by Emerald Robinson
Citizen journalist Joe Rossi showed up at the Georgia State Capitol yesterday for the State Election Board meeting to announce that America’s corrupt voting system had finally been caught beyond a shadow of a doubt.
It’s now been proven that Fulton County’s hand audit and the certified machine count are both in violation of Georgia’s election law.
That’s right: Georgia’s State Election Board has been forced to admit in writing that Fulton County cheated.
“One word: VINDICATED.”
Joseph Rossi details how both the hand count audit and the certified machine recount in Fulton County have been found to be in violation of Georgia election law.
And guess what? It’s enough to alter the outcome of the election
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) May 7, 2024
That’s not all.
Garland Favorito delivered the death-blow to America’s electronic voting systems by exposing the fact that Georgia’s election officials were too stupid to understand the systems that they maintain.
Yes, that happened too.
Garland Favorito @VoterGa calls for a real investigation into the QR Code mismatch error, which systematically undercounts votes and was found in 65 of 67 counties analyzed in GA in 2020
The error is undetected by observers but shows up in system log files from 20, 21, and 22
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) May 7, 2024
There’s something called a “QR Code mismatch error” in these systems — which under-counts valid votes every time.
That error was found in almost every Georgia county in their 2020 vote totals.
Hmmm…. I wonder what that would look like on a timeline graph. A GIGANTIC SPIKE in votes for Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, perhaps?
Oh… Fulton County. That’s Atlanta… where STATE FARM ARENA is.
It shouldn’t have taken three f**king years to get to this point. All the stonewalling, denials and lawfare kept the truth from being known by the American people, just as the FBI kept the truth of Hunter’s laptop from being known. Democrats are not only incompetent failures, but they are as corrupt as any party on the planet.
Notice the democrats or biden are not saying anything about how he got 81 million votes, more than obama in his two elections and they are not saying how it was the most secure election ever. They know biden is illegitimate like a majority of Americans do.
We’ve always known it and could always show it. It’s simply becoming harder to legitimately have confidence that the 2020 election was anything close to legitimate.
The M.S. Media are Silent so are the Globalists and CFR/UN/Globalists
The UN?Globalists want the whole world under their total Control why else did the UN was made for
Well we all know what bears do in the woods.
What do you expect from BLM/Antifa officials and the Vichy Republicans in Georgia who had ballots delivered in the dead of night and also had them hidden under tables??