German Jehovah’s Witness Hall Shooting Shows Gun Control Laws Don’t Stop Tragedies

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While German authorities continue their investigation into the mass shooting at a Jehovah’s Witnesses hall in Hamburg, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says U.S. politicians should learn something from the tragic incident.
“Anti-gunners who claim mass shootings don’t happen anywhere but America are once again proven wrong,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “More importantly, they should acknowledge that restrictive gun laws do not prevent evil people from committing violent crimes, and that they leave innocent people vulnerable to deadly attacks.”
Six people were murdered in the rampage, and then the killer, identified as Philipp Fusz, took his own life. Published reports say he used a pistol, which he legally owned. He reportedly had no criminal record and no links to terrorism, which would have disqualified him from owning a firearm.
“The typical reflex from politicians following such a tragedy is to further tighten down on law-abiding gun owners,” Gottlieb observed. “But the lesson to be drawn from Hamburg, and any other such incident, is that no law or set of laws can truly prevent some determined individual from committing mayhem. So, the logical solution is to make it easier for people to defend themselves in such situations.
“It has never made sense anywhere to disarm honest citizens in an effort to keep criminals and crazy people from committing violent crimes,” he continued. “That’s why defending the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is so important here in the United States, and why the Citizens Committee is not about to fold our tent and go home.
“We’ve seen what happens when legally-armed citizens can fight back,” Gottlieb noted. “Would-be mass shooters were stopped last year in Indiana and West Virginia by good people with guns. Hamburg is a tragic reminder that restrictive gun laws cannot guarantee public safety, and that being vigilant and able to fight back at least levels the playing field.”

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The police are honing in on a motive.
From USAToday:

Police said the suspect left the congregation about a year and a half ago “voluntarily, but apparently not on good terms.”

Officers visited the man in January after receiving an anonymous tip claiming he “bore particular anger toward religious believers, in particular toward Jehovah’s Witnesses,” said Meyer.

How about instead of claiming they have no idea about a motive these police just put 2 and 2 together.
Perhaps cover for the fact that, after that visit to this man, police decided he was OK to keep his guns.

Gun Control/Confiscation only allows some narrow minded pea-brains t o be on some fake news programs(60 Minutes, CBS Sunday Morning GMA, Today Etc. and pose for the 6:00 News and announce another useless gun control bill