Gay Pornster Senate Aide Was Previously Warned by Senator Cardin’s Staff to “Stop Posting Nude and Semi-Nude Pictures” to His Social Media Accounts

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by Ace

Was that wrong?

A junior-level legislative aide who was fired after a video surfaced showing him and another person having sex in a Congressional office building had been warned at least once about his risqué social media postings, The Desk has learned.In November, Senator Ben Cardin’s Chief of Staff Chris Lynch promoted U.C. Berkeley graduate Aidan Maese-Czeropski from his entry-level aide job while simultaneously warning the 23-year-old to stop posting nude and seminude photographs to his public Instagram page, according to a person familiar with the situation.

Maese-Czeropski affirmed the warning in a now-deleted story posted to his Instagram page, in which he said the “chief of staff just promoted me and in the same breath suggested I tone down my social media.”

For about two weeks, Maese-Czeropski relegated most of his revealing posts to a “Close Friends” feed, where he posted nude photographs of himself while working from home and while traveling to Las Vegas and other places, according to a source within Senator Cardin’s office who asked to remain anonymous because they were not authorized to speak with reporters without permission. He began posting publicly again earlier this month, where his unclothed photographs were available to more than 1,000 followers, including some who worked with Maese-Czeropski in the U.S. Senate, the source said.

Maese-Czeropski’s Instagram page was “something of an open secret” within Senator Cardin’s office, the source affirmed, adding that it was “generally known” that some of Maese-Czeropski’s posts connected him to his Senate job. One month before his promotion, Maese-Czeropski posted that he was “waiting for Lindsey Graham in the work showers,” referencing the Republican U.S. Senator from South Carolina. In another, Maese-Czeropski wrote that he was “trying to resist the urge to suck on Representative [Eric] Sorensen’s gorgeous fingers” while seated near to the openly-gay Congressman at a luncheon.

Despite the questionable posts, few within Senator Cardin’s office felt there was much they could do about Maese-Czeropski’s social media activity, with Lynch telling one staffer that the posts were “made on a personal account” and that the office “didn’t want to come across as impeding on the personal expression of an openly-gay staffer,” the source said.

Yeah. Just like the world had to shut down for covid, but gays didn’t even have to lay off orgies with completely random strangers to stop the spread of monkeypox which they were nigh-solely spreading.

Gays cannot be challenged or disciplined for any reason. They can only be Affirmed and Celebrated for their choices at all times by all people.

Someone remarked that this guy is exactly what you get when you do nothing but treat gay kids differently — treat them as delicate flowers which must always be affirmed and attended to. This guy on Twitter (I think) remarked this fucking lunatic didn’t even realize that filming and publishing a video of him getting buttf***ed by a random German in the well of the Senate could possibly be wrong, because not a single time in his soft sheltered Gay Bubble life was he ever told that gays sometimes do things that aren’t worthy of praise and celebration.

And certainly he was never told that sometimes, they do things that are worthy of scorn, opprobrium, and official consequences.

F’n’ creep pervert.

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If he had posted a pro-Trump meme or comment, he would have been fired immediately. Democrats are quick to accept degeneracy as a character trait.

I used to think dr fauci loved gays and wanted to allow them their freedom even in the face of HIV/AIDS.
He’s the one who said their right to love who they love should be respected at the start of the AIDS pandemic when almost all Public Health doctors and nurses were begging for quarantines and lists of sexual contacts that might have nipped AIDS in the bud.

But perhaps dr fauci really hates gays.
Maybe that’s why he allowed public policies that helped spread HIV/AIDS far and wide.
Recently he did the same with monkey pox, which used to be more survivable but now kills one-in-ten who catch it.
And it is almost an exclusively gay disease spread by anal sex.

Growing up gay amid views like his, this senate aide had no sense of what is public and what should be private.
One too many SF gay naked parades mocking the children present with faked sex acts infront of them.

Democrats want to make this behavior mainstream.