473 form. That would have been the end of THAT. But, the shop owner knew his rights and told them to go f**k themselves.

I doubt Hunter will be found guilty. Not that he isn’t, but we’ve all seen this weaponized DoJ in action. Considering they’ve tried to smother this, and all the other potential charges against Hunter and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, what are the chances Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and Garland are just going to step aside and allow justice to follow its course? There’s a reason why Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden emphatically declared he wouldn’t pardon Hunter (not that he wouldn’t lie). He knows a pardon is not going to be necessary.

One thing we know: the entire spectrum of the Biden family is nothing but degenerate scumbags.

Hunter Biden has a loving and supportive family that showed up daily in court—unlike your Leader.

One thing we know: the entire spectrum of the Biden family is nothing but degenerate scumbags.

The loving and supportive family that has not once met or contacted their ostracized granddaughter?

07/28/23 – Biden openly acknowledges 7th grandchild, the daughter of son Hunter and an Arkansas woman

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden on Friday for the first time publicly acknowledged his seventh grandchild, a 4-year-old girl fathered by his son Hunter with an Arkansas woman, Lunden Roberts, in 2018.

“Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward,” Biden said in a statement. It was his first acknowledgement of the child.

“This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter,” he said. “Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy.”

Hunter Biden’s paternity was established by DNA testing after Roberts sued for child support, and the two parties recently resolved outstanding child support issues. The president’s son wrote about his encounter with Roberts in his 2021 memoir, saying it came while he was deep in addiction to alcohol and drugs, including crack cocaine.

“I had no recollection of our encounter,” he wrote. “That’s how little connection I had with anyone. I was a mess, but a mess I’ve taken responsibility for.”

An attorney for Roberts did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The president, who has made a commitment to family central to his public persona, has faced increasing criticism from political rivals and pundits for failing to acknowledge the granddaughter. According to a person familiar with the matter, he was taking the cue from his son while the legal proceedings played out. The person spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private matters.

Hunter Biden has four other children, including a son, Beau, born to his wife Melissa Cohen in 2020. He was named after the president’s late son who died of cancer in 2015, leaving behind two children.

Biden’s grandchildren have played a distinctive role in his presidency, often accompanying the president or first lady on trips and making regular visits to the White House. The president has also credited his grandchildren with persuading him to challenge then-President Donald Trump for the White House in 2020.

Biden’s statement was first reported by People Magazine.

No stocking for her at Christmas.

This is probably why they want to keep the poor kid out of the public spotlight.

No, they simply want to try and bury more evidence of what scumbags the entire family are.

A family of sexual degenerates.  Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is a pedophile, Hunter a total degenerate that exploited his grieving sister-in-law, got her addicted to crack so he could screw her, a brother that sends dick-picks and who knows what Jill’s degeneracy is, aside from doing ANYTHING to stay in the White House. If they truly cared about Hunter, they would have intervened in his downward spiral instead of enabling it so he would share his influence peddling income with them all. I guess Hallie didn’t appreciate  Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden trying to strong-arm her to protect Hunter himself from political embarrassment.

Considering they’ve tried to smother this, and all the other potential charges against Hunter and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, what are the chances Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and Garland are just going to step aside and allow justice to follow its course?

A 100% chance, apparently.

There’s a reason why Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden emphatically declared he wouldn’t pardon Hunter (not that he wouldn’t lie). He knows a pardon is not going to be necessary.

Wrong, as usual.

I can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics you’ll undertake in order to make the conviction into just another part of Biden’s nefarious scheme.

They didn’t exactly “step aside”. The entire family showed up to make it clear to the jury that the Biden Crime Family has their eyes on them. Like everything else they do, they failed. We haven’t seen the sentence yet.

Yeah, while the verdict supported what I have long said about Hunter lying on his 4473, it’s true I got the call wrong on the verdict. Yet the verdict doesn’t surprise me because the evidence of Hunter’s crimes were overwhelming. But, how about how you squirm out of your mistakes?

I seem to remember you making some bold claims. Claims like predictions that Trump would be acquitted and that many here were calling for civil war. When would you be getting around to providing evidence of those posts or admitting you are lying? I keep waiting.

Guilty as a MFer.

But but but…dat weaponized DOJ!

This was the sacrifice Joe made for his own salvation

But of course. There’s always a deeper level of conspiracy with you nuts.

What was the evidence presented that Trump sexually assaulted the nut, E. Jean Carroll? What was the evidence of financial fraud that justified a half billion dollar fine? What was the underlying crime the turned a bookkeeping error into a felony that all 12 jurors unanimously agreed Trump was guilty of? Answer all those, then we’ll discuss who is nuts about a conspiracy.

Hasn’t taken over to the point that it can overcome such overwhelming evidence outside of NYC.

FBI quarterly report shows 15% drop in violent crime compared to last year

“The latest preliminary quarterly crime figures from the FBI show dramatic decreases: a 26% drop in murders, robberies down by nearly 18% and violent crime overall down 15% in the first quarter of 2024, compared to last year in the same period.”

