by Don Surber
The Washington Examiner reported,
“Even with trial burden, Trump outcampaigns Biden. Many Democrats see the trial of former President Donald Trump, prosecuted by the elected Democratic district attorney of Manhattan, as a valuable political tool. While Trump is tied down in a courtroom, required to be in court every day trial is in session, President Joe Biden can be out on the campaign trail, meeting voters. What a contrast, Democrats say (while at the same time denying that District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump is politically motivated).”
While in Atlanta, where he faces a show trial for making a phone call on Election Night, Trump stopped at a Chick-fil-A and bought milkshakes for everyone. He posed for selfies and had a jolly good time.
In New York, where Alvin the Chipmunk Bragg is trying him because a porn whore extorted money from him, the jolly times continued.
“Trump vows to ‘straighten New York out’ while visiting bodega where clerk Jose Alba was hit with murder charge for stabbing an ex-con in self-defense.”
Only public outcry forced Bragg to drop charges against the bodega clerk, who is now suing the bastard.
Trump had them singing the national anthem in Harlem. Colin Kaepernick was the hardest hit.
Not to be outdone, FJB visited a Sheetz in Pittsburgh and later a Wawa.
“The crowd and employees smiled politely at Biden, dressed in his famous aviator sunglasses, as Biden went behind the counter to take photos with a cashier.
“However, it was more formal than Trump, who worked the room speaking to supporters, shaking hands, giving autographs and even hugging a woman.
“Biden made an order of sandwiches, fruit and other ready-to-eat items alongside Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey and Allegheny County Executive Sara Innamorato.”
How poorly did things go? Well, the Sheetz hit the fan later that day.
AP reported hours after the pit stop,
“The Sheetz convenience store chain has been hit with a lawsuit by federal officials who allege the company discriminated against minority job applicants.
“Sheetz Inc., which operates more than 700 stores in six states, discriminated against black, Native American and multiracial job seekers by automatically weeding out applicants whom the company deemed to have failed a criminal background check, according to U.S. officials.”
The federal government does the same thing.
This is thug behavior by an illegitimate administration, which stuffed the ballot box with mailed-in votes to swipe the 2020 election.
AP said,
“The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed suit in Baltimore against Altoona, Pennsylvania-based Sheetz and two subsidiary companies, alleging the chain’s longstanding hiring pracThe tices have a disproportionate impact on minority applicants and thus run afoul of federal civil rights law.”
Timing is everything in comedy and politics.
“Diversity and inclusion are essential parts of who we are. We take these allegations seriously. We have attempted to work with the EEOC for nearly eight years to find common ground and resolve this dispute.”
This lawsuit may backfire as loudly as trying Donald Trump for such things as taking out a loan and paying it back, according to James Bovard whose latest book is Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty.
Bovard wrote in a column in the New York Post,
“Congress never intended to give equal opportunity to felons and ex-convicts when it enacted the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
“Permitting federal agencies to become regulatory dictators is a travesty of the Constitution and common sense.
“Crime could be one of the defining issues in this year’s presidential election.
“If Republicans highlight the EEOC Sheetz lawsuit, Biden could sweat far more the next time he wanders in to do a campaign photo op at one of its stores.”
Trump doesn’t need to do that to win because Democrats are going out of their way to kill their own chances.
Using the courts to kill Donald Trump was well planned and coordinated by the White House. Unfortunately, the planner appears to be the incompetent Kamala Harris fresh off her job as border czar, which saw the largest invasion American history.
The DC press is in denial of course.
“Trump and his allies like to complain these days that he is a victim of ‘lawfare’ — some sort of elaborate, multi-jurisdictional conspiracy involving federal and state prosecutors, private civil litigators and judges in different courts across the country to take him down through the court system. The media aids and abets it, in their telling.”
And yet the trials are coordinated so that he is not in two courts at the same time. The press coverage, too, is coordinated, which was the whole point of the Politico story I cited, “Inside the Off-the-Record Calls Held by Anti-Trump Legal Pundits
“Some of the country’s most prominent legal commentators are holding off-the-record sessions to hash out the latest twists and turns in Donald Trump’s legal saga.”
By hash out, Politico meant agree to a narrative.
Politico said,
“Trump’s unprecedented legal situation has generated intense public interest and a robust media ecosystem of its own. Suddenly, lawyers and legal pundits who might once have been relegated to unglamorous client or academic work are in very high demand in the media — even more so today than during Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation.
“They are hosting podcasts, writing books and popular Substacks and crafting well-followed social media feeds that often appear to serve, as a practical matter, as self-promotional tools for their other media products and as a mechanism to attract the attention of television bookers with the latest hot take about Trump’s court cases.
“For them, this is a unique opportunity to weigh in with the public at a critical juncture in American politics and to obtain a level of public recognition and stature that few lawyers can ever attain. The people on this call — and on some level the call itself — are essential cogs in that system, helping to generate and shape content for Trump-hungry consumers.”
By Trump-hungry consumers, they mean TDS sufferers whose lives revolve solely around their hatred of him because the rest of us tune these clowns out. We grow in number as the trials drag on and the economy sinks.
So… why is Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden patronizing a racist chain of businesses? It must be because he’s a RACIST!
Do these “journalists” not remember the “Journal List”, an elaborate, multi-jurisdictional conspiracy involving so-called journalists from all across the country coordinating leftist propaganda? They act like this level of scumbaggery is unheard of and impossible. Hell, it’s SOP for the left.
The left (which includes the Ministry of Propaganda) is making the same mistake they made in 2016. They can’t HELP covering Trump and though among their elitist snobs, all this bullshit looks delicious. For everyone else, it more than validates everything Trump accuses the left of doing and strengthens his support. Support for Trump, even in Manhattan, is exploding. This is the hope of the nation; thus far, these far left fascist tactics have not worked and are widely rejected by the loyal citizens. How long that can withstand a constant barrage of such lies and lawfare is unknown and is in no way assured.