You can do that when you stop charging crimes and just let criminals go.

*LOL* Quick! Where’s the fly swatter?

Buzz off, Joey. *LOL*

Maybe I just lack contemporary fashion sensibilities.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

His cell phone ring tone is probably a buzz.

TREASON is a much more serious charge than a gun violation. Joe Biden committed TREASON by selling his influence to our enemies: Communist China and Ukraine. Ukraine is NOT an ally of the US, merely a parasitical proxy war with Russia!

Last edited 7 months ago by TrumpWon


This might cost him a few votes.

Biden-Harris Regime Shoots Down $24 Billion Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops . . . After Spending 7x More Than That on Ukraine

I know… he can claim it was a TRUMP policy and he didn’t have the authority to reverse it! Like Afghanistan!

Trump leads Biden by 8 pts in Ohio.

You people are nuts.

What do you mean “you people”, dirty racist, bigot remark.

Please explain how it’s racist. This ought to be good.

Why don’t you explain why you haven’t provided the posts of those who predicted Trump would be acquitted or those calling for civil war?

Jesus fucking Christ, I did. I fucking did, you wretched fuckstick. Expend some energy and find it. It was only four or five days ago.

Mikey losing it.

He only thought he had it in the first place.

That’s really strange because I check the “Active Discussions” to see who has commented lately (I don’t get email notifications) and, in reality, you NEVER provided the comments. Now, you should be able to tell me what article you posted it on, then I could go and find it.

So, instead of lying about having done it, why don’t you actually do it?

Now, you should be able to tell me what article you posted it on, then I could go and find it.

I have no idea. You’ve pulled this same shit in many threads.

So, instead of lying about having done it, why don’t you actually do it?

I don’t care enough about your opinion to lie to you about anything.

Last edited 7 months ago by Michael

Can’t do it.

So… you didn’t. You lied, are lying now and consistently lie. Though that is certainly what leftists do, it doesn’t mean you don’t get called out.

NO ONE predicted Trump would be acquitted and NO ONE has called for a civil war. You are merely a liar and you’ve all but admitted it.

What “damning evidence” below? You’re not actually showing a damn thing. Is your target audience REALLY as stupid as you think?

I’m not suggesting that some of them aren’t.

06/10/24 – Donald Trump Suffers Quadruple Polling Blow

Former President Donald Trump has been stung by a number of polls in recent days, including those suggesting his hush money felony conviction may be harming his 2024 election chances.

With less than five months to go, Trump and President Joe Biden still appear to be neck-and-neck in the race, although results of recent polls suggest that Biden may be ahead.

Newsweek has compiled at least four results from recent surveys that may be concerning for Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee. Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Newsweek in reaction to some of the polls: “President Trump continues to lead Crooked Joe Biden across polling averages nationally and in battleground states.”

CBS News/YouGov survey released Sunday showed Trump narrowly ahead of Biden overall (50 percent to 49 percent).

However, when the results were broken down into the seven swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—which likely will prove vital in determining who wins the 2024 election—the results were reversed and Biden came out on top (50 percent to 49)…

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Well, here’s some damning evidence: Hunter has not been prosecuted for FARA offenses or even forced to register retroactively like the Podesta’s were allowed to do. Remember, Manafort went to jail for FARA violations that were 12 years old. Seems sometimes, the GESTAPO considers FARA a serious issue.

Note Hunter’s absence.

Hunter Biden being convicted of a firearms charge is the ultimate red herring of red herrings.

The DOJ allowed the statute of limitations expire on his most serious tax charges, buried evidence of the Bidens’ foreign bribery allegations, and attempted to give Hunter a sweetheart deal with broad immunity.

David Weiss wouldn’t go after him on the serious tax charges or on FARA because all of that would lead back to the shady business dealings involving his father.

Instead, they went after him for a much lesser charge, where the evidence was way too insurmountable to ignore, so they can scream “nobody is above the law” when they put President Trump in jail.


Horse manure. Hunter Biden is facing tax evasion charges that are more serious than the gun charges. The trial is scheduled for September. Hopefully Trump will be following the trial on the TV in a prison rec room.

Last edited 7 months ago by Greg

Yeah, he’s facing tax charges. Those are the ones that are LEFT. The DoJ let a pile of them expire. I wonder why?

Trump should pledge to pardon Hunter if he is elected. He should say that if Hunter can pass weekly drug tests for three months, he will issue a full pardon for his gun crimes.

Why should he do that?

To be compassionate and to cause leftist heads to explode. What would you do, denounce it?

Too bad you lied about those calling for civil war or predicting Trump would be acquitted, huh?

Why on Earth would that make leftists’ heads explode?

cognitive dissonance

One of the stupidest things you people do is to make decisions based on the idea that it will “stick it to the libs.”

One of the stupidest things you people do is to make decisions based on the idea that it will “stick it to the libs.”

So says the fan of leftist fascist lawfare.

Why on earth don’t you provide the quotes of those who predicted Trump would be acquitted and those calling for civil war?